This is Nazbol headquarters. No SIONISTAS, (((BOURGEOISIE))), imperialists or Ronald Reagan allowed!
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Fuck off commie, you have no place in Kek's promised land
Cuckistan = (((REDDIT)))
Cry more cuck
>this infant thinks being a commie is edgy and cool
Kill your parents for having you, you nigger kike faggot
Fuck off commie
Fuck you commie scum.
Was Nazbol created as a joke? literally the two worst ideologies put together.
Im convinced Nazbol is just a bunch of ebin high schoolers who think theyre funny
the dumbest of all flags "were jew hating commie-fascist jews"
Mexico is best country, you cannot prove otherwise, except for North Korea.
>look at me! I'm the edgiest of edgy people! Not only a nazi but also a commie. PLEASE GIVE ME ATTENTION I'M DIFFERENT FROM ALL OTHERS!1!!1!
k den
Kill yourself, flagfag
There is literally nothing wrong with owning colonies
Fuck you
and fuck you.
Strasserism was a mistake
Please kill yourself.
Surely we're still allowed, right OP?
What the fuck is nazbol?
Looks like commie shit. Commies=globalists so they can fuck off and die
I don't think so ladyboi
National bolshevist, I don't consider myself one, but its the closest thing I believe in. They take traditional values and nationalism and implement it with communist economic principles. I'd like it more if it didnt have the autistic jew hating scheme going
Day of the rope soon faggot.
Eat my shit, commie faggot. It's not like you've got anything else to.
Bolshevism is a jewish ideology unlike communism (necessarily) Even stalin didnt like them and liquidated them yet you worship him
The American flag should have stars of David instead of Swastikas tho. American policy really isn't Aryan.
Get a job you worthless, smelly, piece of shit freeloader
This desu. It makes me suspect that the OP is /leftypol/ pretending to be a NazBol.
Where the FUCK is the libcap snake flag
>says the cuckistani
I don't like stalin since what he did to ethnic Lithuanians was awful, but I guess I have a bias since my family is Lithuanian
i stepped on it
skinheads are degenerate though
>Stalin killed millions of people
>Lenin killed millions of people
>Hitler killed millions of people
>Mao killed millions of people
lol but thats just my bias lol
Wake up fucko
Buy some glasses you fucking hobo
Gadsden flag, f.a.m.
True but it's retarded to say that the U.S. government is comprised of Nazis. Our (((leaders))) are liberal (((capitalists))) not Nazis.
commie scum needs to be purged
Yeah, gadsden flag.
The U S of A flag sums up my beliefs good enough though, so ill stick to that
why not go full strasserist rather the national cuckshewism
>t. fellow lithbro
although theres no decrease in population, I just assume stalin killed off people slowly and the birth rate was higher than all african countries combined
i never said they were nazis
Why can't we all just get along?
too little equality, too much capitalism
Fair enough.
dont tread on my post
fuck off commies your system have, and will always fail
Something something Dugin, Hegelian Dialectic.
It's aids, ignore NazBol posters.
Can you make a resume of your chaotic ideology?
What ideas do you take from nazism? also communism
I'm a Strasserist I just use the NazBol flag because:
1. It's the closest flag we have
2. They're bro tier in my book
3. The memes
Fuck commies.
strassersim is taking the name national socialism LITERALLY thats why the strasser brothers were kicked from nsdap
its basically natsoc but with planned economy and state ownership instead of state capitalism that hitler used
*unsheaths long knife*
>literal meme ideology
Fuck off faggot.
weak faggot
I can't wait for the opportunity to kill commies.
*shoots himself*
fuck off nigger
Natsoc is too edgy for me desu
in all honesty Ive got nothing against jews I just hate degenerates who try and poison our youth with porn ,fag enabling and other forms of degeneracy, I wish society was more like the 50's. But I get so much hate from ancoms and other libcucks and it pushes me up all the way up the authoritarian side
*Starves millions to death*
>posts a soviet fake
>causes the decadence that it despises in the west
sure a superior ideology
Oh no, you have downsyndrome LOL
>hates people poisoning the youth
>jews completely dominate our media/entertainment & education
>I've got nothing against Jews
Richard Spencer said it didn't happen though..
I wouldn't immediately blame all jews, but usually it tends to be the rich that poison our youth, which also supports my communist ideology.
why should anyone give a shit about what he says + his wife is a huge stalin shill
The Jim Jones part always gets me.
>"caused by collectivization and..."
Top reading comprehension m8, no wonder you're a commie.
also this
This is coming from somebody who is mix raced. What percent white must I be in order to be excepted in the,"White Nationalist Socialist Party?"
>Kekistan tries to ruin Sup Forums with it's cringeworthy memes and newfaggotry
>Flags are added to Sup Forums including the Nazbol flag, a civil war on Sup Forums breaks out between Nazbols and Kekistani
>Nazbols are victorious Kekistanis have retreated to the cringecloset, Nazbols dominate Sup Forums
>The racial class war begins
>Nuclear weapons are used against the ever successful Nazbol force reforming the world
>Nazbols rule the world
>Colony on Mars waving Nazbol flag
>Colony on Pluto waving Nazbol flag
>Nazbols build first warpdrives
>First intergalactic war involving Nazbols
>Nazbols are victorious and have extended their intergalactic reach to 500 different planets
Give me one legitimate reason why this won't be the future of humanity.
Jimmy Jones dindu nuffin. He a good boi.
i fucking creamed
Start your own ethnostate user. Make Africa great again.
But I'm 75% white and I was born in the United States.
I don't blame "all" Jews either, but they act tribally and therefore many are culpable. Most of them will lash out against you for trying to remove the ones that are causing the problems.
(((Bolshevism))) is their invention, don't be a useful idiot. We are NOT all equal, and we should not pretend to be. Our doctors & engineers deserve to be "rich", the problem is the jews not wealthy goyim who've earned their place.
No commies.
If you prove yourself during the wars ahead, you may be allowed to stay in the 4th reich, however you will not be allowed to have children and spread your niggerdom.
>Implying purging society from subversive elements is wrong
>Implying people would rather eat than serve the fatherland
nice b8, try harder next time
No of this cringey "nazbol gang!!1!" shit either, keep our ideology pure like the white race.
I guess that's okay considering the nigger genes could probably be bred out in a fairly short period of time.
Chill out, Adolph, is just a meme.
>I don't blame "all" Jews either
>(((Bolshevism))) is their invention, don't be a useful idiot.
So in essence you are saying you hate a nationalist racialist identity because of jews that are not all bad?
>shit either, keep our ideology pure like the white race.
Sounds like you need to take a shower and then dry off in a nice cozy oven.
It's commie subversion
>swastikas on American flag
(((Nazbol))) is just a way for Russomongrels to pretend to be NatSoc while spitting on NatSoc's core doctrine. Fucking disgusting.
u mad naziboi?
Stalin was NazBol tho, he hated Jews.
He was a greater Jew-killer than Hitler.