No more flagposting, no more poo in loo on sight, no more shart in mart, no more ozzposting, no more leafposters beware, no more big boss shitposting from the seychelles no more blackgentina
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No more flagposting, no more poo in loo on sight, no more shart in mart, no more ozzposting, no more leafposters beware, no more big boss shitposting from the seychelles no more blackgentina
Got hat uns verlassen.
you can detect leafs by their low banter quality.
even with a nazi flag they are easily discovered
ur ugly lol
And no more Kekistan.
God saves Sup Forums from its woes once more!
Kekistan is fucking reddit cancer by now, fuck off with that shitty subverted meme
You need to go back.
I say we get rid of IDs instead. That way all the (you) posting will disappear.
Its cool that you can pick it out which flag you want now.
Poor leaves and kangaroos are gonna go in hiding now
no more hues thankfully
Kekistan is the new Canada
OK papa
imagine if he missed and caught the back of his balls with that paddle...
Aaaand that's why you tuck.
Most importantly no more thread derailments with that tired shit.
You died scratching my balls.
I though you were bolivia for a second
flags are opium for the masses user it is better this way join us
>implying I'll ever drop my leaf
>no more big boss shitposting from the seychelles
But that was my favorite.
I miss norfolk shitposting its like nigeria and leafland combined
Haha fucking nocoiners
No more knowing whether you're talking to that polar bear in Greenland, or the penguins in Antarctica
hey fuck that we didn't win the meme wars without kek. like it or not kekistan flag is the flag of real Sup Forums. go nazi larp somewhere else, faggot.
a agree with this.
>Fuck up with your serious issues, i have posted frog images while autistically looking for repeating numbers XD