Worst change ever, the board is complete shit since that change.
New flag system is ruining the board
Other urls found in this thread:
get out, newfag
>being this new
What new system
>new flag system
kill yourself you retarded monkey
newflag detected
>Filter meme flags
1. Install Sup Forums X
2. Go to Settings>Filter>Flag
3. Paste:
/^Black Lives Matter$/
/^Tree Hugger$/
/^United Nations$/
4. Spread the gospel.
Now all the fucking leafs, all the poo in the loos all the fucking Romanians will be able to larp as white people baka
It's bring back old bants and a focus on actual political philosophy. I kinda like it. It's much better now that there's IDs too.
that's the point
Why are you such a racist?
Embrace change & embrace diversity!
The ones ruining the board are you faggots making the same thread every fucking 5 minutes.
> muh snek
you're all shitskins from the third world unless proven otherwise
It was even better when flags were random
I hate it, these sandnigger's cock suckers can post their degenerate faggotary with impunity. They should have a yellow star or something.
Just ask them to change their flag to their location for one post if you suspect anything
how did i get on this website my nigga
See it works
Need to Doxx who ever at Sup Forums is responsible for this
Your flag is literally Mexico's without a fucking eagle.
What's wrong about the flags now queer?
Huh test
>Worst change ever, the board is complete shit since that change.
What is something newfags say every time there's a change to Sup Forums?