Any opinions about the Ukrainian "nazi" camp?
Any opinions about the Ukrainian "nazi" camp?
Fuck Cuckraine.
I watched news today and they said that those fuckers attacked innocent people in some village and killed some. They are nothing but thugs supported by their fake government.
Remember Azov nazis crucifies babies
Remember the 6 Billion Russian speakers
pretty based desu lad
The Ukrainians had to choose between Hitler and Stalin. Since the Russians deliberately starved so many Ukrainians to death, it's no wonder they opted for the Nazis.
>I watched news today and they said
The Russian "news"? No wonder.
The west should cut all ties with the Ukrainian government as long as it keeps co-operating with neo nazi bataillons desu
useful idiots
>Any opinions about the Ukrainian "nazi" camp?
yes there is very strong opinion,
picture related
They will sure teach the russkie kikes a lesson.
The russians are also 100% kike owned.
Guys that are now part of National Guard are alright.
But Biletsky and his political party are Kremlin agents, not even kidding.
They tend to attract the wrong crowds sometimes, but are doing a good job nontheless.
t. rural and suburban retard
Literally run by a jew. A jewish oligarch funds them. Its ironic as fuck
"Remember the six gorillian ethnic-Russian babies tovarish." - Russia Today.