>rent for a one bedroom apartment in a decent area is, on average, requires $17/hr wage to spend average renter wage $16 >more and more jobs expected to fall into this bracket >rent likely to increase
Is there any policy that might deal with the issue?
Adam Reed
>Is there any policy that might deal with the issue? yes it's called "move the fuck out of areas you can no longer afford, you poor worthless dipshit"
the rural country side is full of cheap places to rent.
Isaac Phillips
>jobs >countryside >not factoring in the cost of longer commutes
Blake Hall
>>jobs >>countryside home many jobs are their for unskilled dipshits in the city? working at walmart and McDs? there's jobs like that in every small town. someone's gotta restock the shelves in the dollar store. someone's gotta be the school janitor. someone's gotta work for the city and scrape up all that road kill off the roads.
>commuting I didn't say move to the country and drive back to the city. I said move to the country and stay there you poor worthless dipshit. Cities are for the rich and their subhuman servants. if you ain't rich, why the fuck you wanna be their subhuman servant? move out already
Aiden Parker
I live around the Mississippi delta. There really aren't that many jobs in the country. There are a lot of small towns of retirees waiting to die.
Caleb Howard
>wahh the city is too expensive, I can't afford it >wahh the rural country side has no jobs so I can't move there welp I guess that's all your options then. time to fuck off and die you worthless cunt. >inb4 "wahh I an inherently valuable just because so you need to support me so I can continue to exist" lmao nope. if you can't make it, then you don't get to make it.
Luke Baker
Societal overpopulation is a real bitch. The only real solution is another world war or plague to wipe out a lot of people.
Luke Richardson
I am a member of a not-for-profit housing club that has about 1500 homes it rents out to members.
Only problem is long waiting lists. Essentially I have to wait for the boomers to die off.
Aaron Hughes
>be black >get housing for free
thanks Obama
Isaiah Price
>Cities are for the rich and their subhuman servants.
No, they should live in countryside mansions and castles.
Cities were invented for average people.
Jayden Powell
Dont invite city folk to rural areas. Try going without a cell phone and pay ur rent.
Eli Murphy
Get a degree in Chemical or Industrial Engineering. You get city money while working at plants that are quite often in rural areas. $150k in rural Tennessee goes a long way.
Gabriel Davis
>No, they should live in countryside mansions and castles. The actually rich already do, it's just that humanity has degenerated so much that the middle class is now considered rich by the underclasses.
Jackson Bell
>to spend
John Clark
There's no such thing as a middle class anymore.
John Perry
Or don't, because there are zero jobs that don't involve serving diabetes in a sack to Billy-Joe and his 14 kids. And nowhere to live not packed with methheads and heroin addicts. And if you dare to work in a real place with real jobs, you have to commute 4 hours per day to get there.
Dylan Rivera
I'm not asking this as a personal question. I'm more interested in effective policy that might be implemented to resolve this issue.
It's not just a renter thing. The middle class is being priced out of a lot of areas by a combination of being too wealthy to qualify for government assistance while competition by the weathy drives prices yet higher.
Alexander Nelson
yes its called building housing which the elites prevent from happening to increase their own property value
James Lee
>rent for a one bedroom apartment in a decent area is, on average, requires $17/hr wage to spend average renter wage $16
one dolar off, WHAT A (((((((COINCIDENCE))))))))
Wyatt Ramirez
The problem is that there are few of even those jobs in small towns because there's very little money going around. Take a shit job like McDonald's. Google "[Big City] McDonald's" and count them. Then google "Spencer, Indiana McDonald's" and count them. The same goes for any chain. More local businesses in cities, too.
People commute and move to cities for a reason. They're the only worthwhile place to live now, despite sad conservative memes.
Juan Walker
Since you can't figure this one out I'm not giving you the best solution.
People like you should a. Stop buying Iphones b. Stop going to Starbucks c. Learn how to cook your own damn meals
Ian Reed
Please define wealthy because
Nathan Wright
>BLM why did you do this to us mods learn something other than monkeying buttons on a register god damn porch nigger. There is work literally everywhere in the country, you just have to be willing to work hard a learn.
Chase Cook
It obviously varies state by state. It's money that will go further in Georgia than say DC, but it's a national trend that the service jobs which employ most people don't pay the rent like they used to.
Sebastian Roberts
>learn something other than monkeying buttons on a register god damn porch nigger. There is work literally everywhere in the country, you just have to be willing to work hard a learn.
Eli Adams
Is it really that big of a problem though? Why did we arbitrarily pick 30% as the number you must not exceed for rent?
Personal choices are important. Have roommates, have a family, live further out in the city. Reduce spending in other areas. Strive for better employment, of which there is a lot in cities.
As far as policy is concerned, make it easier to build tall buildings. Reward people who put their land to productive use, and punish those who don't, with a land value tax. Tax luxury housing, but offer breaks if they'll build more affordable units. Construct real public transportation to make it possible to live a little further out (therefore more cheaply) without having to drive through hellish traffic to get to work.
Kevin Collins
Luis Williams
Lot of people opining on country life here who are clearly from the suburbs. People in the country drive a long-ass way to get to work in larger communities, make less money, and are increasingly flocking to welfare as jobs dry up.
The problem with living in the country is that you're stuck. You'd better hope your job stays where it is. If you're in the city and you have to get a new job, you get off the train at a different stop. In the country, you might end up driving two more hours so you can feed yourself.
Nathan James
i hope some tech company takes over an entire rural town
Anthony Allen
>Why did we arbitrarily pick 30% as the number you must not exceed for rent?
It's just a common breakpoint used when talking about affordable housing. As a feel thing, I spend about a third of my paycheck on housing. 40% would be pushing it with my own expenses.
>Personal choices are important. Have roommates, have a family, live further out in the city. Reduce spending in other areas. Strive for better employment, of which there is a lot in cities.
Of course. I just think the policy side is more interesting and useful. I don't think anyone would turn down paying less of their checks for housing, whether by deregulation or price controls.
Nathaniel Foster
Change your expenses or get more pay. City life is different than suburban, exurban, or rural life. It doesn't need to be calculated the same way. You can get new jobs easier, you can move easier.
Price controls can be disastrous. They lower incentives to improve properties or build nice ones in the first place.
Realistically, the solution is for everyone to adjust their lifestyle, but also to drive out NIMBYs. There should not be a vote on transit, it should just be implemented. There should not be a vote on relaxing zoning and height limitations. Those measures should just be implemented.
A lot of cities are made worse by people who want to turn them into suburbs.
Cameron Taylor
Personally? Just get a fucking roommate(s). You split the rent and have someone to help you if necessary. Just get someone who has some sort of culture and you should be good.
Justin Reed
its called section 8 boi get with dem programs!
Easton Rivera
Pick up a second job or you can drive for uber on your days off to make up the difference and even get a little more saving money. Sell plasma you get money and save lives. start doing some recycling can be quite lucrative and cleans up your neighborhood. All of these options are easy they don't consume a lot of time and anyone can do them, you don't need a degree. There is no excuse for lack of thought and determination too solving your own financial problems.
Jackson Ortiz
I'm not talking about my own finances, which are fine Mr. Bootstraps.
Owen Moore
Glad to hear user the principals still apply to those who only look for excuses and band aid solutions to the symptoms and not the cause.