Discussing Homosexuality and worse.
Faggot Thread General
There is already a board for you abominations. You're not going to invade this place.
Good input.
there are only two genders
I agree.
I agree
Homosexuality might be gay.
should i use the hippie flag because the homo rainbow one already goes without saying?
there's an entire board for threads like this
Why do trannies push for pangender bullshit? It explicitly denies that they can ever be their desired gender because sex/gender differences don't exist. The LGBT movement has morphed into a destruction of identity, not a celebration of it.
Could we abolish gay marriage by simply allowing priests to marry two men then saying "no homo" afterwards?
could we hold a vote to kick the "T" out of LGBT.
Best Idea ever.
Alot of liberals tend to try and make things about themselves to feel special.
Second best idea ever.
I vote in favor
I hope the mods add the flag from hell, so we rest assured they get what they deserve
That's a bit...Drastic.
I notice that you guys at Sup Forums spend an awful lot of time discussing what other dudes do with their dicks
Well, i'm a faggot, sooooo...
lemme tell you man, /lgbt/ has been having a debate about that since it was created.
why do you hate gays its not like they are doing anything bad. Just give me a short breakdown why you hate them
It makes sense. There's no point in calling lumping all non-straight people together in a retarded acronym. I don't really like dykes and trannies, and I don't want to be part of their "community". Not really seeing the need for a queer solidarity or whatever
I don't. I am one.
Not doing anything bad!?! It is violation of the laws of biology! Humans are supposed to reproduce...
how you doin', sven? made a bunch of kids there, did ya?
You know perfectly well what his name is.
Mostly the ones that fuck both men & women and spread fag disease to everyone else.
Most fags fuck 1000s of different people, often along with hard drugs.
They all end up horribly infectious.
>Discussing Homosexuality and worse.
Fags are destroying my country! So i'm not feeling good...
so we hate you in that case.die in pain you sinner.
i wish i could be able to fuck 1000 people :(
How does one know if they are gay?
Is that toilet covered in chocolate syrup?
they're not the only ones, from what I hear. fight the real enemy.
>implying we haven't already conquered Sup Forums
yes, homos delight
I can tolerante fags and lesbians, but traps and trannies are fucking disgusting
so they are nothing but infection spreading vermin. But what if they are free of diseases?
>you will never cuddle with young Gerry and discuss how to best destroy the Brit menace
Are you against condoms too ?
>so they are nothing but infection spreading vermin.
but only defective in their sexual orientation/attraction some of the are even highly intelligent People
ancap top looking for nazi bottom
Hell yes. If being LGT is alr4ady considered a mental illness then T must be something much worse than that.
Pay your last respects for an actual symbol that use to mean something.
chromosomes determine gender
Oh fuck I meant LGB
why do fags like exposing themselves in pride parades?
Future society will be free of them.
Future society will be pure and clean from their filthy life styles.
How do i set my flag to jewish shill?
>How do i set my flag to jewish shill?
you have to pay for it first.
Peace out & good riddance.
The fuck is worse than homosexuality?
>Discussing Homosexuality
Not on my watch
Marching straight to RED HOT HELL prepared for them already from the beginning of Time.
Niggers proving once again that they need to steal and infest everything.
>A Swede who hates fags
You're preaching TO the enemy right now.
This desu.
islam, white chocolate
dont you think that with that attidute some high value scientist could be lost?
>implying hell exists
>dont you think that with that attidute some high value scientist could be lost?
Scientific knowledge is available to all and when time is right Humanity is receiving specific scientific knowledge in few places on Earth to make sure that is absorbed.
You don't need to be stinky faggot to receive it.
Can you imagine of the abundance of scientific knowledge Humanity would receive by now if there was no LGBTQ on in our societies.
I'm sure we would be blessed with phenomenal scientific secrets but those LGBTQ turds are restricting this from happening.
But very soon they will be eliminated from Our Planet Earth and things will get back to proper pure functionality.
Ok i take everything back i just saw some gay porn and that stuff is disgusting
I just relaized that with most gays you dont just get one friendly moderate dude you get this gigantic disgustig rat tail of lgbt community with him so even if he was intelligent he would just get corrupted by them or am i wrong with that
user are u ok
pol should work to get more mudslimes to repeat the Pulse Club its a win win mudslime goes in kills fags then dies and the world is a better place
Very interesting concept.
Use evil to destroy evil.
I like it.
this desu
9 desu
>Lgbt is now a scapegoat for any problem
Atleast We're not niggers.
As long as they're cute girls, gays are okay with me
What can i say, cute girls are cute.
My one weakness
we're already here
You and your people deserve to be fucking gassed. The sheer fact that a vast majority of fags touch kids is enough and it's shocking it hasn't happened yet
>tfw no cute autistic Norway bf to bully
LGBTQ are the filthy niggers of any healthy heterosexual society.
But don't worry very soon you will be removed from Earth.
Earth will be clean again.
>a vast majority of fags touch kids
pedophiles are neither gay, nor straight, nor bisexual
they are pedophiles, that is their only sexual proclivity
Well, if there's a cute girl behind that flag I'm sure something can be arranged...
that's just ugly, a single black stripe looks like mourning, and brown never looks god on flags
>HUUURRRR durrr, just get rid of gays and people will start magically making scientific advancements that gays are currently keeping them from making somehow
You sound like a retard desu
Jesus fucking christ they literally have to make everything about race.
/lgbt/ is already lost to the trannies tho.
kekistan flag identifies the retards now
I don't know, user. You can get a huge daddy fetish for older Gerry.
This is the perfect opportunity to point out to non-homo Sup Forumstards that /lgbt/ is one of the only boards where you can openly denounce kikes, niggers and Mudslimes without being told to fuck off.
Yes. Cause apparently race is a sexuality now.
Hence why so many places around the world have never criminalized lesbianism or make the age of consent laws lower for them.
Reminder that sodomites go to hell
>and people will start magically making scientific advancements that gays are currently keeping them from making somehow
>You sound like a retard desu
No you sound like homo retard.
Scientific advances are granted to Humanity. Who is granting them. God is. Why we have limits on it right now. Because LGBTQ are polluting the rest of Humanity.
But God has perfect plan to remove that filthy parasite and after cleansing the granting will flow abundantly to the Humanity that will be FREE from all forms of evil and LGBTQ is one of them.
Homosexuality in western countries is becoming more and more prevalent due to estrogen in plastics production and also as a byproduct of human wastewater treatment which typically ends up in urban and suburban watersheds; hence why the Chesapeake bay has an issue with hermaphroditic fish and frogs are turning gay.
no blowjobs for french kissing with girls for you then (seeing as those are also sodomy). Have fun having boring missionary sex with your wife (if you manage to find one)
>Reminder that sodomites go to hell
Yes both homo and hetero ass fuckers will go to hell.
You fuck in the ass you are automatically sub-human.
Any time I see a """protestant majority""" Euro saying this, I instantly assume they're a larping atheist.
>Reminder that sodomites go to hell
>Yes both homo and hetero ass fuckers will go to hell.
>You fuck in the ass you are automatically sub-human.
t. taytay
*holocausts internally*
I think most intelligent people know that sodomy is ass fucking, by both homos and heteros.
>antigaypost accompanied by image of a raving dyke
>race is a sexuality