Attention all Anarcho-Capitalists! You have exactly ten seconds to explain why your ideology won't just collapse in five minutes

>Who protects your property when you're away?
>What if you're too poor to afford private police?
>Why wouldn't companies just shrink your wages as much as possible?
>What if some rich guy decides to buy his own personal army and become a Dictator?
>Who would ensure the food is up to health standards?
>Who would build the roads?

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Because we're all grown ups and don't need to be treated like children by the government.

Bad thread. Literal college socialist teir questions.

Most of these questions have nothing to do with ancap and can be answered by doing this simple thing called logic.

So stop wasting our time with your bullshit bait.

ANCAP is shit.

>Who protects your property when you're away?
My paid army and automated defense systems.
>What if you're too poor to afford private police?
The NAP will keep you safe.
>Why wouldn't companies just shrink your wages as much as possible?
You can just get a better job elsewhere, the free market will regulate it.
>What if some rich guy decides to buy his own personal army and become a Dictator?
He can be bought out by other rich guys.
>Who would ensure the food is up to health standards?
The corporations, as companies that make shitty food will lose profits and be abandoned.
>Who would build the roads?
People that want to make money.


I agree with that image unironically. You're just a butthurt hippy dipshit.


This thread is for Discussion of Capitalism, Libertarianism, Paleolibertarianism, Anarcho-Capitalism, Minarchism, Anti-Communism, Right-Wing Populism, and the PHYSICAL REMOVAL of COMMUNIST FAGS from our board of peace. Reminder that this is the Libertarian RIGHT General. Aleppo Johnson-fags, Left-Libertarians, and other Shit-Libs need to fuck off. Voice your complaints to r/libertarian.

>Recommended Reading list

>/lrg/ Chatroom
d i s c o r d: y3BzZM

>Bump for Life, Liberty, and Private Death Squads

>Do you support open borders?
No. The government does not own the land, therefore it cannot determine the border policy. Seeing as 90% of immigration is harmful to the country, by default a vetting system is essential to protect the rights of the citizens.
>Whom'st'd'll've builds the roads?
The people who are going to use them will pay the road crews, and maintenance is provided by the toll money.
>Do you support drug use/other degenerate behaviour?
No, we strongly discourage it as it damages a society built on non-aggression. Most covenants would be built around family (to fill the void after the government is largely/completely gone), and family life is vulnerable to these socio-pathological behaviours. If degenerates want to form their own communities, they are welcome to choke on their own filth or clean up and become productive members of the society.
>Are you Jewish?
No, our Jews are better than their Jews. Few movements (apart from NatSocs, duh) have been accused of anti-Semitism as much as we have, and that's including our more moderate/mainstream figureheads, such as Ron Paul. We support Palestine over Israel (because it's their land, not because they're brown) and we strongly support cutting all foreign aid to Israel (and to pretty much everyone). The international financiers would be significantly set back by freeing the currency system and implementing an actual standard for money to prevent over-printing and inflation. Also we don't trade with our enemies, what the fuck.
>What will you do when governments take over you/reform?
Toss them out of helicopters again. Our crusade is eternal. Liberty or Death!

>The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith
>A Treatise on Political Economy by Jean-Baptiste Say
>The Law by Fréderic Bastiat
>The Road to Serfdom by Friedrich August von Hayek
>The Economics and Ethics of Private Property by Hans-Hermann Hoppe
>Man, Economy, and State by Murray Rothbard
>Basic Economics by Thomas Sowell
>Democracy - The God that Failed by Hans-Hermann Hoppe
>Second Treatise of Government by John Locke
>Anarchy, State and Utopia by Robert Nozick
>For a New Liberty by Murray Rothbard
>Against the State by Llewellyn Rockwell
>Reactionary Liberty by Robert Taylor
>What Must Be Done by Hans-Hermann Hoppe

>Minarchy Memes on faceberg - sometimes posts edgy stuff
>Liberty Hangout on faceberg - - adamant fighters against communism
> - The Jason Stapleton Program - right-libertarian podcast
> - That Guy T
>Hoppean Snake Memes on faceberg - the source of the snake memes we keep posting - keep up, nerd
> - - - Chris Cantwell - host of the Radical Agenda
> - Augustus Sol Invictus' ramblings and other content
> - 1st Irregulars - former Cantwell's supporters, decided to go even further right
> - 1st Irregulars' main site
> - Stefan Molyneux
> - Tom Woods's podcasts
> - Mises Institute
> - Cato Institute
> - Property and Freedom Society
> - Lew Rockwell

nice peace sign

pls tread on me

Oh she will.

>captcha: roads

>Who protects your property when you're away?
Private Security
>What if you're too poor to afford private police?
It would be really hard to be that poor.
>Why wouldn't companies just shrink your wages as much as possible?
No, wages for a job would be fixed at a rate the market decides.
>What if some rich guy decides to buy his own personal army and become a Dictator?
I will shoot his ass if he fucks with me
>Who would ensure the food is up to health standards?
>Who would build the roads?
Private Firms


I'll bump for this.

Will definetly last longer than any communist system desu.

Everyone would be able to acquire the means to defend themselves, and the spectre of mutually-assured destruction if you really fuck with someone would keep people from being total assholes to one another. Everyone keeps everyone else honest and decent enough for society to function.

Also- bring back duels

>bring back duels
This. So. Much.

>>What if some rich guy decides to buy his own personal army and become a Dictator?

Citizens with a personal Nuclear deterrent would be hard to boss around.

Not a andycap answered the presented questions.

>>Who protects your property when you're away?
>>What if you're too poor to afford private police?
Start your own police force .
>>Why wouldn't companies just shrink your wages as much as possible?
That violates the non-aggression pact. Start a mutiny.
>>Who would ensure the food is up to health standards?
Grow your own, or form co-operatives.
>>Who would build the roads?
Invent flying cars instead.

nice one lads

what if I just built one instead?

Why would we, communists can't into property or subjective value. Fuck em.

Also bump for life, liberty and private death squads.

We will bury you in our roads?

I think maybe there would be something like a "police insurance" or something you can pay if youre poorer

idk I feel like people assume if something doesn't exist similarly to its current form, it wouldn't exist in any other way in the market

Also, who decides who owns the land? If a guys shows up with a land deed claiming that it's his land why should I take him seriously, who issues said land deed?

this but unironically

Nothing is wrong with ancap

Here you go:

>whom'st've'll do all those things?

People. Individuals have always been doing things and they will continue to, without the coercion of the state.


The real question is: What's the difference between a sufficiently large company and a state?

this is why we still need a limited government
thanks green man

> without the coercion of the state.
Oh yah, can you give an example of a stateless society?
And maybe you can also answer my question:


Privately employed and deployed guards, also structures that provide defense and security.
Private police's price will be marginal, if you're too poor to afford them then the property you own would most likely be low, and you and your family/neighborhood will then provide defense.
They compete for workers, and as companies grow numerous as markets expand wages go up and up to the point of normalization.
Those who he invades will be capable of defending their property, if not then property around said dictator would be undesirable.
The free market, and companies competing would ensure that all healthier options expand into further prominence.
Private entrepreneurs who would deem it profitable.

Private security like in South Africa

>equaliating libertarianism with corporatism
libertarian is neither corporate or ancap but here's your (you) anyways bc that was good bait

There is still no credible ancap answer to the warlord problem. 100 men that work as full-time soldiers will easily defeat 100 men that work as farmers/workers and are only part-time soldiers (i.e. a militia). Literally just gather your own private military, go around the land demanding protection money from communities and use the profits to buy more weapons and more men.

Maybe eventually a warlord realizes that instead of wandering around the world looting villages, it may be a better strategy to just hang around a single pet community of food producers and demand annual protection money in exchange of protecting the community from other more adventurous warlords. The people will likely agree, as it's better to lose 10% of your annual income to a warlord that gives you some protection than to take the chance of another warlord showing up and taking all your shit and your life. Perhaps said warlord will pass his position down to his son and start to wear a shiny crown. Now we're back in 2000 BC.

A centralized state is necessary to prevent warlord feudalism.

>You have exactly ten seconds to explain why your ideology won't just collapse in five minutes

does everyone have nukes? what the fuck is mutually assured destruction

>>Who protects your property when you're away?
I hire someone or make deals.
>>What if you're too poor to afford private police?
Then you die/get robbed/raped/sold into slavery.
>>Why wouldn't companies just shrink your wages as much as possible?
Because no one has any need to work for them then
>>What if some rich guy decides to buy his own personal army and become a Dictator?
Then it happens.
>>Who would ensure the food is up to health standards?
If you don't have enough then its your own fault and you deserve dying.
>>Who would build the roads?
Slaves etc.

It doesn't matter. AnClaps are not now, and never will be a majority of the population. Very few people want to actively take responsibility for themselves.

Hoppe wrote The Private Production of Defense which is a short essay on that. You also have The Myth of National Defense.

hoppe literally describes feudalism

I can give you some pretty good reading material if you'd like answers to that. Part of the libertarian philosophy requires some reading, contemplation, and thought. There isn't a one word answer that would satisfy your question (imo).

anarchists unironically believe this

Hoppe says feudalism was close to getting us to a natural order if only serfdom had been abolished completely.

The free market will fix it

all ideologies are shit. identifying with one shows weakness.

Is this too hard of a question for Ancaps to answer?

Nice we got old flags back. Ancaps are kikes who put muh profits over nation

yet feudalisms end result is hegemonic nation states

I don't expect that, but surely you could summarize the answer in one paragraph. This is just one issue after all.

>Who decides who owns the land?
Land is obtained via homesteading (or voluntary exchange). See -
>Can you give an example of a stateless society

perhaps not, but the majority has never truly decided the course of human history. it has always been motivated individuals.

sometimes this is the case but if ones personal interests are tied to the fate of the nation then there is not a considerable leap from ancap to nationalist

You have the privilege of living in one of the territories Hoppe considers modern-day "oddities." You're in the Hoppe-approved country list. Singapore is a great example.


>perhaps not, but the majority has never truly decided the course of human history. it has always been motivated individuals.

The majority don't make decisions, but you do need their support, because if you don't have it, someone else will.

Not really true. Approximately 30% of society act like grown ups, the rest are niggers, white-trash, vapid intellectuals, welfare-dependents, and other types of people incapable of thinking for themselves and taking responsibility.

>What happens when a gang of negros show up at your house for their reparations?

lol wut
singapore is neither free nor anarchic

This quote reminds me that there *are* elements of AnClap thought that I can get behind.

Your cognitive dissonance is amazing.


The government does everything you have said; it doesn't matter whether it's a monarchy or a republic.

>can't afford private security
>you die


This. Most people act like children.

In a covenant community model they'd have courts to determine the legitimacy of his deed as they'd probably get such a deed from the greater community owner. It would be pretty straight forward. Not a real big issue.

no, it's so easy that we didn't think it was worth answering.

The state is coercive, a company is not.

So what, If we were to transition to a an AnCap society I would just own my apartment, that I rent at the momment? And say I own something, how do I proove it without a central authority to validate my ownership? I could just forge a land deed right? How do i get people to aknowledge that I'm the owner?
The wiild west had plenty of unoccupied land, it's not the case at the moment. Not to mention there was still a state, the US.

That's my point you dingus. All modern states are successors of warlord-states. You tear this whole thing down and it will just re-emerge because anarchy is not a stable system.

that's true, but the majority is already primed to accept the fruits of capitalistic development via products, services, ideas, and other commodified elements of their lives— therefore for the sake of varied consumption of these fruits of captialism they are more easily accepting of our goals than they claim to be.

You will find that the end-user/consumer's desires as a consumption-machine conform highly to free market captialism. Under a communist system access to variations in the production of goods is extremely scarce.

So in many ways, the abject cultural ruination of the 20th century which has lead to an absolute moral collapse amongst the general population in favour of fetishised commodities is actually really positive for us as a whole. We can effectively meme ourselves into positions of wealth by employing our understanding of the business cycle and our ancap goals lead us directly towards establishing ourselves as major producers in the near future—

That is, if you've got the guts

>people need water to survive
>I own this water user, here pay me if you want to drink it
>not coercive?

>be me
>live on land with rich natural resources underneath it
>corporation decides to buy the land, and force me off if I refuse
>my shotgun can't fight off the corporate mercs
>gee I wish there was a state to protect my rights
>not coercive?

I could go on all day

That just sounds like feudalism. These courts are still like a state right? just on a local level.
>the greater community owner
Who's this guy? The baron?

Yeah, it's kinda like feudalism.

>So what, If we were to transition to a an AnCap society I would just own my apartment, that I rent at the momment?
The transferal of the current system of property rights to an ancap one is a complicated issue. Most things would be syndicated or returned to their original owners: You can read Hans Hermann Hoppe's chapter on it in Democracy: the God that Failed (he does a good job of explaining it). It's chapter 6, iirc.
Private companies are capable of providing law services such as the validating property claims, so it's no easier to forge a deed than it is under the US government.

>companies arent coercive
except the mafia

a bunch of computerised 60mm turrets located strategically on the perimeter of your estates, and an army of patrolling drones might help though.

Besides, shouldn't you be drilling that stuff yourself? What are you, a pussy?

If you want to learn about the results of Ancap, just watch any classic Western film.

>independent freedom-loving settlers move out to live in the territories
>get abused, terrorized and taken advantage of by corporation-like group of bandits/outlaws
>the nearest sheriff is 200 miles away!

The mafia isn't a company, they're a gang of extortionists. Like the state.

You forget the part where a guy with a sweet jawline saves the day and makes everything awesome.


>Private companies are capable of providing law services such as the validating property claims
But laws only exist within a government. What give such a firm the aythority to validate anything? I could Start my own firm and say who owns what, why should anyone take me or any other firm seriously?

dude, the wild west was awesome.
read some books.

My uncle was the one of the first sheriffs in southern Alberta. That position sprang out of the need to reenforce the anarchistic values of the town, as the trains going through the area weren't paying their municipal dues. True story

Case in point, Ancap ideology is only appealing to people who think they would be the ones with the guns and drones.

>in effect the philosophy is useless
>it just comes down to might makes right, whoever has the bigger gun

Sounds like fun, why don't you go try it far away from here.

Freer than most our shitholes. And even if it isn't exactly free nor democratic, a world of millions of Singapores would have far more competition for citizens than the current super state we're heading in to.

Daily reminder that beleif in Government and Authority is a religion not based on rational thought.

So you think military grade technology should not be accessible to you?

What if I were to tell you that national armies perform the whims of international corporate interests? Does that make you feel better?
Law has existed without central ownership by government many times before.

What if none of these hypotheticals happen literally ever?
Then what? Will you sympathetically like my nuts and my niggers nuts?

It doesn't CAUSE immoral behaviour, it permits it.

Yeah I like the West too, I just wouldn't necessarily advocate that model for a modern developed nation.

I'm descended from Alexander Majors, since we're swapping ancestor stories.

Why would you need an army if the NAP will keep you safe?

Is meme, calm down.

Ok, so what you really want isn't no state, just feudalism like the other guy said, you just want local government.

I tend to believe that something similar to the kind of extreme Balkanisation which AnCaps usually advocate, actually is the future; or at least, I hope it is.

For me, the two biggest problems are federalism on the one hand, and corporations tending to be run by omnicidal psychopaths on the other. I am not inherently opposed to business at all, but I *am* opposed to this planet completely losing the ability to support life, because the average CEO doesn't seem to literally care about anything other than money.

If the market was able to solve the problem of corporate immorality and destructive behaviour by itself, then I would support that; but I haven't seen a lot of evidence that it can. Better consumer choices have led to *some* improvement, yes; but you've still got Monsanto almost completely replacing plant species with genetically modified forms, and Nestle attempting to monopolise the water supply.

What stops all the rich guys coming together and forming a state/ dictatorship/ etc. Also if that happens they can just say fuck the NAP and do what they want