Girls Dress Code

Why was the last thread instantly fucking deleted? There are no duplicates, and I had something to fucking say. Mods faggots why?

ANYWAY we were talking about how fucking stupid it is to say that a dress code promotes the objectification and sexualization of young bodies, lol.

Why girls wants wear sexy clothes?
They can't wear fucking normal clothes?

Gurl should wear goat skin

Larpers can go to /bant/ thank you.

I'm all for removing dress codes in high schools.

attention from men. the entirety of female confidence is built on guys wanting to fuck them. that's about as deep as women are. it's nature.


>Why girls wants wear sexy clothes?
They need to advertise their services more aggressively in a world where whoring has been commoditized due to Internet porn.

Back to school uniforms.
No differentiation - therefore, no sexualization of young bodies.
No differentiation - therefore, nobody is blamed for what they're wearing.
But, young girls don't want this.
They want to flaunt their tits and ass to the hot boys while decrying the rest as creepy weirdos sexualizing women.
They want their double standard not to be noticed, but de facto enforced by the school administration.
In other words, they want what all women want - to be desired by hot guys, fuck hot guys, but not be viewed as a base slut for doing so.

Women are so fucking simple it hurts.

kek, it's true

But where are the people speaking out about this blatant misuse of language? They do it with racism, sexism, objectification, etc... I swear to God most of these fake libs and lib-indoctrinated kids don't even know what the terms mean or how to define them if you press them on it.

Dress codes don"t exist in work places or anything like that why would you want to train kids to dress appropriately and shit and make a rule at a place where you train young people even if they have shit parents/

The horror those children are being raped by patriarchy!

>dress codes
>promotes objectification

Uh, what?

>men are biologically hardwired to ogle tits and ass
>women dress like sluts showing off their tits and ass then complain that men ogle them

1488 1776

How can you fill your head so full with feminist bullshit that you think banning revealing clothing is somehow sexualising and objectifying children?
Oh wait, it's the same logic they use to claim that burkhas are liberating.

another ignorant cunt. i fucking hope you are gang fucked in the bathroom until your as and pussy are so fucking ripped apart no amount of stitches and staples will make you tight enough for a horse to feel any pleasure from fucking either holes

i swear some of them think this.

*takes out cutlass*

Over my dead body you scurvy knave! have at thee!

what the hell is this
i seriously dont get how a dress code does any of the things listed

the logic is twisted but they are right in a way. revealing clothing is and promotes degeneracy. and burkhas or at least moderate christian dress codes promotes decency in social interactions

*unsheathes recreational McTOW missile*

>How can you fill your head so full with feminist bullshit that you think banning revealing clothing is somehow sexualising and objectifying children?
>Oh wait, it's the same logic they use to claim that burkhas are liberating.
lol, it's true.

Just make them wear uniforms.

Hahaha a young girl would never objectify herself it's not like it's in woman's interest to do so in any way shape or form if women were allowed to dress however they wanted school would become a place of learning we'd all have PhDs by 15.

oh you

>Work in an office building
>Everyone is wearing business attire
>Millennial girls walk in on their first day of their job dressed like hookers
>surprised when no one takes them seriously, and objectifies them

>we're being objectified by not being allowed to dress like sluts
>it's my right as a teenage girl to advertise my fuckmeat in school, sexist!
Females are disgusting, white sharia isn't usch a bad idea.

If they need to do anything first, they need to dresscode for hairdye and piercings. A few boys getting awkward boners does nowhere near as much damage as the repulsiveness of hairdye. I would consider an untainted girl in a short skirt more tasteful than pic related wearing baggy jeans.

doesn't it do the exact opposite because uniforms are more modest than what these kids usually chose to wear?

>dress codes tend to promote modesty
>somehow a high/middle schooler figures it's the opposite
>gets the younger sister to wear a pompous, tacky shirt stating HER opinion

cognitive dissonance in fuckin' spades.

How about
>Promotes professionalism in the workplace (school)
>Has nothing to do with "onlookers"
>Perpetuates mutual respect and focus on work
>is more about the institution than the individual

>dress codes tend to promote modesty
Always unless it's "Hooters".

Having tits and ass promotes objectification and sexualization. Tits and ass are the problem. But they're nature-issued. Nature is sexist and oppressive.

Like this even needs an explaination. Dress codes take away some women's only power, of course they're going to throw a tantrum now that they can't dress like sluts to get what they want.

Does anyone have the pic of the girl dressed as Laura Croft, spreading her asshole apart and asking people not to "objectify" her?

The Mennonites and Amish are the non-psychotic Christian versions of Sharia, and arguably the most peaceful fuckers on Earth. They give Buddhists a run for their money.

Just follow the rules

Just make them all wear grey boiler suits. They'll all be happy then.

Underrated post

to be fair, when I was in school we had uniforms but the sluts still could slut. the hottest whores werr still able to advertise that their body was their number one asset, even in slacks and polo shirts. they didn't need to wear skirts to show off, and of course most of the real bimbos had lots of dosh so they would abide by the uniform... to a point. slacks ass tight and tigglebitties in to tight shirts were the norm.

that and MySpace just started so they show off their body's on that too.

Found it.

What is with all the reference to "bodies" that's cropped up recently among lefties? "Colored bodies", "disabled bodies". Is there something I'm missing, because referring to people as bodies seems like a step in the wrong direction.

I think they try to justify dressing like sluts by going into virtue signaling mode but in reality they know dressing like gives them more chance to scoring a male.

Of course they'll never admit it.

Fucking bingo


Hey look, an (((inverted))) truth!

Weimerica is a hoot. Glad I'm young because a big fuckin reset is coming.

dress code sucks

Gas the biomass

The urge to physically harm this turbo cunt is checked only by the urge to kill myself after reading this.

Just fucking wear what you want, but take responsibility for it.

at my old school when we had dress code the girls would hike their skirts up until it was like an inch or two below the arse
it was nice but regardless of school uniforms or not, if a girl wants to show herself off she'll find a way

When did they add the non-country flag option? Pretty fucking gay actually

>Just fucking wear what you want, but take responsibility for it.
No. You're not even allowed to do this at McDonald's or Wal-Mart.

School isn't a place for baby sitting. School is preparation for the workforce.

>projecting just to make an excuse to wear slutty clothes

Leaf post level is extremly increasing since the new flags update. Well said.

Cosplayers are the worst when it comes to this.

Technically my school had a rule against skirts being shorter than knee length but the teachers only enforced it once every few weeks when they could be bothered

This is why no one likes you IRL

yeah, i know some girls kept it about half way between the knee and groin which was alright as it was reasonable but most of them were so high you could practically see it through their knickers whenever they bent over
most of the teachers didnt bother enforcing it as the women were either dressed like it or didnt care while the men were too busy staring
i dont mind a bit of flesh on show but a bit of modesty would be nice especially in places like schools

One, cunts shouldn't be in schools at all.
And, two, cunts shouldn't wear clothes at all. Clothes are for people. This is a total non-issue, only being an issue because things are all topsy turvy.

They'll say it's because revealing clothes are more "comfortable". In reality, they want chad to notice and come talk to her and fuck her.

The clothes I wear, jeans and a t shirt, are comfortable as fuck. Shorts pass the knees are also comfortable. If anything, wearing shorts that is just basically underwear, and a shirt that feels loose sounds disturbingly uncomfortable.

Idk tho, I guess I'm just a guy who doesn't understand.

Basically this. It's also why "Don't slut shame" is a thing.

The problem is not being labeled a slut, it's that when men know they are sluts, less people find them to be suitable mates and they want their cake and to eat it to.

Private school private rules

>cunts shouldn't be in schools at all.

'Bout time someone posted this.

'rape culture'


Let the retards segregate themselves and follow their destinies to become 55 year old nightclub hags.

Out newfag

oooooohhhhh I hate that so much, it makes me want to tear my hair out

I think it was probably Ta-Nehisi Coates or someone like that who started it, probably in a very specific context, and then every leftist half-wit picked it up and just uses it in place of "people"

not too far off from a lot of Sup Forums memes, actually, and exactly as cringy and autistic


>men virtually never violate dress codes
>men don't gravitate towards fashion that bares as much skin as humanly possible
>women barking to the wind about being allowed to wear spaghetti strapped camisoles and shorts/skirts well above the knee line

hmmm, it really gets me thinking

Then why are you even alive you faggot

Just change the uniform to webm related

>Dress code promotes the objectification and sexualization of young bodies

Let's just stop right there. A dress code does precisely the opposite of that.


Speaking of taking booty, i ass fucked Jonah Hill in a hollywood gym locker room

The girl is implying that the fact we have a dress code is because we view women's bodies as sexual and objects and the school has to cover that up with a dress code.

This thread is fucking retarted If women wanna dress like degenrates then let them. Simple as that

You liar, that fat kike manlet would never go near a gym.


This is why we need school uniforms.

>telling a woman to do anything is some level of patriarchy

The only thing dumber than a female is a school aged female.
They may wise up as they get older but the irrationality stays until after menopause.

It's fake as far as I am aware.

there is.


Ah, just a little bit of mental gymnastics and it makes sense. But to be fair that is actually a pretty interesting argumentative tactic: shifting the origin of wrongness to the one who claims something is wrong. So the headmaster claims that some clothing is indecent hence wrong, but the teenaged feminist girl says that there would be no wrongness if the headmaster hadn't "created" the standard of decency. It's like Adam and Eve covering themselves after gaining knowledge of good and evil.

Apart from the IP-based Israeli flag, I mean.

Also, why is there a separate Muslim and Jihadi flag?
Mods confirmed for migrant kissers.

Or is this the JIDF flag?

So basically they want to pretend sexual attraction doesn't exist. Every guy should grant her wish and refuse to give any attention to these harlots.

>women actually think trash points like these are logical arguments
wew lad. women are for pleasuring your dick and pumping out babies and NOTHING more. sex and childbirth are the only things the feminine nature does in the ENTIRE universe. any man that takes what women have to say into regards is a cuck.

"Worked hard"

This bitch bought booty shorts, did her hair a little, and got some buckled holsters. This is hard work? A hard dicking must seem like slavery to her then.

> rape culture

Does the shirt come in XXXXXXXL?

I think he was implying the dems are jews.


o fug Mel is stacked bruh

It's because shitposting leaves have chosen other flags. Our nation is so shit many of us would rather run the swastika or IS flag than our red and white

Inshallah, well said

Fucking today. REEEEEE this is fucking gay.

>making women wear less flattering clothes is objectifying them


