How do we fix Reddit?
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We let it die.
why do u wanna fix it you fucking faggot
and the cocaine ??
Fun Fact: The founder of TD and the reddit-altright culture is a kike.
Really makes you think.
Fun Fact: Murray Rothbard was a kike
with the meme flags, Sup Forums is actually getting more shitposted than ever
praise kek XD
it will clear out the "muh country banter" which has been killing this place for 2 years+
if you don't like the flags, which is old Sup Forums which you obviously weren't here for, fuck off to Sup Forums or /bant/
fucking 2016 election loser.
Do i get a Swedish flag?
Woop woop
The reason the flags were removed is because there was far too much, quite literal, false flagging and role playing.
ID's work, but don't forget that the average faggot has at least two different id's that they can post from without much effort.
>le mad oldfag is mad xd
To spread our ideology
We don't. It's a good internment camp/containment board for shitheads.
indeed, lets all live in peace with the people we love
i hate natsoc from the depth of my soul but you are 10000000000000% right on this one
on the other hand, they may be cringy, but at least we made them less retarded
imagine what those liberals would be like if it werent for us, probably ultra cucks who suck dick to blm
Reddit was doomed since the beginning
Not really since they keep coming here.
If you think Sup Forums is any better than Reddit than you need to go back