Evolution refuted

There are about 3 billion base pairs in the human genome. There are 11 organ systems in the human body. Necessarily, at least one of these systems is contingent on at least 272,727,272 base pairs. There are 5.53 × 10^33 (553 with 31 zeroes after it) possible permutations of these base pairs. That is 1.28 × 10^16 (128 with 14 zeroes after it) times the supposed number of seconds in the age of the universe. That means, in order to get just one of the 11 organ systems, there would need to be a genetic mutation an average of 1.28 × 10^16 times per second since the beginning of the universe just to get a 63% chance of arriving at the correct gene sequence. If we account for all 11 organ systems, there would need to be a genetic mutation an average of 1.52 × 10^177 (152 with 175 zeroes after it) times per second since the beginning of the universe just to get a 63% chance of arriving at the correct gene sequence. (((They))) trusted that people can't or are unwilling to do simple math, and apparently they were right. (((They))) trusted their """credentials""" would be convincing enough.

People fell for sensationalism and appeals to emotion like """overwhelming""" evidence, most of which is faulty inferences of cause from similarities of species. Similarities, and even sameness, never imply cause without foreknowledge of that cause. Function simply necessitates form. Similarities are inevitable as some forms are objectively more efficient than others. It can't rationally be assumed that any similarities are homologous rather than analogous, without first assuming evolution to be true, which is circular reasoning and begs the question. Similarly, """accurate""" predictions from evolution would in no way be implicative of cause. Assumptions of otherwise ignore the possibility of a third variable. None of the """evidence""" is """""overwhelming""""" to anyone who has a brain.

>evolutionists unironically believe pic related

Other urls found in this thread:


>Be you
>Use meaningless numbers to Wow!
God is the conscious Universe
All Powerful, All Being, Infinite and Omniscient.
God uses Relativity and Retrocausality
Thinks with the Planck-level substructure of the Universe.
God uses evolution.
God also uses the large-Hadron Collider.
Pic related.

>numbers are meaningless
>this is how I make my decisions
>n-no it's perfectly logical!
You might as well put your hands over your ears and go LALALALALA. Why even be here if you can't think?

God is the cause of everything.
Since he's all-powerful he gets everything he wants.
Everything is exactly the way God wants it to be.
There is only one God, not a 'Good' God and a 'Bad' God.
Evil exists only in the mind of man.
Man cannot judge God. Ridiculous.
>Be you
>Judge God

>Be you
>Make decisions on the basis of meaningless numbers
>10^16 is a big big big number!
>That means no evolution!

So how do you explain wild rice to nowadays rice, wild corn to nowadays corn, or wild banana to nowadays banana if not because evolution?
Before you say that it's human-made while evolution is natural selection, intervention human is also part of natural selection.
In evolution there are 2 process, genetic mutation and natural selection. Genetic mutation will modify the gene while natural selection will choose which one will be suit for surviving. Human intervention is part of natural selection in that case.

This is why there are trillions of organisms fighting for survival you fucking retard.

No, idiot. There is not a letter of sensationalism in my post. If you want sensationalism, run away back to your comfy television and indiscriminately absorb more propaganda. What that "big" number means is that there is a 1/1.28 × 10^16 chance of evolving a modern human organ system, and that it is irrational still to assume, without reason, that natural evolution is more likely than a possible cause like God's existence, for which the epistemic likelihood is 50% without prior knowledge.
>I laugh in the face of your logic
If you can't think, you shouldn't be here. Sup Forums is 18+

Nice argument, spic.

Thanks for the explanation of how scientific notation works.
>Be you
>Claim non-sensationalism
>Tells me just how many zeroes are in a number
>Tells me I can't think
>Be sensationalist
>Not be able to observe own sensationalism
>Be not rational


Hey OP, How many zeros are in that big big big big big number again? And that proves/disproves something How exactly? What's the denominator? What's your big number divided by infinity?

Run that by me again.

OP, don't cry.

Pic related.

True mate. Evolution is such an easily debunked claim, its not even funny anymore. Its astonishing to think about how many people still except this nonsense.

What if the universe is older than current estimations?

> Has never used genetic algorithms
> mfw
> I lost my face folder

>Wow, that's a big big number
>That means no Judeo-Christianity!

The numbers he cited, if correct, are far larger than the number of atoms in the observable universe

You stupid fuck first DNA is degenerate. A gene sequence can code the same proteine. Its good so we can undergo mutation without anything actually Changing. There is just 20 aminoacids that can ne coded.This fact alone makes your calculation retarded. Also you forget there are also 5*10 to the power of 30 bacterias for roughly 3-4billion years. And you forget that mutations are not 100% random but shaped by the environment. There is pressure by the environment to mutate into a certain direction.

I think OP believes the Earf is 6000 years old and Eve was a rib-woman.

Selecting for preexisting traits is not the same as the introduction of new traits via mutation

I mean, infinite parallel universes.
We happen to be that 1:(insert pointlessly long number here) that has humans. There's probably another universe where we don't exist, and one where fucking Middle Earth exists.

>OP's penis size in cm.

5 times 10 to the power of 30 bacterias at any given moment in the past 3 billion years. They are constanty being created and die so over the past billions of years there were an absurd amount of bacteria.

And how high is the chance that a bearded wizard dreamed up by random iron-age (!!!!) sand-niggers did it?

1/5.53 × 10^33* copy-pasted the wrong number

What is this movie?

It wasn't a bearded wizard. It was the primordial consciousness of the Universe.


Archive the shills

>There are 11 organ systems in the human body

That's where I stopped reading and smelled your autism, kiddo.


>can throw around wild numbers, but doesn't understand the meaning of evolution by selection

>correct gene sequence

Ha, the whole idea of evolution is that only the most suitable organisms would survive. Checkmate, atheist.

Both wrong. It was a shitpost session gone to far.

Huh, yeah, something paranormal does sound more logical. Why don't you go back to /x/?

Stop church bro, your lack of science is showing. Btw slide thread , sage.

Did you sleep during biology class?

whats this movie?

Life is not an random event. No more so than elements or molecules forming, life in inevitable. It comes about as a function of the "laws" of physics and chemistry and progresses in opposition to entropy. You have not BTFO anyone or anything except for yourself.

>evolution refuted

Not talking about anything paranormal. Talking about the best explanation for human consciousness, the ORCH-OR theory.

Welcome to the club of RNA.

>best explanation

Well, that's an opinion

Evolution (2001).

Darwin was a Freemason Devil worshipper. No way did animals as advanced as the Cuttlefish magically form. This thing was designed:


Damn I love this movie