fuck off rainbow aids
remake this thread again and burn your fag flag
surely the reputable and honest MSM will be reporting on this?
oh I am sure they will, you just wait and see, CNN will be first to report it right guise???@!?!?
i'm getting sleepy, maybe we should just take nap...
Trump doesn't have balls to properly punish high-ranking leakers like Comey. He will whine for a while about it but do nothing and nothing will happen with them.
>1 post by this ID
fuck off, misprinted swedish piece of shit.
LGBTQI+QWERTY+....+++++pedo+++ flag. So, fuck you and jump off a roof.
>misprinted swedish
>1 post by this ID
Nu/pol/ user do you mind telling me what an ID is unique to again? I'll wait.
Dayum. Really makes my wood ruff
Please explain what this actually means.
Comey testified he wasn't notified of Sessions recusal. This e-mail shows he was notified and he lied under oath.
I hope this effort to get Trump continues. Because it is or will swerve into hillary, lynch, comey, bill clinton, etc. Be careful what you ask for liberals.
Oh that's going to happen. It's already happening. Slowly moving up the chain
>Evelyn Farkas
>Susan Rice
>Loretta Lynch
More to come...
>"I did not recuse myself from defending my honor against scurrilous and false allegations"
Attorney General Jeff Sessions
Found the kiddy diddler!
This is getting slid hard
what does this mean?
How would lying about that benefit Comey?
Comey confirmed for lying draco hybrid
wasn't it a public announcement?
This rat is fucked. He should be swinging on the gallows for treason.
bump again for good measure!
anyone got more info on this?
frankly i don't think this is anything
I'm going to go sleep after that thoroughly boring ass testimony
we gotta have a LOT of energy
wow guys i just got back from a 4 mile jog in this heat and MAN am i feeling great
i really got the blood flowing man we should all take time to get our energy going and feeling E N E R G E T I C
wow we need some energy
man i feel a w a k e and full of energy
we have a lot of digging and reading to do so let's all get our energy levels up with some jumping jacks or some push ups
wow i just did some and man i have a TON of ENERGY
>Comey testified he wasn't notified of Sessions recusal.
Someone link the video/exact time where this statement is made.
yes pls
Gonna need a rundown idk what I'm looking at
Stopped reading when I saw the homo flag.
He might not have literally got the memo.
Comey's fucked.
Anybody have the JUST shop of him?
>Gonna need a rundown
>Comey is Deepstate
>Deepstate control the volcanos
>Session made a deal with the ayylmos for control of the fried rice trade
>fried rice beats volcanos and become refried rice
>Bill threw Hillary into a volcano
>Sessions tried to control the shit-lavastorm with rice
>Lorettta Lynch resurrected Hillary
>Comey is Hillary puppet
>hillary 2020
>ayylmos intensify the nu-male antifa warfare as retribution
Pretty straight forward if you look at the big picture
Comey is lying so much. He can't keep track of all of them
Fake news.
The holocaust is helluva meme
he's so fucked
my captcha
>i'm getting sleepy
im getting full wake and alert, full 200% energy !
win-win-win ! never stop !
Hates gays but is Greek makes no sense.
What did Comey say that makes him get fucked by this?
What was Comey's statement in regards to this? I don't remember
HARRIS: Thank you.
As a former attorney general, I have a series of questions about your connection with the attorney general during the course of your tenure as director.
What is your understanding of the parameters of General Sessions’ recusal from the Russia — Russia investigation?
COMEY: I think it’s described in a written release or statement from DOJ, which I don’t remember, sitting here, but the gist was he would be recused from all matters relating to Russia and the — and the campaign, or activities of Russia and the ’16 election, I think. Something like that.
HARRIS: Is — so is your knowledge of the extent of his recusal based on the public statements he’s made? Or the...
COMEY: Correct.
HARRIS: ... OK. So was there any kind of memorandum issued from the attorney general or the Department of Justice to the FBI, outlining the parameters of his recusal?
COMEY: Not that I’m aware of.
He forgot. You cant honestly be expected to remember every single detail of your life, especially with such a busy job like FBI director
we know he's a god damned democrat shill.
I just copied and pasted Harris asking Comey about Sessions... I'm not really seeing a lie there.
Why is this even a big deal, tho?
So he didn't remember a memo and thought that Sessions' Russia recusal was based on public statement rather than put in an official memo.
Why would this matter?
I dunno man. I came in the thread hoping there was actually something to that, so I looked it up. Unless OP is referencing something else, I'm not seeing Comey lying at this point.
>Not that I’m aware of.
Sorry but that answer is in the clear. He can plausibly say that he didn't read the email.
What did he mean by this?
He lied many times but it's ok, you won't be "seeing" anything that doesn't come right from Shareblue will you?
So obvious.
Shut up you fucking Russian
>m-muh russia
you sound like you need to be involuntarily committed, the russia thing is busted
No, I think he lied about the memos. But he didn't lie about this. If you have something else to support that he lied here please point it out.
He lied about the memos too, also he lied about not wiretapping Trump, he lied about the tarmac meeting, he likely lied about trying to protest to Lynch about her attempt to obstruct justice, etc.
>outlining the parameters of his recusal
but the email doesn't say why he recused himself you dolt
>he lied about the tarmac meeting
when and how
>He lied about the memos too
just stop
Yeah, I'm not disputing that you dolt. I'm disputing that he didn't lie about this.
I didn't say it did?
>This e-mail shows he was notified and he lied under oath.
>No Criminal Intent
>he just forgot
You guys are doing good work
What was the lie?
Comey lied.
I'm disputing your assessment, Comey lied about everything, this is why he's being so coy with the memos.
Also they won't end up being authentic, note he's waited to release them so he could pad them.
Because Comey's a liar. He's a long time Clinton ally and a complete snake who changes his story every day. He's completely incapabable of telling the truth.
Question here. Why was trump so dumb to keep so many obama appointees?
Most presidents keep a number of appointees in non-political positions to smooth over the transition.
>I'm disputing your assessment
How though? Nothing in his statement there, specifically referring to Sessions recusal, seems to be a lie.
>How though?
Easy, you have to look at what he said before and compare it to Sessions.
Comey's full of shit and losing track of his web of lies, this is all according to the plan.
After the email was sent, dumbass.
To be fair I was at work all day during Sessions testimony. How'd that go?
They asked him a bunch of questions with blown out lies for premises phrased as yes / no (both traps) and he refused to answer their queries in the way they'd like. Then he smiled.
The Democrats were 100% blown out.