
"A mentally challenged, unarmed, black man, named June "Bug" Cotton, was shot dead by police after officers mistook plush toy for a child in danger."

"At 7:31 in the morning of June 12, an unarmed, mentally challenged black man by the name of June Cotton was shot dead by police officers.

Police received a call after June had entered a gated community carrying a plush toy, which residents mistook for a child in footsie outfit.

One particular resident noted that many young children wore footsie outfits often in the neighborhood.

A witness stated that when police officers ordered June to put down the plush, June responded with visible anger, and police shot him from about twenty feet away.

His aunt, Instedova Jahb, struggled during the interview; "Ourpoor little Junebug, he had his whole life ahead of him".

Other urls found in this thread:



Nothing like the "call to police" to justify almost any action on the part of the police.

The US really needs commissars to police the police.

>instedova jahb

>gets angry when told to put down his stuffed animal
this is what happens when you are already legally retarded but then lose another 20 iq points, typical nigs


natural selection

Beautiful satire user really funny heehee.

>"Ourpoor little Junebug, he had his whole life ahead of him".

when will they learn?

>His aunt, Instedova Jahb, struggled during the interview; "Ourpoor little Junebug, he had his whole life ahead of him".

Honestly the cops did that obese nigger a favor for all taxpayers and health workers who would of had to deal with his rotted bloated corpse in 4 months anyways when they found him dead in an alley

you think implementing overseers for what you believe to be a poor system will make said system work any better? dumbass. it would make it completely non-functional








I'm coming up empty on google. are you sure his name was june bug cotton?

I used to be able to count on shit, but the fake flags seem to have unleashed some sort of shitstorm of shitposting the likes of which has not been seen since charles manson got kicked out of reform school.

>mentally challenged

Thats a very offensive label for the average black IQ

>he had his whole life ahead of him

This literally applies to every single living person.

>instedova jahb

no fucking way this is an unironic nig name

why would they shoot him if they thought he was holding a child

I think it's a fake story, sent here to rile us up. the best I can find is deborah "big red" cotton who got shot at a mother's day protest.

"Junebug eatin him chicken niggets out by the porch in heaven now" #justice4junebug

To be honest I don't trust cops. I'm not anti cop but if shit went down I'd rely on myself before I'd rely on the police.

Police are too average to be reliable. They let my most useless friend become a cop and it's really made me not trust police now. That fucking idiot was a flat earthers and now he has a gun and authority over people. He's the type to shoot an unarmed retarded person.

Nothing against police anons, just think I'm better off owning a gun and protecting myself.

>you think implementing overseers for what you believe to be a poor system will make said system work any better? dumbass. it would make it completely non-functional

So the option is have the police investigate their own actions as an additional duty, or have an outside body with a single mandate and express training for that purpose.

I wonder what will work better.

Instedova jahb
Instead of a job.

>Google names and "quotes"
>Only return is Sup Forums threads

Fake and gay. Source or it didn't happen.

I would assume if this was such a serious probelm you would have enough evidence to not have to make shit up.

Nooooooooo June Bug, don't go.

>Police thought a child was in danger
>opened fire on dude holding a kid
>totally legit story

He was mentally ill. The fault lies with his legal guardian. You dont let small kids or tards run free.

Great I hope there will be riots all over the country.

honestly that is...one of the blackest names i've ever heard
thats all i can take from this



Going to have to side with the retard nigger on this one. How can you think a a plush toy is a child from only 20 feet away? Blame goes to the aunt as well seeing how she let him wander off, but the police officers in this case are clearly fucked.

>American police shoot on signs of anger.

Going a bit far lads.

>Instedova Jahb, struggled during the interview
that she would!

A swing and a miss cant u see whole thing is satire

Sounds like a mix between insta coffee and soap

This tbqhwyf

Brandishing a child menacingly.

lol at these people. Its obvious joke,


>All these faggots who take news headlines at face value and never factcheck

This is why the Jews rule you.

>thought he was carrying a child
>mentally retarded man got slightly upset
>decide to shoot him and probably the child also


>Instedova jahb
>Instead of a job.

ok, I'm as retarded as june bug.

Wheres the blood?

Use your words..

source pls

my thoughts exactly, he was a fucking burnt potato, the only thing ahead of him is a straight jacket and drool. Some fucking nerve they have spouting such rubbish

>Sup Forums makes ridiculous arguments to justify their sociopathic racism
>when faced with such blatant injustice they just act like edgy 14 year old prepubescent boys who just got done watching execution videos on a dial-up connection

You're all scum of the Earth.

Is this the first chapter of the Junebug Cinematic Universe?

Do you expect a cop to determine a tard from a high nigger from a distance? Why the tears its just a tard nigger. His aunt will live good now that she dun got paid.

There was a mentally challenged black man who was tased to death in Tulsa, OK recently . Bet that's where there the image is from

They did him a favor.

>Getting on your high horse over a fake story
>Trying to tone police random internet starngers


That's actually pretty sad ;(

>A mentally challenged, unarmed, black man
And nothing of value was lost.

>that flag


Have you ever been a cop?

He dindu nuffin.

>Implying making rubber quota is less important than a random dindu's hand and foot.
He'd have just used that hand to steal and that foot to evade arrest.

How the fuck are all you retards falling for this shit

>June "Bug" Cotton

>"AN UNSUPERVISED, mentally challenged, unarmed, black man..."
Police did nothing wrong. Black guy's family did.

His belly was as shiny as the back of a junebug after he was born

Bullshit. Another false flag.


This is fucking disgusting. At what point was it appropriate to draw a handgun?
There's 2 officers there. 2 can restrain him.

Complete faggots murdered a man for no reason. The next time I cut them in line, and they "display visible anger" I'll just stab them 42 times in the chest with a steak knife before they can say anything because I fear for my life.

>June Cotton



Yeah desu I think the cops in this particular situation are the niggers.

wow this sucks, I send my condolences to the family..

Why do you feel he has to be supervised?

And even if he wasn't are you saying that gives someone the right to do whatever they want to him with no consequences?
Or is it just murder?

Like if I raped your 7 year old daughter, really tore that hymen open, and murdered all your children, would you wryly shake your head and waggle your finger while saying "guess I should have been watching them you scamp."

When I want to be mentally challenged I try to read Hegel.

Why the fuck you you leave a mentally challenged person unsupervised? They could wander off and do stupid shit they have no control over. And in this case it left the person dead because there was no one to explain the situation.
Imagine a guy running at you while failing his arms and screeching his throat off. Do you think today's police will stop and check if the person if fine in the head? Of course not. "Shoot first, ask questions later."

came for this, bye now.


He was a filthy infidel. Now he's burning is God's great oven.

Why the flags now? Geez. Now there's gonna be shitposting like never before.
Yeah, that's terrible OP. Poor guy.

f p b p

>shot dead by police after officers mistook plush toy for a child in danger

Yeah the cops shot at the guy because a child might be in danger. You can see the toy right next to him. So by their words either they shot at someone holding or standing right next to a child, or he'd put it down.. in which case why did they shoot him?

Y'all got some of that body cam footage?


>J[itter]bug Cotton

>June Cotton
I think that's the most nigger like name I've ever heard.


>The US really needs commissars to police the police.

Do you have no one policing your police or do you let them do it themselves.

I can believe Americans would actually think either of these options is acceptable.


>"child in a footsie outfit" possibly in danger

why should we care

>Mentally unstable man breaks into gated community, gets violent after ordered to stop by police
>"He dindunuffin, he a good boy"
Every damn time.

Nigger here, I know you're a kike LARPing as a negro but let me help y'all understand something.

In the vernacular of my kinsmen... a "bug" is what we call a mentally-ill (usually schizophrenic) nigga who is so fucked they don't function in any facet of life.

This nigga probably started screaming, had the crackas called on him and then charged them and got lit the fuck up.

I've seen it happen at least 8 times in my life.

Mentally challenged black man...

>no source
>horrible puns

Try harder, OP.

It's sad. I hope his family is okay.

Arg, 11 times a matter of fact

>In the vernacular of my kinsmen... a "bug" is what we call a mentally-ill (usually schizophrenic) nigga

Useful information actually.

>I've seen it happen at least 8 times in my life.

What are they putting in your water?

Fake news.

nothing of value was lost......

negroes = cancer.....mentally challenged are burdens on society......

I'm starting to think maybe there might be even a tiny tiny minuscule bias. I'm not trying to troll or be a faggot about it, I still think blacks are treated the same as whites by the polices, but this genuinely made me think there might be a bit of a bias

good one ha ha

Brought on by themselves since they ARE more likely to commit violent crime. Its like you've learnt nothing

>10/10 puns
>Instedova Jahb

Try humor, fegget

>Instedova Jahb


No this is just proof that cops will put a bullet in anyone without even observing a situation but we get arrested for pointing it at an angry mob in self defense thats trying to attack you. The department will say "within protocol"

>muh protocol.