>be commie
>starve to death
Be commie
Other urls found in this thread:
I am as hungry as a Ukrainian.
It wasn't communism though.
>tfw Ukrainian grandfather had to flee to Britbongistan to avoid Soviet government for German "collaboration"
with technology today he think it will happen again like these ape people that thought it was real communism, fucking kek
>Be Libertarian
>Die of food poisoning due to sewer grease
>the "it's not real communism" meme again
Muh real communism has never been tried before.
>Where's my fucking denbt money, Tsyklos???
It literally hasn't.
>be libertarian
>get nuked by your trillionaire neighbor who bought the solar system for the cheap price of 15 billion bitcoins
Yeah I am sure you will do a better job that uncle Lenin/Stalin/Mao/Pol Pot/Castro/Chavez, huh? Also
>with technology today
>doesnt realize that information technology is an economic strata atop of subsidiary industries which will inevitably fail because gommunism
>Communism doesn't real unless I'm in charge
You are a little brat, nothing more.
>be faggot
>get AIDS
>be capitalist
>get your labor exploited and then starve to death
>be communist
>get sent to gulag for thought crimes
>deny it was real communism
>muh labor theory of value
Might as well admit to being a Flat Earther.
>be commie
>be told not to eat own children
>be UN
>be useless
>Be national socialist
>live in a literal utopia along with your own patriotic countrymen and work everyday to make your country even greater
>be eastern europe
>go through communism
>get economically destroyed
>be liberated because communism collapses in on itself
>westernize to try and get yourself back together
>look at what the west is doing
>commies trying to start the same shit there
what the fuck
>commies starve because food isn't sold
>be aryan nazi
>lose to starving subhuman commies
If everybody is starving equaly, communism works.
>be canada
>have a fucking leaf on your flag
>be aryan masterrace
>slaughter 10 slavic untermenschen for every lost ubermensch
>while being firebombed and under the command of an incompetent bavarian corporal
>while fighting the world sea power, land power, and economic power at the same time
>all those excuses
>m-muh kda
>i-its the jews fault we declared war on the whole world
hahahaha holy shit pol BTFO
canadians truly are the worst posters on this board
>be aryan master race national socialists (tm)
>invade poland
>wage war against western europe
>wage war against ussr
>wage war against usa
>wage war against whole world except for already overstretched nips and incompetent pasta niggers and a few other irrelevant countries nobody cares about
>implying you'd ever win
based black pepe
Yea because Venezuela has plenty of food
it was weather and the kulaks deserved it
This fuckin faggot
Was Ireland a communist country all this time?
Not real communism.
>China lost 20 million people despite not actually fighting in the second world war
>be commie
>get removed automatically
>Be ancap
>Starve to death because local war lord broke your legs and stole your food.
>Danish "education"
>all those excuses
>i-it w-wasnt real gommunism
>da bourgoysee diddit
>damn capitalists, foileded again
Jesus Christ, at least use a different flag.
>Danish education
>getting raped by Japan
>not fighting
>Corruption in a shit hole south american country proves socialism can't work.
None of the Communists starved to death.
Their serfs and slave laborers, on the other hand...
>Kill the cattle so "commies don't get it"
>Starve to death because can't kill cattle for meat.
People just love to shoot themselves in the foot.
The Egyptian mythos of
>crocodile eat soul
>dead gods penis becomes fish
>Jackal man vs bird man
Powered a civilization that lasted three thousand years. The Soviet Union barely lasted a lifetime before people stopped believing it. That is how pathetic is was/is.
>Be aryan masterrace
>Still lose and get your women used to mitigate the untermenschen losses.
>b-but muh KDA!
What a bunch of losers.
can't have any inequality when everyone is equally starving to death. Take that, you bigoted shitlord.
No, it is. If you follow the wise instruction, you should rob your own people so they die like fish on the shore.
Exactly, you know why? Cuz it's fucking utopia. You never are going to get the great humanistic state you dream of. You only are going to kill 10 millón people for not wanting to give everything to the state.
Are you by chance saying that the Soviet Union was communist?
Pro Tip: they weren't
Egyptians didn't have United Kikes of America pushing for degeneracy at the guise of "freeduhm".
But I am sure you enjoy all that racemixing US makes you to accept.
Oh, and one more thing. Soros would be dead as enemy on the people under commies the moment he tried to do his antics, and no money would have saved him.
Oh shut the fuck up retard and focus on your homework.
I chuckled when reading this.
Fine the Japs tried to commit some sort of genocide but no they still did not fight. The death toll continued way after Imperial Japan fell and was mostly caused by Mao Zedong's communist takeover and the (mis)allocation of resources which Communist/Socialist states always come down to.
The only acceptable form of socialism
No one is communist if you establish the metric of your ideological program to be the imaginary fantasy living inside your head. That is RELIGION, not politics.
You are like a millenarian Christian who thinks the world is about to end, and all those who prophesied before are not true believers. Guess what? They were just as (if not more) devout as you.
>Egyptians didn't have the United Kikes of America pushing degeneracy
That's because the USA didn't exist then dumbass.
The form where you take literally billions upon billions of US dollars to fund your state that failed the moment you die, and erupts into one of the bloodies civil wars in Europe?
are you saying it wasnt an ATTEMPT at communism?
protip-it was
>The death toll continued way after Imperial Japan fell and was mostly caused by Mao Zedong's communist takeover and the (mis)allocation of resources which Communist/Socialist states always come down to.
It's ok when hitler kills his population thought
>No one can be a thing if that thing has a proper definition.
Ummm what sweety? You aren't making very much sense. =^)
Excuses, excuses, comrade. Go suck Dugin's fat chode. The solution to thalassocracy is not tellurocracy, but uranocracy.
>lose to starving subhuman commies
So UK,US and the allies are commies now?
And that civil war was caused by nato intervention and the rise of nationalism in the country, not the failure of the system
>It's ok when hitler kills his population thought
Yeah I didn't say that, though feel free to point it out in what I wrote if you can spin it somehow. You projecting faggot.
I can define the nature and essence of heaven to a precise degree all I like, doesnt make it somehow more real. Marx thought that by thinking alone he could change the world. That is magical thinking, betraying the essential religious nature of Communism as a cultural parasite feeding on earlier Christian cultural forms. The labor theory of value is a Benedictine concept.
>not the failure of the system
So, you are saying that there weren't bread lines literally the day after the fucker died and that the unemployment wasn't 25%?
I'm obviously joking. I hate commies.
Fair enough. Sarcasm doesn't translate too well in text.
Nope everything was okay until Milosevic started a war trying to make a great serbia
>Be Faggot
>Get Beheaded
So we agree that no true communist state has existed?
Or ever will exist.
Nice propaganda, cuck.
Yeah, well fuck you, nerd.
>t. mullato brainlet
>are you saying it wasnt an ATTEMPT at communism?
Not really. The workers didn't even try to seize the means of production.
I'm hungry
Ohh boy
>I know... it was the WORKER'S fault! Not my false anthropology!
Killing yourself would be more productive.
>be capitalist
>Negotiate a contract for my labor and services.
>Employer wants to avoid paying.
>Leave and sue the fuck out of him till he ends up a beggar on the street while i now own his house and his wife.
>Or just you know find a proper employer while making sure to fuck the other one over.
Anyone who hates capitalism hasn't had an honest day of labor in them and knows jack shit about managing their money.
>be leaf
The point is, the USSR was nothing like the communism Marx envisioned. For example, Marx wanted the proletariat to be armed whereas the soviets banned guns. Therefore it wasn't communism, it was totalitarianism.
Capitalism has a lot of problems.
Starving is not one of them.
>>be eastern europe
>>go through communism
>>get economically destroyed
>>be liberated because communism collapses in on itself
>>westernize to try and get yourself back together
>>look at what the west is doing
>>commies trying to start the same shit there
>what the fuck
It gets worse when you realize that the commies never left and only switched between the leading parties to remain in government offices while preventing their incompetent cousins from getting fired.
Eastern Europe needs an Right Wing Economic uprising and go full Burger Freeedoom to get rid of this shit.
Meanwhile the EU is preventing just that.
Hopefully the Americans will put their support behind the Višegrad group and urge them to from a confederation to resist the EU. Add in Slovenia and Croatia too just for good measure to lock out Germany from Eastern Europe and the Balkans.
Then invest in Denmark a bit and negotiate Danexit.
The USSR was state capitalism which is vaguely similar to socialism except there was no "dictatorship of the proletariat". Instead the state was controlled by the party elite. This inevitably led to the whole thing failing.
Try to enforce the proletarian revolution against an armed population, like in the US, and see how that works out for you. Dumbfuck. The point is that your revolution is completely diametric to human nature, hence a false anthropology, an incorrect understanding of human social organization and development.
Now post an infogram about the state of armaments among the Soviets.
Fucking hell the Ruskies went full Kung-Fu nigga on your asses because 70% of them were bare-handed.
It was communism though.
Keep apologizing. You failed.