Post your anti-neonazi memes ITT
Let's BTFO some *neo*-nazis
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This thread is not Sup Forums and the OP knows it.
Look at it, it's all OP replaying to himself.
This is what they do, they spam unrelated trash day-in and day-out, cluttering our board with nonsense 24/7.
Ask your mods to start enacting permab&s again, only through surgical removal of tumors can cancer be cured.
Go back to /r/hapas you fucking loser.
Flags are back
You can't have your ancap society with low IQ spics that can barely understand their own language my man
So how comes it's always neonazis that literally look like Untermenschen?
I am all for an ethnically uniform society, but the collectivist scum neo nazis need to be memed into oblivion.
no ban will be enacted, and you can shove a dildo up your anus now. get the fuck off my thread skinhead scum.
collectivism appeals to the most degenerate parts of society, this brand appeals to inbred hillbillies in particular.
The n-word is a nationalsocialophobic slur. Please stop using it, OK?
Im not even a nazi, but they lost to other white people.
>TFW you're looking at the same memes you saw in the 90's
Truly, you must be old fucks from the CIA.
They consider that the Aryan race is the purest form of the white ancestry, while Slavs, Mediterranean and other white people are considered untermensch.
why do whites want to wash away themselves?
I am a victim of my own repercussions
how jews see you
Eat a trans cock, porky :^)
nice boots
I'd rather not but seeing them become so cute and princesslike in the prosperous capitalist economy might just sway me
The contrast between what I posted and what you did is absolutely lost on you isnt it? We've been stomping your beta necks in at very turn.
Ayran simply meant indo-european. Mediterraneans were obviously Aryan or else they wouldn't have been incorporated into the Reich via France and later Italy.
no commie countries to cuck to in the west so these losers live off leftovers and pretend they love it
Didn't know they were fighting in Britain.
huh it's almost like race is a spook
the dakota native grandmothers btfo ing the white supremacists and stealing their flag
idk maybe it's genetic, eh goy I'm just kiddin
what happen to our bread guys? no more evil nasty nazi memes?
what gibs
So true. Skinheads are degenerates. They are a living meme used to combat us with by association.
so true
>neo nazi
not gods chosen people if that's what you're implying oy vey! It must be those mudslimes!
Well natsocs weren't really white supremacist to begin with, they wanted to preserve any race.Otherwise, they would have gassed all the Turks and Japs and so forth.I agree that modern day skinheads are a problem though.