Opinions on Lord Buckethead?
Opinions on Lord Buckethead?
Faggot unworthy of the name.
degenerate fag larping around in a costume
>still better than Corbyn
Better than the brexit fags.
I don't even want to think about what that gear smells like after a long hot summer's day mugging for the camera
Too much leather.
A useful operative.
He was the best chance we had
He's a good Jewish boy.
Literally who
High esteem for him until he appeared on John Cuckliver.
The last best hope of humanity.
>The brexit negotionations will be a shitshow
That's the most realistic approach anyone has ever had on the brexit.
That's a big bucket.
I like the guitar-playin sonsabitch better than the politician
u u
u u
The whole "Stop selling guns to Saudi Arabia, start buying laser guns from me" is very hard to argue against.
Hell, I'd vote for him over trump and hillary.
There is only one buckethead.
He's a talented guitarist that released like 200 albums in the last decade
Test flag
The Pikes are great. He's the only musician that I will spend ridiculous money on. Bought all the pikes as a pack and bought the Limited Edition Slunk Pass as well.
can't wait.
He's got good aesthetics and reasonable memability.
Lmao so wacky and random!! XD
Normies and current year man are going to bash the humor out of it, but it was funny while it lasted.