What history is taught in your country's schools?

What history is taught in your country's schools?

Our was:
>History of WW1
>History of WW2 from beginning of Hitler's rise to power and up to 1945, and also the main exam is on the same topic.
>The holocaust isn't really taught in depth, just some technical stuff about where the camps were and when they were liberated and it's a very small part of WW2.

>Learn about dumb indigenous peoples
>English history starting with Magna Carta and "ending" with Jamestown
>Colonial period
>Louisiana Purchase
>Civil War/Reconstruction
>Gilded age
>WWI/WWII muh 6 gorillion
>Holohoax sensationalism
>Cold War

>Indians and how bad we are for colonization
>Nigger slavery and how bad we are for it
>Holocaust and how bad we are for it
>State History
>White Flight and how bad we are for doing it

CA history: not much about Indians, little on the Mexican period & some stuff about Japanese internment in WW2. Blacks rioted in Watts 1965 & LA 1992. And finally, LGBT in SF.

I remember a "Contemporary American History" class as a SENIOR in high school, where every week we took on a decade, and what we learned about "America" in that decade boiled down to:

1950: Hula hoops and cars.
1960: Hippie culture, maaan, Beatniks, duuude.
1970: Disco, bell bottoms, and did we mention disco?

And that was basically the class. I really didn't learn anything useful whatsoever in school. Just a MASSIVE waste of my time and a direct hindrance to my own self-education.

omg USA sounds horrible, you aren't even taught about evens that mattered like WW1 and WW2, just some local hippie garbage nobody cares about lmao

If you don't take the pleb courses in the US, then you cover general world history since the agricultural revolution, in depth US history, European political history since the Hundred years war, and some local state history.

great dutch trade,golden age of holland so Art trade(VOC & WIC),more random dutch eras, 80-year war,ancient rome, ancient greece, ancient egypt,mongolian invasion ww1 ww2 (also NL/hollands ww2 cuck stories)

after all the knowledge my final exams was only about ww2, started to hate jewish history thanks to the history classes because it's like they are the only people that mattered STFU kikes

also i went to a private school, for rich cunts even tho i'm a broke boii desu

>WW1 funded Israel
>WW2 further funded and solidified the reason for the existence of Israel

Yeah, I can see why you people value these wars so much.

And like who's fault is that?

>We wuz Incas and sheeeeiitt
>Colonial Period
>Republic period
>Muh Chile, muh stolen sea
>WWI and how Germans are the bad guys
>Guerra del Chaco and how we lost a large portion of our territory to Paragay
>WWII and how Germans are the scum of the earth
>Cold War

My teacher was very good, made me love history. Small guy but good heart.

whats your point? besides the fact that you're retarded, what's your point?

ancient india was greatest country in the world , alexander fled out of fear

arabs/british had divide and rule over india

we fuck off british be the use of non-voilence and ghandhi

indian will be superpower by 2050

Primary school:
Guy fawkes, ancient egypt, ancient Rome.
Secondary school ( didn't take it at GCSE)
Causes of ww1 and the battle of the Somme, magna carta, transatlantic slavetrade, English civil War, Holocaust, Industrial revolution.

>ancient india was greatest country in the world , alexander fled out of fear

One can only tolerate the smell of shit so much before fleeing.

that the founders of israel caused and profited from these wars and stories resulting from at the expense of the world.

No wonder their achievements warrant such recognition in your shit hole. the other parts of the world are taught many other things with less significance on the world wars, as they didn't do much for us, and are sad stories told on our side.

While your side glorifies these wars which killed our people and sucked us dry economically to your benefit. You're pieces of shit and people are starting to realize it, war on Israel and you fuckin' kikes is going to be imminent soon as the truth keeps trickling out.

Testing new flaggot

>exhaustive coverage on the abos' history
>some on the Canada/US independence wars
>WWI and II but almost nothing on the cold war
>on WWII: lots of feelsy stuff about the 6 guhdillion, some on the major battles Canadian troops participated in, very little if anything about the eastern front except for where the front lines were at any particular time

2/10, incomplete and biased history with minimal or no explanation about the reasons any of the conflicts actually started.

Early school
>Norman Conquest of Britain
>Medieval Europe
Mid years
>Slave trade
>Victorian Britian/ Industrial revolution (I.e. Just child workhouse and miners)
>Hitler's rise to power and treatment of Jews and Women
>Cold war
Only the early years were good desu

I only learned about American operations and some that were vey fake such as my teacher claiming that America captured Berlin

Most Jewish population was exterminated, so I'll ask again, what are you on about?

we were taught there were
>6 million

Everything, from prehistory to modern democracy? What are u referring to?

most German/important European stuff from the Stoneages to 1914, then WW1 and WW2, and then the Cold War, but mostly about the German wall and all that
was mostly politics and all that for us, of course there was some stuff about how evil nazis were, but not as much as you'd assume

it's hard to answer your question with that stupid pirate flag of yours.

Holy shit I was literally just talking to a friend about this.
Basically same as OP in my mid teen years, but I distinctly remember being told that nationalism and socialism are mutually exclusive ideologies in regards to Hitler's rise to power


in primary school they teach prehistory
in secondary school they teach from the appearance of mycaines to turkish occupation
and in hight school they teach from the revolution to turkish invasion of cyprus

we have plenty of history
but children cant grasp history until they are old enough like 17-18 thats when i started having a sense for history and wanting to learn from it

>Civil War or WW2
>Every year
I didn't even know Ireland was 2 fucking countries until I came to Sup Forums in my mid 20s.

Before 9/11. This was the basic outline of World Geography in the US.
-transformation from barter to currency
-era that lead to Rome
-Medevil times
-Christianity and European monarchies
-european conquest and exploration
-Protestants tell it like it is
-Pilgrims and separatists
-early america and the territories. French and English can be assholes, but at least they are somewhat fair?
-the revolution and birth of a nation
-slavery n sheeeit
-the civil war
-black friday
-WW2 changed shit forever
-the UN
-more wars and modern geopolitics
-East and West Germany, the wall.
-the Soviet Union, and why they are the worst.
- american civil rights era
-the world coincidentally goes to shit after the 60s right in text in front of your face
-Kennedy and Cuban missile crisis
-Glasnost and Perastroika (sp?)
-fall of the bitch ass Soviet Union
-things settle down

Post 9/11 World Geography
-white people are bad
-atlantic slave trade
-white people are bad
-cultural marxism
-white people are bad
-alluah ackbar

from 1500 bc to 2000 ad
one thing to be proud of

oh all the way back till when we colonised Hellas

Don't even remember. Feudalism was shit, and then we got to vote and the social democrats fixed everything.

Pretty based
>Ancient Grecce and Rome
>Middle Ages, rather positive approach
>We (Poles) wuz kangz all over human history
>Decline of state bc democrazy and too much
>Then partitions and romantic nationalism
>They actually teach us that civil war in US was'nt about slavery
>WWI and Piłsudski
>WWII and holocaust
>Then the evils of communist and why is worst thing in the world

>learned about natives and their "culture" for ever
>covered how the evil white European genocided them with blankets
>went over colonial period, mostly fur trade
>how we anglos fucked the french at the fields of abraham
>taught how we btfo'd america in 1812(although it was british and just a few canadian militia)
>nothing.jpg for 100 years
>we did vimy and shiet
>women did everything in ww1 and ww2
Thats it.

Can't even remember at this point. I know we had a shitload of revolutionary-period history in elementary school.

Threads like this intrinsically lose all value with our "improved" flag system.

A little about the civil war which was caused by

Germany invaded Poland, D-day but most importantly that led to the
pearl harbor, nuking Japan but then back to the


aaaaaaaand thats about it.

>mfw when jewish talk less about holocaust than french one.

Most? 3/8, and that's with your exaggerated numbers, is not most. Thought kikes could math.

7th grade- monkey man and monkey man drawing till egypt.
8th grade- from a bit after that till around before industrial revolution.
9th grade from that to some faggot modern era with communication and shit, WW1 and WW2 were each talked about in like 2 classes, how it started and when and when it ended and if you want to learn more books are your friend boy

sadly, many posters here don't get it

most in those countries touched by war


No it is not. If u need a country to fill up your poll socket, fuck you.

Almost literally everything, Mesophotamia, Ancient Greece, Roman Empire, Civil War, of course, non-of these were in-depht, and Hungary's history was the most important above everything else, but still..

Evolutionary history
Ancient history: Egypt, Greece
Abrahamic religions
European Middle ages
Spanish conquest of the Americas
Spanish Empire
The Enlightenment
Napoleonic Wars
Industrial Revolution
Bolshevik Revolution
Nazi Germany
Spanish Civil War
Francoist Regime
Spain's Transition to Democracy
The UE

Wtf is with all these people what weren't taught US history, world history, European history, and modern history as separate year long courses?

For WW1 all we learned about was gas attacks and the Treaty of Versailles.

Don't forget trench foot!

there's nothing more thorough than italy's history classes
you don't know real pain until you get to the french revolution, or early 1900 Italy

>first from the prehistoric times to the start of WWI
>then all of that once again for no real reason
>then from the end of WWI to modern time
>then prehistory to WWI once again
We did spend an entire year in WWII, but focused mostly on the soviet invasion of Poland with little holocoastering.

Greeks to Romans, Medieval to Renaissance and Age of Exploration. From there the main focus is on American history but we also look at the French revolution and the Napoleonic wars

We learn about when we were kangs and shit and a little bit about slavery and modern white oppression

Also a few years of latin were required in middle school, so we had to learn ancient roman culture in extra depth. We could choose Spanish or French, and I chose both so I had to learn in depth French and Spanish and Latin American history. What is the state of American schooling holy shit.

uhh I kinda need a context of your country if you're going to tell me what the school history is in your COUNTRY

Norwegian, Swedish and Danish history. Out relationship, and how Russia defeated Germany in ww2 even tho they hit some bumps in the road because of Stalin and Finland senpai. Torture methods the chinese used, french wars that lasted forever. Kings of England, and the queens. America and their brief history. Nothing at all about asia, Africa abd the middle east other than the torture methods.

>Canadian indigenous and why they are different
>Canadian indigenous and how they shaped our electoral system
>Canadian indigenous and why you should hate colonialism
>Canadian indigenous and why Catholics were objectively evil
and if you stomach that enough to get to elective history
>literally everything else that happened in the world crammed into two semesters

The Canadian educational system revels in the smell of it's own farts

quite a lot but almost everything very, very summarized: ancient egypt and greece, iberians and celts, roman empire, visigoths, al-andalus, cid and the reconquista, history of spain ''in depth'' with all their kings (starting with isabella 1 of castile), history of europe/russia in general, independence war of US, ww1 and ww2, with the spanish civil war being completely biased by republicans and allies for obvious reasons

>~10 school years of learning about slaves and the holocaust for at least a month a semester
>1 semester of world history/geography
>2 years of actual American history, focused mostly on "big business is bad and we need government to protect us, but nevermind the many times the state has directly breached your rights to protect big business"

>5. and 9. grade:
Universal history:
Early civilizations during the Ice Age, Mesopotamia, Egypt, Hellenic civilization, rise and fall of the Roman Empire
Hungarian History:
>6. and 10. grade
Universal history:
Middle Ages, Knighthood era, 100 Years' War, Renaissance, Discovery of America, fall of the Aztec, Maya and Inca Empires, New political ideologies, Frenchcuck revolution, Colonization, US war of Independence,
Hungarian history:
Middle Ages, basiccaly every Hungarian king until the end of the Middle Ages, Transition to Christianity, Battle of Muhi and the Mongol conquest, 1456 Siege of Nándorfehérvár, Wars against the Ottoman Empire, John Hunyadi, Matthias Hunyadi, fall of the kingdom of Hungary after the Battle of Mohács and the partitionong of the country, History of occupied Hungary, Kingdom of Hungary and transylvania during the partition era, defeat of the Ottoman Empire, Rákóczi's War of Independence, Maria Theresia and Joseph II
>7. and 11. grade
Universal History:
basically the entire XIX century, beginning with Napoleon and ending with 1914, economic revolution, revolutions of 1848, Victorian era, colonization, Unification of Italy and Germany, US Civil War, immigration to US Meiji era, China, Rise of the Russian Empire, etc
Hungarian history:
Reform era, Economic boom, 1848 Revolution, Passive resistance, Austro-Hungarian compromise of 1867, why did a bunch of ethnicities fuck up the country, Austro-Hungarian era.
>8. and 12. grade
Basically the entire XX. century, literally everything. WWI, Interbellum, WWII, Cold War, Collapse of the SU, the EU and why is it good for the goys
Hungary in WWI, 1919 Republic, commie dictatorship, subhuman romanian hordes' attack, TRIANON!, Horthy-era, Hungary in WWII, MUH 6 GORILLION, post-WWII Republic, Rákosi-era, 1956 revolution, Kádár era, 1989, 90s,
That's all

I'm surprised so many other countries teach the American Civil war.

>General history of our country
>For some reason extensive emphasis in Asian history
>Everyone in college knows at least every single important name in each dinasty instead of our own colonies
>Quick review of WW2, almost nothing of WW1
>Hitler never depicted as a demon, not even as a bad guy
>Not single mention of Holocaust, maybe just as an anecdote
>We also treat all indigenous people history like shit, like they deserved the famine, massacre and enslavement, no "muh 100 gorillion" guilt
That on the top of my head, our education system is unconventional to say the least. I can tell more if someone wants to.

-primary school (5 years):
from paleolithic to 1945
-middle school ( 3 years):
from paleolithic to 1945
-high school (5 years):
from paleolithic to vietnam war.

the difference is in how much deep a fact is teached.
we were teached about european history mostly, but in high school we had asian history(mostly china, mongolia and japan from shogunate to 1945), colonialism and of course all the greatest event in america, like:
pre-colombian civs
spanish colonialism
the age of slavery
indipendence of murrica
civil war in murrica
and pratically all murrican 900 history

public school btw

Mostly because it's the first modern war, where people a lot of people died in a short period of time.
Also to show that Americans are douches

>Antiquity(Egypt, Greece, Roman empire, christianity)
>Middle age(France*, Byzantine Empire, islam)
>negroe empire of africa(don't laugh it is actually teached)
>Renaissance(we are racist bigot that did slavery
>Enlightnement(we were racist but we became tolerant)
>WW1(we were racist and nationalist again)
>WW2(we were evil collaborator that killed the poor jews)
>USSR(how great it was)

Note that French history is never teached in the so called French school

I was far right in high school, but (((media))) constantly portrayed Law and Justice as uneducated morons, so I sort of belived in their propaganda.
But when they form they first government, they changed aproved history books for right wing ones. Mine was writen by catholic monarchist.
So, he wrote, colonialism wasnt bad and eriched africa, CSA were good guys and stuff.
I realized the scale of (((lies))), and that Kaczynski is actually redpilled. I vote for him since.

Uh, all of it?

When learning about Stalin and Mao
>They were total mass murders. So many dead. Sad! Next topic

well im nip, and they told us that it was right to hate usa and china, im okay with that :)

As I had:
- General History
>Ancient Age (emphasizing Greece and Rome until High Roman Empire)
>Constantine, Christianism, Constantinople and Bizantine Empire, but not anything deep
>Middle Age Issues: Frank Empire, Holy Roman Empire, 100 Years War, War of Roses, Black Death, Reconquista - once again, nothing so deep
>Formation of National States: Portugal, Spain, France and England
>Age of Discovery (but emphasizing Portugal, of course)
>Protestant Reform, Counter-Reformation and ((((evil Inquisition))))
>Enlightment and eeeevil Classic Liberalism
>US Independence (not deep)
>((((The Wonderful))) French Revolutiion and Napoleonic Wars
>US Civil War
>(((Evil Imperialism))) in Africa and Asia
>(((Utopic))) and (((Scientific))) Socialism, Paris Commune
>Unification of Italy and Germany
>First WW, started by (((Evil))) Germans
>(((All Hail Russian Revolution)))
>1929 and how New Deal saved Capitalism
>Fascism and Nazism
>II WW and Holocaust
>UN and how wonderful it is
>Evil Israel and poor Palestins
>Globalization and how horrible it is (see above)
(next post, Brazilian history)

WW1, the colonisation of the country and the treaty of waitangi. After the first mandatory half a semester in year 9 we got to choose (minimum one) between history, social studies and geography, I picked geography then dropped that the next year.
After becoming redpilled I'm pretty happy I skipped propaganda:the subject.
t. nzfag

>Ancient Egypt
>Ancient Greece and Rome
>Medieval time (Enlightenment vision)
>Industrial Revolution
>French Revolution
>Discovery of Brazil
>Monarchist period
>Republican period
>Militar dictatorship

Basically this, maybe I've forgotten something, it's been a while since I left school


That sounds just like my middle school curriculum, OP.

I appreciated the history I was taught in college though, that shit was cash.

I learned of the crusades finally, the Great Schism, Charlamagne, Viking technological advancements and their maritime capabilities.

I finally realized how influential Leonardo Da Vinci was.. I didn't realize he was a full blown engineer and helped the Italian army gain victories.

Most of my public education, the one that I didn't pay for, was complete shit. Mostly women trying to mother her "babies" in the class room. Nowadays women will just straight up fuck your brains out if you go to their class as a 13 year old.

Oh I should mention, besides the day it started/ending we 100% focused on the ANZAC portions of WW1.

>no dank divided bryten with eventual brytenwalda rising from the ashes
>not even william the fucking conqueror
>stupid ass paper more important than the nation being united or massive change of rule

fucking burger education. can't teach the history of a land for shit.

what negro empires are taught?

>>WW2(we were evil collaborator that killed the poor jews)
this is surreal

How do you do that without the avocado turning brown?

Years 1 through 11
>the treaty of waitangi
>apartheid and slavery

Looking back at my 12 years of school now I fully buy into the conspiracy theories about the purpose of schooling. We learned fuck all in 12 years of school.

I forgot ascencion of Islam and Industrial Revolution (thanks, ) in my previous post.

- Brazilian history:
-Brazil History
>Ethnical classification of Indians, and how (((evil))) Portuguese killed them almost all (Black Legend is a thing here)
>How Portuguese didn't discovery the country(because this is a bigot concept) and Tordesilhas Treaty (1494)
>Capitaincies of Brazil and how Capitaincies of São Vicente and Pernambuco managed to succeed
>General Governments and foundation of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro
>Sugarcane cycle and slavery
>Invasions of French and Dutch Period in Northeast - and how they finished our sugar cycle
>Palmares uprising and how Zumbi dos Palmares was a (((martyr)))
>Bandeirantes fellas and how they were evil
>Gold cycle
>First Separatist Movements (Inconfidência Mineira and Conjuração Baiana)
>Formation of our territory after Madrid Treaty (1750)
>Transfer of Royal Court to Brazil and more uprisings
>Independence, more uprisings and abdication of Peter I
>Regencial period - and even more uprisings
>Some stuff by Peter II
>Paraguay War, how evil we were and how Imperialist Britishes influenced on that
>Coffe cycle
>Abolition of slavery and how it was racist, as it is racist to celebrate Abolition Day instead Zumbi Day

learned some history between these points, but it was mostly one big guilt trip. very angering when you figure out the manipulation game being played.

>Some background to Republic and how better it is than Monarchy
>Old Republic, economic crisis and colonelism
>(((Revolution))) of 1930, end of coffee cycle and how wonderful Getúlio Vargas was, in industrializing our country - despite how (((evil))) we was with the commies, (((inventing))) that 1935 Communist Uprising was planned in Moscow [actually it really was]
>1945 Republic, how Dutra was dumb in cutting relationship with Soviet Union, how Carlos Lacerda was a douchebag responsible for Vargas' suicide, how wonderful JK was in building Brasília, how crazy Jânio Quadros was [true] and martyrdom of poor João Goulart
>(((Nazi-Fascist 1964 Military Coup))), (((how it was made by CIA))), (((how all military presidents were the same))), (((how poor terrorists were killed))), (((how economic miracle was a fade)))
>Sindicalism, how PT is wonderful and how Lula is our al-Mahdi
>New Republic, Diretas Já, poor Tancredo Neves, evil Sarney, evil Collor and ((neoliberal))) Fernando Henrique Cardoso.

revisionist crap

> History begins with the invention of writing
> Mesopotamians civs and ancient egypts
> Ancient greeks
> Roman republic and empire
> Jewish religion birth
> Christian religion birth and spread
> Some quick stuff about China
> Islamic religion birth and spread
> Feudality in Europe
> Rise of cities and merchants
> Organised christianity and crusades
> Great discoveries
> Renaissance with artistic but also politic situation
> Louis XIV
> Pre-revolution system, Lumières and slave trade
> Revolution and Napoleon
> Industrial revolution
> Political analysis of the 19th century and the right of vote
> WW1
> Between wars
> WW2
> Social and political consequences of WW2
> Cold war
> Social and political consequences of the end of Cold war

I have summed it up for you
>oh yeah fucking forests and trees and north and shamanism praise bear
>fucked saamis up
>fucked vikings up
>fucking christians
>fucking swedes
>fucking christian swedes
>seriously fuck swedes
>fucking russians
>fucking commies
>fucking russian commies
>fucking russian commies 2: electric boogaloo
>fucking rebuilding
>fucked up saamis again
>fucking depression

For world history:
Ancient Egyptians
If time "European history" which is basically just a quick rundown of Scandinavia and the celts.

Then we are required to take US history which goes as follows.
Revolution (king George was a tyrannical dictator and we earned our freedoms by throwing tea into a bay)
Skip articles of confederation
Skip war of 181
Skip first Spanish war
Civil war (southerners were all a bunch of evil racists who wanted to torture black people for fun, Abe Lincoln was jesus)
Post war period ( whitey was still racist and segregation happenned, whitey also genocide Indians because we love torture apparently)
Skip second Spanish war
WW1 (we invented tanks and singlehandedly saved europe)
WW2 (evil nazis gas chambers, america saved the world again through sheer force of being awesome and freedom magic)
End of class

A bit of stuff about medieval Germany, France, the Hanse and Luther, until 9th grade or so (out of 13). And then WW2 forevermore.

We are thought about everything, it's just weighted so poorly. Nothing about European paganism in general, almost nothing about Vikings or Norwegian pre-christian history.

Main focus = WW2 and Cold War.

>"European history" which is basically just a quick rundown of Scandinavia and the celts
Are you fucking kidding me?
>we invented tanks
>and singlehandedly saved europe

History taught me that good goys always win and that fighting the bad goys is good goys obligation

>WW1 (we invented tanks and singlehandedly saved europe)

>very simple bulgarian medieval history
>very simple t*rk period history, mostly about revolutionaries
>basic ancient history
>medieval european history
>renaissance history
>modern history
>in depth bulgarian medieval history
>in depth t*rk period
>in depth history of the third bulgarian tsardom
>practically nothing about communism

I'm not kidding
>American education
It's true

Ancient black Egyptian civilization
The evils of colonialism
Salem Witch trials
Slavery and Civil War
Civil rights movement
The unjust persecutions during The Red Scare
Repeat x100

>The evolution of the "human" (neaderthals and those fags)
>The first civilisations in the middle east ( Babylon and shiet)
>Ancient Egipt,Greece,Roman empire
>How croats came to where we are today(including theories about our heritage)
>Literally everything about europe from 0-1945 (every main conflict, every fucking country ever and their leaders throughout the years
>Colonisation ,world wars
1 & 2

Burger contribution to WW1 can't be in any possible way describe as a major thing. The frigging Ottoman Empire did more than the US in WW1.

You gave financial help starting 1916 because your people felt bad for Belgium and the Lusitania and sent timidly green troops starting 1917 who refused to be integrated to regular units and ended up being little use and took heavy damage compare to their involvement.

As for the tanks, it was the bongs.

> History class
> Teach Prehistory
God I hate that. It's the same crap here.

Amazing isn't it how the worst parts of history are the parts easily forgotten when they are what should be remembered in the first place