What's the worst European country?
What's the worst European country?
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Fucking hell those questions. Is this even real or did you make it up?
Worst is probably Albania or Kosovo.
Kosovo is the worst, or Ukraine
lol fucking love you faggots.
>actual thinks this map is legit
You a retard or something? It's a meme map made by pol a while ago
I would say modern Germany and satellites are the worst Europeans
This is embarrassing
>how do I use a screwdriver
>how do I idle my car
>how do I stop scratching my butt
Never meet an Ukranian or Albaninan so I go with Romania
Ireland asking the real question
dead race between: B&H, Albania, Moldova and Ukraine.
Romania, Bulgaria or Albania.
Nations of subhumans
Peobably Moldova, but it still better than the USA
>Includes Turkey
When will this revisionist meme end?
France, followed closely by Sweden. Your map also includes much more than Europe.
France doesnt have state run genocide against Christian families though, like Canada, but Canada isnt European.
Romania by far. Others are not even bad
Romani cigany
Ukraine, they are literal niggers of the white race. We were equally poor in 1990 and by now we are at Portugal's level while they are poorer than fucking Nigeria. But still, I'd rather live there than in Sweden
well shit
I wonder who's behind these posts.
I would have gotten with it, if you subhumans hadn't stolen my custom flag
Probably Moldova or Ukraine
Right now? Probably Greece
In the next decade or so? Definitely Sweden
Of course it's a buttblasted poolack.
>Activate my genitals
n-no, not at all, those are prolly just s-serbians!
>UK quoting Shakespeare
tfw my country is two inligient
>how do I rock
what the fuck
all the Hohols I've met were bro tier, I don't know what you're on about
Serbitchia of course
Can be triggered all you want it's still a fact. You are not European and you will never be European.
WTF i love poland now
I am not complaining about Hohols in Poland, I have only met decent, hard-working people. But Ukraine, as a country, is a fucking 3rd world shithole
there's only one country, the European country
>Get a loan
Albania, Kosovo and Spain.
In this order.
Bolivia was a close second
Explain further why Spain
>harbors The Beast (Vatican) and gets waxed rich off it
>forces (((mandatory vaccination))) to kill it's children
>is 90% moor mafia (nigger devil tier)
>thinks it's going to get spared the big one (quake < 9.5) for it's sins against God
>biggest mammon whores, ship islamic scum to make profit of death of white race
Moloto shithole get btfo soon
Serbia because theyre the only non white europeans
lazy, degenerate moor rape babies, but beautiful culture and language my dude. also independence for catalania!
I laughed harder than I should have
You have no hope for the future, your women are radical feminists, there is no job, current Spanish laws are tougher than the Francoist laws thanks the feminism (See prison population that does not increase proportionally), political joke, not white...
I can say more, I admit that Eastern Europe sucks, but at least I can work and get married.
We'd be even worse than Ukraine now if it wasn't for EU gibs, you ungrateful fuck!
top 5 worst.
1. Romania
2. France
3. Albania
4. Bosnia
5. Portugal or Greece (cant tell which one is worse)
>moor rapebabies
>Wants independence for the most progressive region there is.
So our culture, based on killing moor (read "Limpieza de Sangre") is bad because we are moors, even though we sistematically killed anyone who was a muzzie. Got it.
Fair enough. You at least gave good arguments.
>Fair enough. You at least gave good arguments.
I do not understand how you can handle living in such a filthy country.
Skin color is irrelevant, dumb ass fascist.
Serbia Stronk, will kill Kebab and the likes of (((you))) in no time.
Mountain jews at it again.
>literally admitted not being white
Off yourself
>((trust me, Poland needs EU in order to survive and not become Ukraine))
>t. Tonibler
>"pirate" flag
>how do i compare thee to a summer's day?
>how do i activate my genitals?
def. need that cultural enrichment UK
the majority of the greek population wants for austerity to stop.
What they also want is for things to go exactly as they were and would rather not take any responsibility in building anything sustainable.
>how to stand up to my wife
Montenegro everyone!
Germany. Didn't even look at the map. The answer is Germany and in fact has *always* been Germany.
There are plenty of poorer countries an with higher murder rates. Russia for example has 8 times our murder rate and the same gdp per capita, not to mention aids and drugs epidemic and higher muslim and non white population.
get your portion of arabs or once you find yourself working on construction in ukraine
I'll be your friend finnbros
Death to Germany
The "friend" one is Sweden you dumb burger.
Portugal is in 8th place world wide in quality of life, but what the hell a burger knows about Europe, none.
I don't know,what do you think?
Too many zionazis on pol, but we will gas you all in no time once US is gone
Starts this fall, kek
Pissraelis next. Get enriched by plutonium haha
poland, very islamophobic
>Kosovo existing
oh silly slovenia
retarded image, either show the total number or fuck off with your per x bullshit
Retarded comment. Per x is the only thing that matters, otherwise countries with large populations will always come off worse than they actually are.
Bosnia and Albania are non-European
>t. Turk bashing Serbs
The TOTAL number is pretty irrelevant (of course larger countries will have more)
At the moment, Germany by far.
No everyone can see clear as day that Scandinavia is NOT so bad. Get it into you heads once and for all ffs.
>activate my genitals
This flag thing is pretty neat
England obviously.
Are you retarded?
Great britain.
it is better when there is "per x". you can see more from it.
>most atheist place in Europe
>highest HIV rate in Europe: 1 in 12 inhabitants is an AIDS-infected queer
>has conscription to train and indoctrinate the male population into anti-White terrorists ready to kill and die for ZOG
>provides training, equipment and weaponry to ukrainian bagel nazis who kill white children for money
>obidiently furthers the EU's agenda by pushing degeneracy and anti-White policies
>treats Russians (who, ironically, built the place and are the only ones keeping the economy going) like absolute shit, depriving them of even the most basic rights and routinely threatening to genocide or exile them
>constantly provokes Russia by holding "military exercises" (with live ammo) right next to the border
>elected an atheist feminist womyn president with ties to Soros' Open Society foundation
Fuck off, eurojew.
Turkey. Fucking hate those Islamic goatfuckers.
>get a job
worst is france, niggers.
Also new flags are shit, remove immediately