ITT: suggest new ideological and theological flags
ITT: suggest new ideological and theological flags
Other urls found in this thread:
Most of these already have flags describing the general ideology
Flag related, describes your thread
I'll make it easier for you,
Why won't we all just move to r/the_donald?
What is an Identitarian?
why is Pacifist not a white flag?
Jew is on our side for once?
Should I be worried or suspicious?
Not sure why we don't already have this
technically it's Anarcho pacifist but same thing desu
Why would you need an SS flag when you already have the best one?
no thanks
>not a white flag
French flags already exist.
Daily reminder pol is a Kekromantic board.
what should i put in it's place though?
Flagposting is worse than tripfaggery. Kys newfags.
>says the leaf
Maybe a monarchist flag.
wew Sup Forums is edgy
Good thread, OP.
sup friend
Only flag I need is NOD
you forgot one
Reminder that flag choices are shit.
Reminder that flag choices are going to be used for newfags, shitposting, and falseflagging exclusively
Reminder to turn on flag filters for the obvious shitposters like Natbol, LGBT, Kekistani, Jihadi, etc
Reminder that Sup Forums's past usage of flag choice is irrelevant in the fact that its current usage will be mostly by memelord shitters, and that geographic flags are more useful for political discussion than flag choices could ever be
4 polan
t.Mad white boi cuck
We must not forget our minimum wage warriors yo.
Let's change the french flag to this.
Oh, I know. We need the imperium of man.
Why were the new flags even added?
what about isis flag?
France doesn't need two flags
Giftgivers need their own flag
I made an antifa flag earlier today
They weren't, the just turned the old system back on.
Sup Forums was like this in the beginning.
Pic related should be available for everyone
I got banned for posting this recently. (Even though I posted it many times without cause between 2013-2016 with no issue)
>new flags
mhhmhmhm how about you go back?
Country flags weren't really a thing back in the old days.
The shitposting potential would be too much
What about the falangist flag?
country flags was why I stuck around here now it's a shit show.
We need a EGS flag featuring froggy!
This was fucking disturbing. Degenerates who post this sort of stuff should be gassed along with the faggot deviants who engage in these disgusting acts.
Where the fuck is my centrist flag you piece of garbage
Yeah we need more flag diversity. Flag related.
>let's make the role playing even worse.
Fuck off faggot
there is already a jihadi flag
Idk There are already a ton of fascist flags
there wasn't really a widely used flag for monarchist so I made one
show me one that might work for centrists
Is there anything for us who want the foreverwar to begin? Or I guess /k/ubism?
Will also take Nod
Froggy best girl
>How can I post Keskistan's flag, my fellow redpilled friends?
This for example
Fuck of flag fag.
I like the idea of bringing back the funny names for each flag too. Like European would be europoor, teabagger for gadsen and so on.
if same numbers,iron guard flag gets added
thats not theologic or ideologic. I doubt the mods will do that
Add an Antifa flag
Automatically ban anyone that uses it
I'm fucking autistic and meant to reply to
I'd strongly support an ϟϟ flag.
We need a fucking monarchism flag, it's a joke they didn't give us one, at least 20% of Sup Forums are monarchists
Atf, cia, bigguy, fbi, scientology, centrist, illuminati, etc
Ban Kekistanis as well.
Also bring back the jidf and Israeli flags.
The fuck just happened?
Japanese nationalism is an ideology ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
An anglo saxon one would be good. I like the idea of having alternative national flags in the form of things that strongly represent the RACIAL identity of the country.
I support flags for FBI CIA NSA ATF.
What would a centrist flag be though, a fedora?
only serious ideologies please
How about you go fuck yourself user?
This would almost certainly become the new leaf.
You are like the faggots that say "How do we integrate the immigrants better"
Fucking deport these new flags
I added it already. there wasn't really a widely used flag so I threw one together
Wha..what was it?
>Only serious ideologies
Why don't you come fuck me big man
I want more flags on Sup Forums than genders on kikebook.
with the exception of the last one the other two were in the original list
i support this
MODS! Add these right fucking now
Fuck this world
This flag because fuck Mexico
Add this mods!
>makes antifa flag
checks out
cool, keep making these user