No one in town seems to know or care.
Are you gay?
Bump for interest
How does it feel to know that you could have been offed by Tranny Phantom to appease his waifu?
Are you taking precautions in the future?
No, but the faggot who did shooting sure was!
No, just more hugs and tolerance! After all if we just accepted horesfucker faggots this wouldn't happen!
I hate this state and this town
From just looking at the dudes pic he was gay.
But the tranny fad made him lose his mind
Yeah, he has /mlp/ written all over him
Is this the beta uprising /r9k/ promised us?
Nah, just a tranny faggot. No wonder it got no coverage.
I wonder if a few other beta boys will off themself in the name of some random ass show.
I'd never thought I'd see it. No one I know knows about this story.
Because he was a TranFag was the reason to hide it.
That wouldn't fit the (((narative)))
With any luck
Daily reminder, this chick probably knew it was going to happen and should have reported tranny phantom to the cops.
Thanks Friendo, I'm trying to piece together the details 'cause I can't figure out why us?
What do you mean "why us?"
I love how even after his attack, he's still a literal nobody.
I STILL don't know of anyone outside of Sup Forums that even KNOWS about the shooting.
What a fucking failure Tranny Phantom was, both in life and in death. LMAO
Out of all the gin joints in all the world, why did
have to pick ours?
Rest in irrelevance
i doubt the bitch knew him. She "knew him," apparently by randomly talking to him on the internet?
Why name a school a few states away
Nah, we just found the story. Which led to her. She likely has no idea people know who she is and saved her shit before it was deleted by her. Pretty sure she's just an ugly broad not a >she
White bois can never do this right. Asians are far better at this
Knew him enough to make fan art of his school shooting characters. She knew what he was up too, at the very least.
What state is Westborough in?
were u scared?
I think it would be hard to approach the idea though. The whole show is about fucked ok girl shit.
But yeah I don't doubt that he might have said something along the lines of glorifying a shooting.
Massachusetts, apparently
Damn, Still curious
No, only found out after the fact. Some cops showed up but nothing much now that I think of it. That's the weirdest part.
omega kek
>Commie Flag
>Not Contributing
How was Cho so efficient? Was it the high Asian IQ?
Lanza is the best
>prove me wrong
Precisely calculated shots
Damn, he could have made a good National Socialist, this story would be hot if he wasn't a tranny.
Some speculate that it was the hidden Mongol warrior inside. Its a theory as good as any tbqh
he locked the doors behind him
>golden and Johnson were a better duo though then columbine
r u white
really makes you think
Why do you all have the shittiest memes? This doesn't even merit anything from my common pepes folder in response.
She had a whole DA page with fan art. Some of which she sent to Randy. They were communicating. Before she ghosted all of her social media there multiple examples of it. Why delete everything if there's nothing to hide?
Look at my thumb, you tell me.
I can't believe he had a frozen poster.
Mentally insane.
Don't kill me Breivik!
fuck him..Lanza master race
i guess that's a no
p-please go back
He shot a bunch of swedes. Swedes are easy mode
Post more pics
Norway..but he went to an island where he had free reign for an hour..lanza had 5 minutes
>visiting a place because an autistic schizo did
Who has real autism?
Oops my bad. Same general region different cucks
the autistic schizo didnt even visit desu..i think he went to a different school
Norway is still worth saving. Sweden is a shithole Finland and Norway should bomb into oblivion.
I live here.
Imagine how fun it was shooting lefties.
>POO education
made me think again tbhq
>Lanza is the best
Lanza offed a bunch of toodlers. While that is Sup Forums tier and maximum edge, it is lacking in a certain finesse
The supreme gentleman had style. As always it is the thought that counts and the gentleman's thoughts were magnificient
I'm fucking white
Looks Slavic to me, ergo, not white.
t. Purest White Genes.
whos your favorite?
This guy is perfection.
It's dd/mm/yyyy dipshit
Im 50% italian, 25% irish and the rest french, german, or english
Fucking Yuropoor
m/dd/yy doesn't even make sense, and it's an aesthetic horror
Not white at all.
Blow it out your ass
Who is Mussolini.jpg
I think Elliot will be exceeded in numbers by many but they will all be forgotten eventually. Elliot though will live forever in the memes built around him. Hence he is my favorite.
ha, gay!
Classic line
Shut up and post more pics, were you at the supermarket he shot up?
Hello fellow /bant/elope and fellow /PA/ man.
So this happened at a Weis?
He is the supreme gentleman
It wasn't in town, not sure why he referenced us. I'm trying to find out
This is all very weird
Did he add that clip of him shooting with all black as a reference to the Columbine Tapes?
I'm /MA/ but yeah
DId he not go to that school?
Thats weird if he didn't
Also, at least some of us around here can understand Elliot's pain. I don't get this brony, I don't get Columbine(supposedly they were bullied) or any of the others tbqh
Idk, I'll try to find some kiddo I know and go through yearbooks tomorrow
Wait, he references a school in Massachusetts?
I'd be on your guard. Get your ninja knife skills ready.
Reported to elizabeth warren and sent to state gulag
He talks about girls constantly. People must know that love is a chemical reaction.
Good thing I live in a free state. Sorry about the commie government you have up there.
“American mass murders were less prevalent before Richard Speck precipitated their rise in 1966. My best estimate for the -absolute- minimum amount of mass murders in the US since 1966 is 960. I would be surprised if there weren’t a minimum of somewhere around 1500 in reality, but we’ll just vaguely say that there have been over 1000. If you were trying to measure alienation in a society, what could be a more blatant indication? And it’s glib to dismiss them as not being indicative of anything just because there have been over a thousand of them instead of over a hundred thousand, or however many you think are necessary, because mass murdering is so ridiculously over-the-top of a response that very few people are prone to do it under any circumstances. But just look at how many fans you can find for all different types of mass murderers ”not just the [Columbine killers]”, and beyond these fans are countless more people who can sympathize with them; and beyond these are millions more who never think of relating the circumstances of their lives to anyone else but instead just go through the motions of life incessantly dissatisfied with their environment.
Thinking of this society as the default state of existence is the reason why you think that humans would be “not well” for “no reason whatsoever”. Civilization has not been present for 99% of the existence of hominids, and the only way that it’s ever sustained is by indoctrinating each new child for years on end. The “wellness” that you speak of is solely defined by a child’s submission to this process and their subsequent capacity to propagate civilization themselves. When civilization exists in a form where all forms of alienation (among many other things) are rampant, as can be seen in the most recent incarnation within the last fifty years which AS55 talked about, new children will end up “not well” in all sorts of ways. You don’t even have to touch a topic as cryptic as mass murder to see an indication of this: you can look at a single symptom as egregious as the proliferation of antidepressants. And look in your own life. You’ve said that you’re afflicted by unrelenting anxiety and that you’re afraid to leave your house. Do you really think that the way you feel is not symptomatic of anything other than your own inexplicable defectiveness?”