ok Sup Forums
>dating qt northern european
>tall, blonde, blue eyes
>divorced with no kids
Am I making a mistake?
ok Sup Forums
>dating qt northern european
>tall, blonde, blue eyes
>divorced with no kids
Am I making a mistake?
Maybe. I dunno whats she like?
Depends on the reason for the divorce.
Find out why she divorced. If she divorced for a good reason, make white children.
Yeah get a gf with kids so they only come over for sex and you can still play video games.
It's painful but I can change her.
If she makes you happy, do it.
only if she has qt feet
If infidelity on the mans part but not the woman's resulted in the divorce that's okay I guess so long as they didn't have kids. Some woman divorced because of domestic abuse is okay too, so long as it was real uncalled for violence and not a little slap that sent her husband to the slammer. Husband must have had a personality change during the marriage as well, otherwise shows poor judgement on her part.
What good reason might that be you filthy degenerate?
Believe it or not, some people can change a lot after marriage. Taking your partner for granted does wonders to the relationship.
Also she may wanted kids and he didnt.
Or he started controlling / abusing her, stopped caring, cheated her or turned into lazy slob.
And of course all of this could be her as well.
Find her ex, dont tell hin about dating his ex and ask him about her.
yes never date a divorced woman
Not sure how i would find her ex. We still need to talk about why she got divorced. I have no idea as of right now. However, she does want kids.
>Is dating a divorced woman degenerate?
Yes, but if you can live with the fact that you're a beta provider who gets someone else's sloppy seconds, then more power to you, I guess.
Oh he/she just changed out of no where? Well then help him/her get back to the way the were? Obviously people change easily.
If you divorce your words/promises mean nothing. You can't be trusted.
And please explain to me how you can marry someone without KNOWING the don't want kids.
The only excuses is that she was fully retarded and married with 18 and is now at least 10 years older.
Still a red flag imo because obviously her parents raised her in a way that she tought that's a great idea.
But never take her word for it. She has a vested interest to make herself look good.
i used to fuck around with a married woman. we fucked like rabbits for 2 years straight. and then she got divorced and left me. so theres that
If you are for real into marriage, just try to ask. After all, there should be nothing to be afraid talk about with your future wife.
Tell her you want to meet her ex and talk to him. Because you are curious about him and her past. With a bit of luck she will tell you all of it herself.
And remember, girls are emotional creatures. Your most effective weapon against girl is hug, kiss and cuddling. Dont try to win argument battle with logic if she isnt feeling secure/loved in the first place.
Cuddle her a lot!
>out of nowhere
A lot of people pretends to be sonebody else in first months/years of marriage. For exampke see fags in denial, marrying and having children. Sometimes you find how shitty they are only after years of marriage.
And the kids part is very usual. Women dont feel the clock when young. Then it starts from day to day.
>cuddle her a lot!
Are all slavs as gay as you?
Okay let me put this in a way everybody can understand:
Yes, this is degenerate and an immense mistake.
Jesus Christ -how can you and everyone you know get tricked by people pretending? How is that not obviously showing that those people have life experience and judgement?
How can you not know you partner is gay? Obviously they bi and that makes them just a cheater.
Cheating happens in marriages -you don't fucking divorce.
Just don't fucking divorce!
Why would people who don't want kids get married in the first place. You really think hes going to want to fuck you for the next 60 years without any bond.
I always though that being gay is fucking other men. And really, your woman has to feel loved and cared for. If you wont do regular emotional upkeep, she will eventually grow resentful of you and do what /pol is afraid of most: cuck you with anybody willing to give her what you consider gay.
The moment you start treating her as hooker cooker nanny maid (and not somebody you love/care for) is the moment you will lose.
Some marry young and dont know any better. Some are super unlucky and pick sociopath, abusers, alcoholics, mental ill people and so on.
If anything humans are good at, it is deception and lies. And to save failing marriage, you need two people: him and her. You cant salvage it if one party stops trying.
Maybe chill a little, life isnt disney movie and many people learns from failures only.
That's exactly my point. Life is not a Disney movie.
Now stop getting divorces.
OP is a moron.
Yes. Everyone should live in chastity until death and be as miserable as me.
>Templar flag? Test.
How do you date any women? Have you ever tried to talk to one? They have nothing interesting to say, no opinion. It's like talking to a blank fucking wall that either goes along 100% with what you say, or is just there like a stupid fucking brick.
your treasure is another man's trash. i don't care how sexy she is, somewhere there is a man sick of her shit.