So many men these days don't even think about getting a job and getting married.
Why are young males dropping out of society?
Other urls found in this thread:
my parents told me I could be anything
so now I am nothing
So this is how Sup Forums plans to save the white race. Keep it up lads.
gee i sure wonder what would happen if we broke down the demographic in question by rac-
It's the workforce as a whole. Niggers will always be useless until the end of time, but it's other races that are faltering, specifically whites.
Because the perception (correctly) is that they won't be able to get a job that will put their long term quality of life above that of a NEET
Maybe because women want a shot at earning their keep and still getting supported by a man and we're collectively over it.
sort yourself out lads allah akbar
A friend of mine just plays video games all day.
If I did that I'd get extreme anxiety and get super depressed.
The only reason I go to work is because my parents want me to and I get some sort of social element out of it.
>try to get a decent job
>give up
At least the government doesn't consider me unemployed!
What's there to work for? Women are mostly faithless sluts, so there goes having a family. Housing prices are way over-inflated so there goes that dream. Taxes are too high and only go to supporting shitskins and Israel, so fuck high earnings.
The only thing to work for is to buy yourself shitty mass produced crap from China and rent a shitty apartment so you can be atomized and alienated even further. Fuck that shit, I'm going to inherit my parents' house, I can do odd jobs and get paid under the table to sustain myself, there's no reason or incentive to be a fucking cog in a corporate machine that will replace you with Pajeet to save even a penny. Let the fucking whores and affirmative action nigs waste away their lives being drones and hopefully they'll run this failed system into the ground sooner.
Unless you've locked down some nice religious virgin girl who wants your babies, then why bother?
From how these articles act, I should be surrounded by women at my job and have constant female attention.
I call bullshit.
I have no social life at work but if I sat around playing video games all day I would feel like a piece of shit
even though I hate my job I feel a lot better on days I come home from working than on days I waste away doing nothing important
>Was a quasi-NEET not a long time ago
>Doing a half-time job for the most of my "career"
>Cherishing my inner childish/cowardly
>Enviroment constantly pressured to do something with my life
>Being weak as fuck as well as afraid of life
>Found a two posts intellectual job, totally by accident (personal contacts)
>Left any left NEET degeneracy/weaknesses behind me
>Started to be confident as fuck
If you are a quasi-civilized, non retarded person you can easily adopt into the society
alla akba!
is terrorism considered a job?
What's the point? Freedom is dead.
Correct perception? You really believe sitting at home and wasting your time is better than working somewhere else? You work at McDonalds for a few years, then maybe go to college/get a trade certificate, get a better job, and it goes from there. Just because you start at the bottom in your 20s doesn't mean you give up.
Sventenson dropping some kinoportery redpills on his way to the cuckshed
Absolutely based
In July 1968 four pairs of mice were introduced into the habitat. There was no shortage of food or water or nesting material. There were no predators.
The last surviving birth was on day 600, bringing the total population to a mere 2200 mice... This period between day 315 and day 600 saw a breakdown in social structure and in normal social behavior. Among the aberrations in behavior were the following: expulsion of young before weaning was complete, wounding of young, increase in homosexual behavior, inability of dominant males to maintain the defense of their territory and females, aggressive behavior of females, passivity of non-dominant males with increased attacks on each other which were not defended against. After day 600, the social breakdown continued and the population declined toward extinction. Their male counterparts withdrew completely, never engaging in courtship or fighting. They ate, drank, slept, and groomed themselves – all solitary pursuits. Sleek, healthy coats and an absence of scars characterized these males. They were dubbed "the beautiful ones." Breeding never resumed and behavior patterns were permanently changed.
...when all available space is taken and all social roles filled, competition and the stresses experienced by the individuals will result in a total breakdown in complex social behaviors, ultimately resulting in the demise of the population.
Calhoun saw the fate of the population of mice as a metaphor for the potential fate of man. He characterized the social breakdown as a "second death,” with reference to the “second death” mentioned in the Biblical book of Revelation 2:11. His study has been cited by writers such as Bill Perkins as a warning of the dangers of the living in an "increasingly crowded and impersonal world."
>Breeding never resumed
>working for this cancer society
>paying taxes so that this shit society can threw that money to some retarded gibz me dats
>while i will get all the blame for being white and heterosexual
fuck it, i have my hobbies, i will study until i die
fuck this nigger society
Equality ideology breaks the the society functionality of the human animal.
Feminism fills the human hive with parasites, promiscuous females, and the male of the species reacts instinctively by walking away.
Why would I support a society like this?
Nothing left.
Who the fuck is going to hire a mcdonalds employee?
>You really believe sitting at home and wasting your time is better than working somewhere else?
There are more opportunities for making money by sitting on your ass at home than there are working at a minimum wage job for retards.
You went from toilet cleaner to toilet cleaning manager? Congratulations Andrzej!
>What's there to work for? Women are mostly faithless sluts, so there goes having a family.
t. doesn't know any women
>Housing prices are way over-inflated so there goes that dream
t. never searched for a house in his life
>Taxes are too high and only go to supporting shitskins and Israel
I agree with this actually, doesn't mean you can live off welfare tho.
>there's no reason or incentive to be a fucking cog in a corporate machine that will replace you with Pajeet to save even a penny.
Most of the ones that come from India are there to fill jobs that most Americans can't. It's not a meme, I work in Santa Clara and the Indian tech workers here get paid the same as anyone else. Some of the lower quality Pajeets do get shipped to other jobs to do them for less though, and there is constant outsourcing which are problems.
>Unless you've locked down some nice religious virgin girl who wants your babies, then why bother?
I think I can kind of see your perspective, most people used to get married and have a house/kids in early 20s but that's not possible until your 30s now usually so the women end up being ruined sluts by then.
Because life is profoundly depressing.
>spend 15 years telling white heterosexual men that they are worthless dangerous pieces of shit who oppress and offend others by their very existence
>glorify rape accusations and destroy the accused and when they are vindicared say nothing and do nothing, leaving them depressed and destitute, literally worse off than if they'd been imprisoned for life
>female infidelity appoaching astronomical levels
>top 20% of men forming literal harems composed of dozens of women(my record was 26 at once just to see if I could)
>courts more and more skewed against men in divorce and child custody cases
>create the women only HAES movement yet tell men unless you're 6'5" with a 6-pack that can deadlift 6 pl8 while making 6 figures you are utterly worthless and undesireable
>apps like Tinder specifically designed to cater to and grotesquely inflate the female ego by giving her an all-you-can-eat sized buffet of cock at her fingertips at any point in time
>demand more hours at work for the same or less pay, doing 3 people's jobs at once at minimum and still expecting overtime, weekends and holidays
>wonder why men are dropping out of society and the workforce
Mid 30s Chad here and I say fuck it, let it all burn. I hate what this society has become and what it made me become.
>Who the fuck is going to hire a mcdonalds employee?
Plenty of people. Any job experience trumps no job experience. It shows you have the basics i.e able to get up/in to work on time, do work when you are there, not fuck up hard enough to get fired, etc.
McDs specifically gives you trining in how to maintain a kitchen, handle cash, assemble orders. These are transferrable skills to catering, general retail work, warehousing and so on.
>There are more opportunities for making money by sitting on your ass at home than there are working at a minimum wage job for retards.
If that was true they wouldn't be at McNiggers working their ass off for $8/hr. Only a select few people can work from home and that's only if you're extremely talented (guy) or are willing to whore yourself out on twitch (girl).
>subtle brag post
Didn't read the rest, kill yourself
I'm not sure why you believe mice habitats are a reflection of human societies. Especially because most of you fat slob NEETs don't groom yourselves.
>work at McDonald's for a few years and go to college
Lmao idt you understand how expensive is college is now, not to mention degrees are worthless cause everyone has one
This, most employers want one thing first and foremost, can you show up to work and hold a job for an extended period of time. And if you can't even show that, then it's impossible to go any higher.
>Go to top tier school
>Double STEM major, bust my ass and do well (at cost of much social development)
>Graduate on time
>Can't find job that will pay me more than I made selling mattresses at Sears one summer
>Women uninterested in me despite good looks and being /fit/ because I'm an unemployed, awkward manlet
Fucking done with this shit, I'm just gonna drink myself to death
These threads, every day, same titles and phrasing. They need to be moved to /r9k/ or something. I'm not denying it's an interesting topic, just not for Sup Forums.
Working today means working in a diverse groups, in an unnatural office building, surrounded by people you share nothing in common with. And being a white male there is the presumption that you are the oppressor, so either walk on eggshells or suffer the consequences.
This is a recipe for a terrible life.
because all the HR departments are totally run by women and only want to hire women and minorities and want to punish men for being men.
In part, it's
In other part, it's that a work environment that only has men in it is a productive and fun environment and that a work environment with a lot of women in it is unproductive, a nuisance to deal with and not fun.
Unfortunately the jobs we're groomed for by our parents and their need to send us to university are full of women, and the jobs full of men get ignored because they're 'lower down the chain'.
Really, it's a culmination of things. Shit parenting, women's liberation, globalism, etc.
Pic related: I understand the spirit of MGTOW, but if you're using your time for fuckin video games, you need to either change or off yourself.
Why would I even bother getting a job when I'm gonna taxed up the ass, while the tax money is flowing right into more immigration?
Because we're fucked
The NEET life is more rewarding. It really is that simple.
Can't find no job
There I ain't got no money to pay the rent
>Getting a job
So many jobs either refuse you for bullshit reasons because so many other people are applying to the same thing - even if it's for stocking shelves - or are literally a few steps above being slave labor.
>Getting married
The rampant hypergamy prevalent in today's society thanks to feminism and the pill basically ensure that courts and law favor women in just about every civil dispute, and divorces. There is no net gain in marrying when it will cost you all your money and an arm and leg in the end. Normally this shouldn't be an issue, but the rampant unprohibted sexual activity women partake in has lead to a society devoid of true happiness and has only given divorces in exchange.
In short western society is broke beyond repair, and offers no benefits to participating in.
I honestly didn't expect a post this well-shaped from a Swede.
Amen. Can't even walk in a store and get decent service from nonwhites these days. Order tacos with no lettuce, nigger fucks it up and puts lettuce on it, tell him I asked for no lettuce and want it remade, nigger acts like I'm a fucking slave master, I say fuck it this nigger will just spit in my food anyway, walk out give tacos to homeless black woman.
>Lmao idt you understand how expensive is college is now, not to mention degrees are worthless cause everyone has one
It is disgustingly expensive but there are ways to mitigate it. I think the average for a public university is around $8000 a semester. For four years that's about $60k in debt. You could work a minimum wage and live with your parents and save up for around 2 years and have most of the debt paid off. Or go to a community college first year or two, which is what I did.
Stop listening to Molyjew, college is the single best investment you can make to improve your life.
Boomers and women.
So what are the "possible explanations" in the article? That men just suck and need to man up? Yeah I'm sure that'll work.
For what though?
That's why they are dropping out. Not because it's hard, but because there is nothing worth having at the end of the road. Zero, zilch, nada. Why do it?
How old are you?
The workforce in the millennial age range is nearly 50% non-white. So even if whites were in the workforce in record numbers, non-whites living on the dole easily drags the total down below the historic low.
It's just another symptom of demographic shift. Whites still participate, but care less about the society because it won't belong to them, and non-whites never cared about being productive except as a political weapon so more cyclical predation is bound to occur.
When the #firstpost is, also, the [hashtag]bestpost
>Especially because most of you fat slob NEETs don't groom yourselves.
goat-fucker with the bantz
>they show all white people
>everyone knows its niggers
Trust me dealing with HR is the fucking worst, especially if it's a skilled job. If you try applying at some start-ups you can alleviate that because they don't typically have HR so you're interfacing with the higher-ups directly usually.
Correct. It's not meaningful anymore. It was for our parents though.
It's more meaningful to pursue non-earning goals.
>college is the single best investment you can make to improve your life.
No. Trade school at best. You're either a babby boomer or you're so sheltered and oblivious that you're just as out of touch as one.
How so? it really isn't IMO, so Explain yourself
They have no incentive to. Modern society shuns the mere idea of making a meaningful existence of your life.
Fuck you and fuck your shitty, cancerous religion.
>only know how to dig holes
>pappy dug holes and grandpappy dug holes before him, why go to school?
>no one will pay me $20/hr to dig holes anymore
>refuse to work for less so can't work in town
>refuse to move because I like the shithole I live in
>back kind of hurts
>get disability, live on welfare
>encourage my kids to be stupid so they can be on welfare
>complain about illegals taking jobs I refused to do
>vote for Trump
>welfare taken away
Why do we make them suffer by letting them vote, Sup Forums?
We are looking. I have sent out 35 employment applications today alone. Nobody wants to hire a white man anymore, we are far too smart and independent.
Workplaces want dumb, damaged and subserviant cucks who will just do whatever without question. A white man will say "is this the best way to go about this? Seems really inefficient and wasteful", and the woman who made that policy will start sperging out.
All the white men I know who were not in the military or degenerates work in trades. I am having to go back to school just to get a trade job, as my dumbass fell for the college meme.
Always archive shills
>washingtonpost com/sf/local/2017/06/02/generations-disabled/?tid=pm_pop&utm_term=.aeeaa6c3129a
>washingtonpost com/sf/local/2017/03/30/disabled-or-just-desperate/?utm_term=.275d49b1387e
Lol I'd rather be a proud toilet cleaner, than live in California. You know damn well that your daughers and granddaughters will be a bunch of liberal idiots fucked by a 1000 black dicks?
I've noticed that a passion and thirst for knowledge and change is pathologized by most people, as though there's something wrong with someone for caring about the current state of affairs. They know all about the new Mountain Dew flavors and video games though.
Where do you live and what wage are you looking for?
Those counties are mostly white.
And it's much worse now.
Master fucking race.
>Whites still participate, but care less about the society because it won't belong to them,
This pretty much sums up how I feel. I work but I'm not going to strive to be anything more than I am with society going to shit. I make enough to money to pay my bills and feed myself while not having to pay many taxes. It's perfect for now.
Men need a collective purpose to unite under. Several decades ago that purpose was to work hard, find a LOYAL wife who was friendly and have kids that would likely see appeal in going down the same path.
Now? Our culture revolves around hedonistic indulgence and mindless pleasure that not everyone gets to participate in, and it's difficult if not near impossible for men to harness the motivation to work or self sacrifice so Bobby can become Becca at the age of four on your tax dollars and so Instagram models can live lavishly thanks to some rich Arab paying her a large sum of money to fart on his feet and drink his piss.
Am I correct?
is he beating up a tranny or is that just a lanky ass woman?
the middle class is not helpful to further an illuminati agenda...we have been flooded in the west with cheap and un educated males......
war will be coming even in one is going to like the consequences......
This is funny because whites in rural areas are massing to disability and living off of welfare instead of getting jobs.
>muh back hurts
>it's not big gubmint if I don't want to work so I collect welfare for free
I deal with this shit all the time. I hear about 4 languages a day. I sit with all Indians. They are nice people but we have hardly anything in common. It's amazing how much food is a common topic when you are with people who don't eat the same things you do. The white people are fucking libs who scream their opinion and I have to hide my power level all fucking day. But it pays well.
This. I'm a tall white decently handsome male. It's a fucking curse. Women hate you because they want to fuck you and know they can't. And other men are intimidated. I'd be better off as an ugly manlet
Lol no defense for the failure of rural white men to even try to provide for themselves.
>cheap and un educated males
Yeah that's called white people in coal country
People who don't in cities are livestock.
But only retards work in a kitchen that don't even know how to cook. They'll have professional easy-guiding equipment and still mostly fuck up by underheating or adding too much salt to the fries or just taking too damn fucking long to finish your menu.
Why do I give valuable time to people who I would much rather kick in the eye?
Giving your labor to a corporation that uses its influence against you is brain dead.
Work for yourself, every dollar is a vote, buy local, buy Caucasian.
I tried, but the way things are going, we have no future anyway.
>Get job
>Lose job after a few months because it's cheaper to hire new idiots everytime
>get blamed for "not trying hard enough to keep my job"
>Girlfriend drops me
>Family drops me
>I'm alone and playing video games
Then you need to apply for the jobs that only men want to do.
Women generally refuse to do jobs that require getting dirty, physical exertion or working in uncontrolled climates, so look for these types of jobs. The trades are examples of these types of jobs and are in high demand today.
>fill jobs that most Americans can't.
You have to be retarded. There are plenty of people here who can do the jobs.
They import indianshits because they hold their visa. They have a way to control the pajeet outside of the workplace, and have them do shit other people wouldn't.
I have an INDIAN FRIEND who is so sick of them. They lie on applications, they use their cousins credentials and act like they didn't know they couldn't do that, and they are TERRIBLE at their illbegotten jobs.
They cannot even speak English with the fluency to communicate effectively. At least the NEETs are computer literate and native English speakers. Beyond that, there is not much more qualification needed beyond wanting to work and learn.
We are being shamed into believing a fucking massive lie that indians are at all capable. They also stink and poo everywhere.
What do you do for a living.
I don't want to contribute.
Yeah what's funnier is that the most welfare dependent white ruralites still don't use half the welfare of any given low IQ minority like blacks and mestizos or hmong.
>muh (((bloomberg)))
You have to go in the oven kike. Mapping where disability claims are new and increasing just illustrates the point. Browns have always abused the system hard, now more whites are giving up and going on it, but the numbers are historically high because the most abusive to the system are nearing a majority of the population.
Thankfully they also don't worship kikes so hopefully soon your rat family will be gutted by spics and niggers. Seeing your entrails on the sidewalk will be a good reminder to other kikes that their reckless behavior doesn't pay off in the long-term.
As minority births outpace the previous majority birth rates, work participation rates fall..........
I wonder what force could be behind this?
>Get told by everyone growing up that you're not wanted, needed or invited to this wonderful society your forebears created.
>"Gee, why aren't you pulling yourself up by the bootstraps instead of isolating yourself with videogames?"
Liberals unironically think like this.
They need CHRIST.
Why do this when the government is giving out free money?
I am in Texas and have land in OK as well. I would work my ass off for 35k a year. I am educated and white.
I could move for work for sure. email me at [email protected] if you want to know more.
Just how big is the welfare system in the US anyway?? and what do you need to qualify as a beneficiary??
Doing whatever you want is more pleasant than doing whatever your boss wants. Is it really that hard to understand?
whats going to happen to these unashamed turboneets when their plans dont come to fruition and they have to support themselves though?
>You have to be retarded. There are plenty of people here who can do the jobs.
Kek mate that's not economically possible, otherwise they wouldn't be making what they make in Silicon Valley.
>They import indianshits because they hold their visa. They have a way to control the pajeet outside of the workplace, and have them do shit other people wouldn't.
>I have an INDIAN FRIEND who is so sick of them. They lie on applications, they use their cousins credentials and act like they didn't know they couldn't do that, and they are TERRIBLE at their illbegotten jobs.
I'm just speaking from personal experience, I worked for an Indian-founded start-up a few years back and the founders were smarter and knew more about tech than I could probably ever know. The problem is there's too many liars so I wouldn't trust someone directly from India who handed me a resume from India Tech University or wherever they get their degrees from.
If you're Meheeecan, you can go to special programs that help you sign up.
You can go to all the schools you want for as many years as you like (even medical school assuming you fail out) but you will still be more worthless than a McDonalds employee. Having zero work experience will make things infinitely harder for you.
How does he afford vidya?
I like this guy