Mfw poo in loos, turks and other undesirable nationalities can just hide under ideology flags and avoid bants

>mfw poo in loos, turks and other undesirable nationalities can just hide under ideology flags and avoid bants

I want old Sup Forums back

this is old Sup Forums, actually

good point, but you know what I mean

old Sup Forums is back, baby

desu I never thought the old guard would come back. Though it was lost to trumploving redditors.

But I prefer this guess all that serious conversation can happen now since we won't make fun of leafs, ausfailia, shit covered India, cucked Sweden, England France and of course now the USA mongrels will try even harder to larp as nazis

Fucking disgusting

y-you forgot nigger Irish

why do you even care? This is just a board.

Wtf is this Sup Forums ? Why are Jihadi and Muslim two seperate categories? I thought each and every single Muslim without exception was a terrorist and a rapist ? Has Sup Forums become SJW ?

You'll get used to it

We may consider anyone without a national flag Roach in the loo leaf swedcuck unless proven otherwise.

Sup Forums is dead

Country flags are what ruined Sup Forums in the first place. This way encourages more individualism and less cringy country-based shitposting and "Why (x) country and (x) people are better and (x) is shit" threads are finally gone again. Having country flags encouraged too many people to form "one of the gang" faggotry. Just a massive "we" fest.

This is the way Sup Forums used to be, and it was better back then. Please go and stay go, newfag. If there's one thing bringing back flag options has done its remind everyone how many newfags there are on this site.

Sup Forums has always been a watered down /new/.


Wrong you dumb nigger flags were not old/pol you fuckhead they were randomized at one point and then we got the choose them and then it was removed. Flags werent around for a very long time you fucking dipshit.

>This is the way Sup Forums used to be, and it was better back then. Please go and stay go, newfag. If there's one thing bringing back flag options has done its remind everyone how many newfags there are on this site.

Everyone knows thats how it use to be. Sup Forums wasnt a fucking shill battleground back then. You think leafs and gemonistanis should get the same treatment than an American? If you do you're a communist and I can see why you want the system to stay this way.

Need to Doxx who ever at Sup Forums is responsible for this??? Who's responsible for this??

Newfag here. 2014-2015 fag that is.

What is the old pol?


How the fuck am I supposed to segregate leafs into my filter?

>What is the old pol?

Newfags who had no idea what /new/ was.

>mfw poo in loos, turks and other undesirable nationalities can just hide under ideology flags and avoid bants

I love pol now.

No poo jokes yayyyy

>be me
>wake up
>check Sup Forums
>the cool flags are back finally
>immediately see newfags crying about this

I don't see what the new flags really add. It just makes it easier for our kind to shitpost.

So far I've noticed less shilling, many of the less patient shills are the ones saying they're packing their bags and leaving Sup Forums now that they can't tell who their targets are. If anything it was country flags that enabled more shilling.

condensed faggotry that wallowed in it's shit for 4-5 years before managing to produce something significant since 2014 onward

The leaf will reign supreme now.

We must come to love and accept people from all places and cultures. The implementation of these flags further this plan, soon we will have Trans flags and Pedophile flags. DIVERSITY YES

This IS what old Sup Forums was like. Leafs are now going to hide behind the LGBT flag.

probably temporary

You failed to argue my point that treating leafs and germonistanis the same as an American is actual communism. You know as well as I do that leafs are a plague and must be taken with a grain of salt but now you cant filter them out. This is literal communism and I don't know how people can be complacent with it.

Case in point

shills BTFO, this be better than mlp, you know what i be sayin?

says the Nigerian big lipped loser.

Protip: Every false flag is a fucking leaf

it's funny because potatoposters are 3rd worst after the leaf and the swede

>newfag pretending to be an oldfag
good try tho shill

protip: leaving it with no choice shows original country of origin.




(you) fail to realize that the implementation of country flags has been eating away at Sup Forums from the inside out since they first began being put into use. Half of you sound like you have no idea how country flags have been benefiting ((them)) for ages now.

what this is fucking awesome why the fuck would people complain about this

>I want old Sup Forums back
This is old Sup Forums, you dipshit.

Finally I can post without stupid memes being spouted at me ad nauseum

Because they're newfags who want to spread their faggotry.

stupid kraut

/new/ didnt have flags you faggot fuck Sup Forums didnt have them until a certain point again they were randomized and then allowed to be chosen from

>being scared of a potato
nigger i can eat you and shit you flat on the street before you can say ...Po-

there are no newfags on Sup Forums they can't handle this shit only oldfags and shills

>no finn-turanic mongol empire flag

fug t. binland

Country flags = massive circlejerking
I'm so fucking glad they're gone.

>amerispics can no longer shit up serious discussions by replying to flags they don't like with their BBC cuck fantasies
damn what a shame

If you are a roach I need to know.

Faggot, this just means we need to blanket spam POO jokes in every thread to keep them out.

Show LOVE not hate!!!!!! Even if you're a child, I will LOVE you a LOT


This is exactly what I mean.

keep making shit up LARPING christcuck

Praise allah

all of you are newfags I've been here since 1996
>tfw we all pranked Keanu Reeves into doing the first Matrix

I'm glad we have the new flags. As an Israeli, I couldn't post anything without getting flamed.


The only people who post without their geo location are people embarrassed of their country.

Cucks BTFO

Now I can post based libertarianism without being downboated and meme-spammed by troglodyte trumpcuck and stormweenie trash