>Never being called a leaf again
>i can actually contribute to discussion without some faggot from Azerbaijan calling me a leaf and making my blue blood boil
>Never being called a leaf again
>i can actually contribute to discussion without some faggot from Azerbaijan calling me a leaf and making my blue blood boil
gcucking leaf
don't betray the leaf.
All these cucks, frogs, and leafs celebrating their ability to hide their identities is pretty telling.
It means all the bullying from Sup Forums for their cucked ways was getting to them. Perhaps they were close to fixing their nation's problems. But gookmoot brought back the flags, and now the cucks, frogs, and leafs are doomed.
Leaf Flag when?
You idiots still make it painfully obvious. For example, this thread is off topic as fuq
fucking leaf
>Implying I can't smell a dirty's anglo stench from miles away.
Fucking leaf.
All false flaggers will be killed
i strongly approve of the new flags.
Fucking leaf, hasnt got the pride to post under his own (shit) flag
Shut the fuck up you leaf. Your hipster ass smells.
You just outed yourself though. Fucking leaf.
Your leafness still shines like a neon beacon of faggotry in the Northern sky, like a pyre of burning gooks, kikes and Ahmeds. Go jump off a cliff into a frozen lake, leftard swine.
Fuck off leaf
BBC here...you leafs finna quit this shit or i'm gonna leave
Yeah, its really telling us who the newfags and redditors are, like you. Whining about Sup Forums going back to what is was shows us you are just another faggot election refugee here for "muh country banter" which is pure cancer.
Fuck off to Sup Forums or /bant/ if you want that shit. That is why it is there.
Now its worse because the paradigm can never shift. If you are acting like a cuckold and are shitposting you will be designated a leaf or a captain sweden.
Your country is forever marked as a gay empire.
You can leave the leaf, but the leaf won't leave you.
Itr was a bad idea you dumb nigger this is why wer had geographic flags you dumb fuck. We tried random and being able to select them. its shitty idea and shouldnt have been brought back. However I think we should bring back forced anonymous though
Too bad you'll always be a faggot.
something about it seems cowardly.
sorry but what is a leaf?
That is an expertly timed photo.
>tfw I can post without being insulted with some stereotypical bullshit that hasn't even something to do with the actual discussion
>brits can now freely speak their mind without being called muh dirty anglo
>burgers can post without getting the 56 % reply
This and much more is now possible.
Thank you mods.
the leaf betrayed us in 1971 when it decided to become infested with chinks and poos
leafs are so fucking stupid
delet this!!.
...when do i get a turn with my wife? :(
crap, now how are we going to distinguish the poos?
Nice flag you fucking hippy
>peace sign
literally kys
get the fuck outta here you filthy hippie!
Hello fellow, non-leaf
What a wonderful day.
Go Trump.
By the way, do you think that Trump is failing to live up to his promises? As a Trump voter, I'm a little worried
Been offline all day what happened?
>Not wearing the Leaf with (gay)pride
Hiroshimoot decided that making fun of people's countries was a nono
So we get to choose our flags :^)
I'm American by the way.
Fuck I'm retarded. I'm on phone atm so I can't see the flags, was confused why some posters didn't have any
i can finally comment without replies of "RARE"
Phoneposters should be gassed
You don't need a flag to spot a leaf, just like you don't need a flag to spot an Australian...
>Being so ashamed of your country you have to hide your flag
le kek
No flag will ever hide leaf's true colors
Maybe now
But overtime...
No one will know
They'll blend into the background
Nice role playing flags dorks.
I can smell the cuckness on you from here. It smells worse than the kaffers.
Like I said