Fuck this shit. Trump better react. Can't let the Norks front like this!
North Korea beat Otto Warmbier into a 15 month Coma which he remains! J
based Kim Jong Un showing Cuckmericans who is the Boss.
It will surprise me if Trump comes with a really aggressive speech against the norks
I'm just trying out this flag thing
>Otto Warmbier
LMAO what a jack-ass!
They tried to beat the gay out of him but he was so gay there wasn't much left when they were finished. Mike Pence will finish the job if he ever wakes up.
I thought it was because of Tillerson's insistence that we finally got news.
What do we know about this fag? Gay liberal journalist who was trying to be ballsy and waltz on into NK?
White man spend 15 month sleeping, could be working!
Why no Asian flag?
Yeah and slide on out with stolen propaganda. Got caught. Don't break the law of the land.
Someone give him a burger it's the only way to wake him up.
Otto is a thief
Stealing is a sin, SJW tries to steal shit in country with strict laws, get caught and now thinks daddy will come save him, punishment is
well aligned with the crime he commit.
Came as a fruit, left as a vegetable
thats what he gets for trying to act like he was in a american prison. beating up a old man to try to look tough just means you will have brain damage soon
Good one.
Otto the Jew stole, got caught, and was punished. We shouldn't do anything.
Kimmy did nothing wrong. He shouldn't have been stupid enough to steal a poster from NK.
First death before allowing a foreign country to execute and kill my assholes. What's wrong? Scared of making Pootin angry?
I kekked marginally
What could he do? Not even the US can touch NK as long China has Kim's back
Rodman is there. He is going to have a 1 on 1 game with jong-Un that will end in a tragic accident.
This guy. American guy who tried to steal and bring back a propaganda poster on his way out from North Korea. When he was sentenced to 15 years hard labor, an obviously highly overly harsh sentence, thread was filled with shills, all from the U.S., shitting on him and saying he deserved it and the typical "criminal" "broke the law" shill shit and everything else.
Anyone who thinks this place is filled with regular folks is retarded. Anyone who doesn't realize that this board is full of shills including globalist shills is retarded.
Case in point.
Because only the rich and "ruling class" get to break whatever laws they choose (and far more important laws than irrelevant shit like this) and whenever.
And they really think they've stigmatized the term "liberal" enough that they can just baselessly and meaninglessly call him "liberal" and people will look the other way, lmao. Right.
I agree it's harsh and barbaric by western standards, but come on, stealing anything even toilet paper in FUCKING NORTH KOREA, that's absolute retard tier, I wouldn't even go there if they paid me the trip desu
>Everyone I don't agree with is a shill.
Back to /reddit/, retard.
Yes, stupid to go there in the first place, but a reminder of what the norks are. Hopefully someone will wipe this shit stain of a country off the earth.
“Otto’s detainment and sentence was unnecessary and appalling, and North Korea should be universally condemned for its abhorrent behavior,” Senator Rob Portman, Republican of Ohio, said.
A senior aide to Mr. Portman said the s
“North Korea’s despicable actions in detaining and holding Otto were unacceptable and must be condemned,” said Senator Sherrod Brown, Democrat of Ohio, who added that he had closely followed Mr. Warmbier’s case. “We must continue working to free all Americans who are being held by North Korea.”
Yet where are these politicians at when the ample scumbag "U.S." cops and jail/prison guards act like they're North Korean or any foreign force treating Americans like shit??
A shillfag making shit up. Go figure.
Nice damage control, shillfag.
Nice try
that's fucking insane
Honestly if you are dumb enough to go to north korea you might as well deserve to be put in coma
Specially if you are american
Nuke the GOOKS !!!
>Be liberal college fag
>Go to third world totalitarian hellhole
>lol it's fine my parents are rich
>Thrown in work camp, beaten into unconsciousness
He got exactly what he deserved, if this happened to more liberals they might actually stop shitting on the countries they live in every time daddy government doesn't give them their way.
>Be a shill
>Call everyone else a shill
Must have really hit a personal chord with you, watching a spoiled little shit get punished for thinking he was above the law of a fucking totalitarian state.
Wait, is he gay or not?
If straight, we declare war. If gay, we send them a thank you letter
Tbh the gooks should be totally butchered for even touching a White man. Why not just send an air fleet there to CLUSTER BOMB all their cities? Because they will bomb Seoul in return? Top kek, it's all just gooks!
>Go to North Korea
>Do dumb shit
I think we should get him back, but we should charge him ourselves. It's a national embarrassment.
Oh look, another liberal shitting on the countries they live in every time daddy government doesn't give them their way.
Like a typical privileged white male he tried to be tough and defiant and cracked one too many dog eating jokes. North Korea doesn't fuck around.
>t .guillao
That cumskin nigger was trying to steal a piece of propaganda as an entrance into his univeristies secret society. Fuck that NWO bitch.. townandcountrymag.com
Bien cabrón
>get butthurt when foreigners come to your country and start shit
>want to bomb other countries that teach their immigrants a lesson
He shouldn't have stolen it. You have to face the consequences if you break the law in another country. North Korea did the right thing.
So it's perfectly ok if murica starts sending immigrants who break the law, death to their home countries?
Good to know. Now if you excuse me, I got dominican scum to kill.
>American trying to be a smartass in North Korea and got what he deserve for breaking the law in a sovereign country
Probably clapped when the plane landed
Probably tipped the porter
Probably asked direction the nearest McDonald's
Can no longer clap
Can no longer tip
Can no longer go to McDonald's
>go to society were people are worked to death to view it from the safety of a hotel and tourbus
>end up joining the freak show
>he had some weird disease nobody has heard of and suddenly went into coma after best korean hospital injection
translation: the norks made a deal to give the guy back
t. commie propaganda translator
he's a degenerate and deserves everything he got.
>this guy is release
>Rodman goes to Korea
Should have just killed the Warmbier. Warmbier is awful.
lmao allah bless kim jong un
He's the boss of the shitty half of the Korean peninsula and thats it. Hes probably impotent and I bet he smells bad.
You're alright
He is going to wish he was back in NK after he gets his hospital bill
usa invaded my country because one fagot amerinigger died, and norks are raping this guy through his nose and americucks are so castrtated they wont do shit
how the mighty have fallen
Some rich fag always foots the bill for these high-profile tragedies
>how the mighty have fallen
it's actually because you're shit and didn't fight back for shit
not americans being mighty and currently have fallen
maybe the idiot shouldn't have gone to worst Korea
Should have been there in the first place. His own damn fault.
Kid went to a commie country on vaycay and pulled a nigger-tier petty theft. 2 fucks not given.
Trump is totally cuck'd by KJU.
* Tests missiles giving no fucks.
* Beats American almost dead and gives no fucks.
>Trump better react.
Since when does Trump take orders from the deep state?
next time he will think it twice before stealing a poster
>the norks panicked and maniacally phoned rodman/the Americans to fly warmbier out to not have him die in North Korea because that would have the US retaliate
This is what happened
>Play stupid games
>Win stupid prizes
I cannot believe you are trying to stick up for this jackass. He did the equivalent of touching a hot stove after being told not to. I don't care if he's a lib, conservative, ancap, antifa, or anything like that. That is neither here nor there and has no bearing on this.
I have no sympathy or empathy for people who journey to foreign lands, don't respect the rules, and then get caught.
Sleeping instead of 24/7 NK labor-death camps
They did him a favor
Hey Joo, nice merchant
>And they really think they've stigmatized the term "liberal" enough that they can just baselessly and meaninglessly call him "liberal" and people will look the other way, lmao. Right.
ummm, exactly. it is a derogatory term now
He was offered something like $20,000 to steal some NK propaganda. He really badly needed the money so he could help with his mom's medical bills.
That's the official information from the MSM as I understand it.
In reality he's probably CIA
>go to nk for $20000 when he can just get a job
CIA don't get positive publicity due to blowback if they're uncovered. If any publicity is given it is neutral or negative so as not to foster distrust in the event that the agent is outed or burned.
oh look at me.
i'm from a semi-wealthy family.
get a visa to go to NK
try to be edgy and steal a poster.
make video blaming the US for it.
finds out he has zero rights in another country.
shut up reddit
He's in my fraternity. From a different chapter, but I've talked to members from his school about him & the situation. He's just a normal college kid.
>moderately conservative
>made a shitty decision
He probably just wanted to bring it back to have cool story to tell at the bar, and now he's coming back 15 months late in a coma. The "offered $$ for propaganda" story is literally fake news. He might be a fucking dumbass, but he's not "le CIA" or whatever else people keep saying about him.
This is why this flag shit is so gay, im 100% sure youre american.
Maybe he should've been coldbier instead
We need to revoke all Puerto Rican citizenships.
I hope Otto will be mobile again.
Glorious leader will help gas the kikes, hooray!
speaking of, this was fox news notification earlier
Nah, poisoned
Little bitch can't fight off a little botulism?
who gives a fuck
dumbass college kid wanting to be edgy and visit nkorea a literal hellhole with concentration camps
why the fuck should I care?
Angry (((CIA))) is angry
Ziomerica is such a kiked hellhole, world will be glad when (((they're))) gone...
>theta chi
I wish they never gave him back
>pol suddenly defends a liberal college student.
Which timeline is this????
we'll see how we feel if he gets out of that coma
>stealing anything even toilet paper in FUCKING NORTH KOREA, that's absolute retard tier
Indeed, the guy could have asked for / asked to buy the poster and they'd have probably gave him one.
"Stealing the poster" was just an excuse to kidnap him for political leverage... is what I'd like to think.
On the other hand, if any NK citizen tried to actually take off a poster, probably he'd end up in a gulag. NK seems such a terrible.
The thing is that they probably would have given him the banner or poster if he would have just asked.