STUDY: Vaping Just As Harmful As Smoking

>STUDY: Vaping Just As Harmful As Smoking

>If you’re thinking electronic cigarettes are healthier than tobacco cigarettes, researchers say think again.

>A new study from the University of Connecticut, says e-cigarettes are just as harmful to your health as tobacco cigarettes.

>In the past few years, e-cigarettes have been pushed as the “safer” choice compared to tobacco cigarettes. Thus, e-cigarettes have risen in popularity.

>The University of Connecticut researchers crafted a screening device and discovered that e-cigarettes are filled with a nicotine-based liquid, which is “potentially as harmful as unfiltered cigarettes when it comes to causing DNA damage,” according to UConn.

>The study also found that vapor from non-nicotine e-cigarettes has many “chemical additives,” causing cellular mutations” that can lead to cancer.

>According to one of the researchers, the amount of DNA damage all depends on the amount of vapor a person inhales with e-cigarettes, as well as other additives present and whether nicotine or non-nicotine liquid is used.


Has big vape gone too far this time?

What do you think about this?

Other urls found in this thread:

Vaping is for faggots

OP, just know that you will live to see Whites fuck your shit up.

Good to know, I'll go back to cigarettes.
Cancer can't be cured anyway

Aaaaand the study is behind a paywall and can't be checked.

Where can I find such girls and for how much? is that Eastern Europe?

>reeeee goys get back on the herbal jew so we can make more money on taxing tobacco.

I laugh at people going on and on about "x causes cancer!!!" we live on a fucking planet where the celestial body giving us heat and letting us grow crops gives us fucking cancer, are those same people breathing through filtration systems and never going into direct sunlight?

What a load of shit.

>Smoke heavily,
>Have bronchitis
>Switch to Vaping
>Breath much much easier
>implying nicotine causes cancer
>Implying all ingredients in e-liquid are not approved by the FDA for medical purposes


Why is she wearing whore clothes in the street?

Vapor and smoke have different properties, the latter containing at least 200 times the amount of carcinogens as in vapor.

This. I smoke one cigarette and I feel like trash. Fape like a fedora lord all day and I feel fine.

>“potentially as harmful as unfiltered cigarettes when it comes to causing DNA damage,”

Nice try, big vape shill.You don't need to see the study as it's been verified by several independent media outlets.

>E-cigarettes ‘could be as harmful as regular cigarettes’ according to new study

>E-cigarettes potentially as harmful as tobacco cigarettes, study shows

>Study finds that e-cigarettes are potentially as harmful as tobacco cigarettes in damaging DNA

>E-Cigarettes Potentially As Harmful As Tobacco Cigarettes, Says Study

>E-cigs might be less addictive than tobacco cigarettes, but they could be just as harmful to your health, studies say

So why don't you throw out that battery powered gadget, go down to the corner store, and treat yourself to nice smooth pack of Newports.

She's a modern independent woman just looking to have fun and hookup with some cool funny cute guys. Don't mansplain why she shouldn't be such a degenerate piece of shit.

>unarchived clickbaiters
>huffingtonpost co uk/entry/e-cigarettes-potentially-as-harmful-as-tobacco-cigarettes-says-study_uk_593e56c2e4b02402687acb0c

For what its worth I met a respiratory therapist way long ago in '08 and talked with him about vaping. short version is "Vaping was first used medically but they were wrong and it was harmful. SO they released it as a recreation." They = developer of vaping

He was a great guy, moved into WA shithole from somewhere nice to help with the boom of respiratory problems. 420 LEGALIZE IT BABY

I can get access to shit like that. Probably slightly illegal. If you actually care I upload the pages as jpgs...

ok, i do it. trips/kek say I have to

>You don't need to see the study as it's been verified by several independent media outlets.

Is that a joke?



Yeah bro fuck you're DNA who needs that anyway





thats it. about to kill myself after solving 9 recaptchas

>brought to you by Phillip Morris

>The researchers also found that vapor from non-nicotine e-cigarettes caused as much DNA damage as filtered cigarettes, possibly due to the many chemical additives present in e-cigarette vapors.
They fucked up pretty bad here. There's no conceivable way that vegetable glycerin or propylene glycol is as harmful as cigarette smoke. I suspect they burned the liquid so badly it would physically painful for a human to inhale.

Who fucking cares? People do what they want, what else is new? People can smoke cigs if they want and people can vape if they want. If you don't like it then you don't have to deal with it because that's what you want. Not much to discuss because it's legal.

Is this political? It isn't.

>You don't need to see the study as it's been verified by several independent media outlets.

You're making a really terrible statement here. About 50% of the time, I find a major contradiction between the study itself and the media reporting of the study. Usually it's an important piece of information that the media chose to leave out.

Just to give you an example, there was a study being reported a few years ago that claimed that college educated Asian Americans make less than college educated white Americans. I found 10+ articles that claimed this. However, if you actually read the study, it says that the discrepancy only exists for immigrants. For non-immigrants, Asian Americans actually make more money.

The media is very terrible at reporting on studies and can totally bend the conclusion 180 degrees backwards. You should always read the study, not the media reporting.

>There's no conceivable way that vegetable glycerin or propylene glycol is as harmful as cigarette smoke

The whole thing looks like product shilling for the new multi-sample 5-minute DNA testing machine they invented.

vaping should be for cunts wanting to stop smoking, not middle schoolers wanting to look hip.

Thanks bro. Perhaps we need to save this as proof to all those who jump into unchecked fashions to feel ''progressive''.

You misunderstood the study. Obviously the nicotine is still nicotine but the lack of tar is certainly better on your lungs.

Story time gentleman

>2 years ago
>having lung problems
>smoking like a chimney
>doctor tells me to stop
>switch to ecig
>lungs get healthier
>breathing improves dramicatlly
>go see doctor
>asks if I quit smoking
>no just switched to ecig
>starts going on how they are far worse
>ask him why I feel better, why my lung problems are improved
>tells me that it could be a coincidence
>tell him I'll start smoking again and we'll see
>have him test my lung capacity o2 etc
>go back to smoking cigs for 2 weeks
>go back in
>all stats are quite lowered
>have shit eating grin
>tells me there's still additives in in that are bad
>oh like what?
>he doesn't know any or even the main ingredients
>realize this doctor just parrots what he 'learns' from 'studies'
>switch and find a competent doctor

Guy came in a cafe yesterday asking if he could have all his vape friends there vaping. Owner said no because of city bylaw. Vaper complained about it being unfair and stupid since vaping is safe. Someone else complained about the clouds, vaper bragged about how they do cloud competitions and shit. Owner said it's out of his hands.

Vapers are just as disrespectful as smokers. I still hear smokers bitch they can't smoke wherever they want. All they care about is themselves.

why are the flags fucked?

>>starts going on how they are far worse

He's correct. It's all in the study, which I posted in the OP.

Do you know what DNA damage even means or do you just see "DNA" and "damage"? Also
Fucking vague studies that amount to nothing short of click-bait. It lists a thousand and one variables and never goes into details.

>goys, vaping and smoking are so bad for you
>but pornography and masturbation aren't, here is a picture to distrac---- I mean for your health and pleasure goys, keep on spanking the monkey and looking at porn!

>vape pretty much all day
>don't do it in public places
>or outside or places doorways etc
>don't try and vape in places I know would be seen as bad etiquette
>live my life pretty comfortably still

just because you have the right to vape doesn't mean you can impose that right on others

it's pretty simple really

Yeah it looks like they wanted to do water testing but needed a publicity grabbing headline.

I skimmed the study and they used artificial inhalation to get their "vapor" which was almost certainly just smoke from burning liquid because they didn't bother to make sure it was set up as a human would use it. That smoke is highly carcinogenic but it's also so incredibly unpleasant to inhale that you know even if you're only burning a tiny bit and would have to be an idiot to keep puffing on it.

And I potentially can still get a boner while taking propecia for my receding hairline.

>posts degenerate creep videos
>of a black guy and white girl
>believes studies like this

Calling you a cuck isn't enough

wait... how the fuck did you get that flag

I appreciate that. I still see smokers gather around doors, since they are now "outside" but they are supposed to be 20 ft. away or something. They don't care, plus the cigarette butts everywhere.

I realize this isn't EVERYONE but it's the assholes that ruin things,.

The only shill here is you buddy, eat a turd retard.
What this has to to with politics?!
Get cancer and die faggot

>might, could

nice facts nigger

Well, I guess you sure showed me a thing or two.

Vaping is implicit whiteness.

One process produces radioactive carbon that you inhale, the other doesn't.

Both have nicotine.

If you aren't seeing obvious harm reduction then your study was designed to show otherwise.


> verified by several independent media outlets.
> media
> verify their sources

You have no idea how the media works.

Can't? Or won't?
Face it: keeping old people alive is a waste of resources and young people with cancer are just collateral damage to keep the 'we can't cure cancer' meme going.

Bullshit. The paper burning alone will make it worse not to mention whatever non nicotine shit they put in them.

Not saying its good or neutral just that it cant be as bad.

The fuck is with this new flag system??

I save $200 a month after switching to a vape. Would not be surprised at all if these studies are funded by tobacco jews angry that they're losing so many shekels.

The study you posted only discusses the harm of nicotine and its derivatives but the tar in cigarettes is what causes the major lung damage. Obviously nicotine is carcinogenic, causes hypertension & vascular disease, and the DNA damage that you mentioned but those are secondary.

Trying to talk down to patients and manipulate them is not how a physician earns trust.

lol i knew pol was filled with vapefags

>The fuck is with this new flag system??

newfag detected

I don't think vaping is that harmless, anyway, glycerine and cotton burn products are not something that you are supposed to inhale regularly, but its defenitly better than cigarettes. Just don't vape like a chimney and don't use cheap e-cigs and shitty liquids.

>Implying I pretend I'm not killing myself
I don't smoke cause I'm addicted, least not only, but because I want cancer so I can have a valid reason to off myself early.

>I save $200 a month after switching to a vape.

Then it seems to me vaping should be subject to the same taxes put on tobacco to discourage people from smoking. If it's just as harmful, it needs to be taxed.

Definitely not Eastern Europe.
Girl's ass too fat, guys look fcking dyel like a jew during the holocaust and street looks like it belongs in a warm place.

>killing yourself in a different way

Yeah, you sure showed your doctor

There are flag options under the captcha

>inhaling chemicals into your delicate alveoli

Great idea my dude!

ecigs are fine, that's why we see all these pro athletes vaping when they never used to smoke

oh, wait

Fake and gay. They invented this new machine and this was its first test to draw attention to it, and it can only test for one form of harm from nicotine.
Second, the headlines are all clickb8. "IS AS HARMFUL", then "POTENTIALLY HARMFUL", "MIGHT POSSIBLY BE", etc.
Fact is, vape faggots are inhaling nicotine vapor and food grade vegetable glycerine/propolyene glycol, instead of burning paper, tar, plant matter and a hundred other ingredients.
Nicotine is a poison, but it's pretty obvious vapefags are doing much less harm to their bodies than smokefags.
t. vodkafag

If ecigs are just as dangerous than explain how tar is bad for lungs yet ecigs have no tar...

i hope so

>E-cigarettes ‘COULD be as harmful as regular cigarettes’ according to new study

>E-cigarettes POTENTIALLY as harmful as tobacco cigarettes, study shows

>Study finds that e-cigarettes are POTENTIALLY as harmful as tobacco cigarettes in damaging DNA

>E-Cigarettes POTENTIALLY As Harmful As Tobacco Cigarettes, Says Study

>E-cigs MIGHT be less addictive than tobacco cigarettes, but they COULD be just as harmful to your health, studies say

My flatulence MAY cause the rains down in Africa, but it doesn't.

>One study
>probably funded by tobacco industry


beat me to it.


That is great news, I can keep vaping without being a faggot.


Testing new feature on behalf of glorious Dixie.

It depends on how you test it. These washed up faggots test the e cigarettes in a way no one would use it: They dryburn until there is no juice left and then make measurements. They are complaining that Formaldehyd forms then, which is causing cancer, indeed. But no vaping guy would ever dryburn his e cig because it tastes like fucking shit then.
If they get got for their testing methods, they then complain that nicotine MAY cause cancer, although hundreds of studies intentionally tried to connect nicotine with cancer without success.
Fuck all those "scientists". It is just a big lie.

>basically mix glicerine with water
>then add the shit that fits you
how is that harmfull?

This guy knows what's up.

This study wasn't even researching the effects of vaping. They were trying to show their divice could be used for determining DNA damage. If you want to show that vaping is dangerous you need to do a study about vaping not a study on some divice.
Also I don't even vape or smoke.

Just smoke real cigarettes you numale nigger

>1st i want the paper not the article
>2nd last """reaserch""" that named vapes harmfull heated the vapings parts 1000x times than a user does
its like literally burning an apple and saying eating that is bad lul

nicotine is a neurotoxin. 2 drop of pure nicotine will kill a human being. It's often used as a pesticide.
Do not get hooked on nicotine.

I bet the air in an average American city is worse than inhaling an e cigarette.

Hahaha watching you shill for the nicotine jew is hilarious

i smoked for many years and it did real damage to my lungs, i switched to vape to quit.
after about a year, put vape down, no more smke or vape or withdrawals.

I'm a scientist and I approve of this post.

For real. I work in a hospital lab.

t. cryptokike

>researchers crafted a screening device and discovered that e-cigarettes are filled with a nicotine-based liquid


Is this what people mean when they say "common sense"? There's no way vapind is worse than breathing in smoke.

Nicotine was never considered anything but addictive till they combined it with water vapor. Must be the water vapor. You ever inhale water vapor? That shit is worse than mustard gas. You will be coughing up blood in 30 seconds.

scientists discover cheeseburgers filled with cow products

your flag is a thousand times gayer than mine. Eat shit

Anyone else can't see most of the custom flags?

>spraying chemichals in your lungs is not healthy

I don't get why people didn't understand that sooner.

i think you probably just don't have enough Sup Forums dollars yet. give it some time


Never smoked anything but my parents did, stopped smoking thanks to e-cigs(they don't even vape anymore). I was still living at home by the time(was 16) but I remember the thing I've noticed in the first 6 months since they've moved on.

My father, before going to 1st(morning) shift always had coughing fits. Always woke me up at 5AM because of them. ALWAYS.

2 months in, he stopped coughing. The only side-effect was that he gained weight(tobacco kills appetite so no wonder).

Yeah that sounds like e-cigs are totally just as harmful as normal cigs, rite?

Also a lot of those researches are based on flavors like bubblegum and other shit nobody normal buys under guise of "protecting the youth" since they totally are going to buy those on regular basis, right?