Why did ISIS apologized to Israel?
Why does Israel consider ISIS as a 'useful tool'?
Why does Israel treats wounded AL QAEDA fighters?
Why did ISIS apologized to Israel?
Why does Israel consider ISIS as a 'useful tool'?
Why does Israel treats wounded AL QAEDA fighters?
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I mean. ISIS shares a border with Israel and...
ISIS attacks on Israel last month :0
ISIS attacks on Europe : 4
And that's only for this month.
>Bonus: Israeli propaganda
Not to mention that Syrian "rebels" have been recovering in Israeli hospitals for years now. The Jihadis bring their wounded to the Israeli border and the Jews pick them up, treat them and send them back to fight again. Surely it's for purely humanitarian reasons...
>Not to mention that Syrian "rebels" have been recovering in Israeli hospitals for years now.
This. When do we redpill our fellow rightists about this cursed country?
Get in here fags
>Why does Israel treats wounded AL QAEDA fighters?
Israel is treating all wounded people who are brought there. They can'y simply turn away someone, even an ISIS fighter.
moar pills please
Geographic location needed. Pls.
Spread them goys
Why would they kill one of their own?
we all know the jews are behind them and the saudis, the real question is when we are going cruzaders on their asses
>Why did ISIS apologized to Israel?
Because they're 100% aware we can curbstomp them into the ground.
>Why does Israel consider ISIS as a 'useful tool'?
Goatfuckers killing goatfuckers, we win.
>Why does Israel treats wounded AL QAEDA fighters?
We treat everybody, dickwad.
That has to be the most retarded picture I've seen on the Internet.
>Israel funds ISIS
>Israel trying to destroy ISIS
Mohammad help me here, I can't understand their mentality.
>Why did ISIS apologized to Israel?
because they are scared of us and dont want to open a front with a real military, unlike the arab rat army.
>Why does Israel consider ISIS as a 'useful tool'?
because they are killing muslims.
>Why does Israel treats wounded AL QAEDA fighters?
to get a little information on the inside baseball.
>Because they're 100% aware we can curbstomp them into the ground.
But they're not aware that France got nukes? Okay
>Goatfuckers killing goatfuckers, we win.
Yes because they absolutely have been killing goatfuckers in the West recently.
>We treat everybody, dickwad.
Yeah you would absolutely treat everybody because you're such a good country!
Except palestinian childs that you rape, torture etc...
Make sense. Absolute donkey
Because they're the same race, it's natural to help your own DNA.
What isn't clear? I thought everyone knew that Jews/turks/Arabs/Indians are the gipsyes that keep frolicking through Europe for change.
I thought the fact that the Ashkenazi's killing Babylonia, Jesus Christ, 1.5 million Europeans, killing any original Latin blood in souterhn Europe was common knowledge.
Did you know the ottoman empire and the romans killed the great Egyptian empire and that the egyiptians were a caucasian race, unlike what the dumb "africans" and jews/gipsyes keep lying about?
And leave
holy shit. haha
>t. Ahmed
You have to go back.
>"t. Ahmed"
The only excuse a kike can find when no arguments
I'm not arguing against no-arguments.
>But they're not aware that France got nukes? Okay
the more they kill you the more you hug them, and you know it, frog.
>Yes because they absolutely have been killing goatfuckers in the West recently.
you're confusing the middle eastern "army" of isis, with isis sympathizers.
>Yeah you would absolutely treat everybody because you're such a good country!
Except palestinian childs that you rape, torture etc...
sadly we treat so many rat palis in israeli hospitals all the time.
I can't believe how many newfag in this thread.
First of all ISIS doesn't have the capabilities to attack Israel. Second why would they attack one of their own? And third for the most obvious reason money from the US. As long as there is perpetual war in the ME, the US will keep sending billions in aid to Israel, in return Israel will return a couple billions under the desk. This is the TL;DR version. Everyone wins, Israel, the MIC, the gangsters in the US shadow government. Next step is to make Europeans hate muslims with the refugee crisis. The only thing that matters is perpetual war so the criminal MIC from the US can keep growing. Once ISIS is defeated that will be bad news for us, the next big full scale war won't take long. Zionism is the true cancer, Islam is just sand (literally) in your eyes.
>Holy place for muslims
>Palestinians live there
>Fucking desert
>Has a sizable military compared to all Arabic countries
>Has Czechia as allies
Top kek, because who would ever fight for some fucking desert?
Show us the flag of your country pls fucking shill
Since when Israel is a holy place for Muslims?
Their holy place is in KSA
How's this for retarded shlomo
>Why does not Isisrael attack Isisrael?
Shill for who you idiot? For the truth?
ISIS is funded by MI6, Mossad, and the CIA. Something about biting the hand that feeds you.
You realize that that video this refers to is a parody right? Surely you can't be this autistic..
goyim, there's something I don't get
if we're indeed powerful and effectively clandestine enough to create ISIS and dupe the entire planet, how can a bunch of IQ 95 fucktards like you of all people see through the ruse?
and more importantly. how come you're not afraid of mossad silencing you?
isis and cartels are a bunch of retards.
It not an amazing thing to get these animals to run around causing havok.
and your not duping anyone. Maybe some msnbc viewers have no clue.
If it wasn't the US MIC and shadow government your zionists wouldn't be able to pull it off
and the mossad?
It would make more sense for them to attack Israel than it would for them to attack Europe or the USA. We aren't even in the Levant!
what about them????
Israels version of CIA.
whoopty fucking doo.
well then
Why doesn't Israel attack ISIS to keep Irak broken?
Are you afraid the arabs will strike back?
Or you want to keep the west out of your back?
why aren't you dead?
>1 rocket attack in like a year
why arent you
Since Arab conquests?
this was meantfor sry mb
I'm not allegedly pissing off your CIA
You dont know your're not making any sense you autism ridden feggit.
You're a dumbass please leave. Muslim holy place is Makkah in Saudi Arabia
Israel and Saudi Arabia are "secret" allies since many years back.
Check how they act in "common interest" on the international arean in UN for example.
They have som tempory "PAX Middle East" while they unite against enemies. For SA the enemy is Shia-muslims.
For Israel the enemy is all non-jews, but they start with Shia since they're not so stupid they engage all at once.
So Israel + SA + USA = Axis of Evi... Middle East.
I think isreal is based in their kebbab removal desu
Israel KSA and USA = Holy Trinity of Terrorism
>20% Arab
>"kebab removal"
Pick one.
tfw daddy spanks you with false flags
Israel does it in a way that creates more extremists while at the same time floods them into the west.
>based in their kebbab removal
Yeah no
ffs, what about the freaking Dome of the rock?
Sounds true to me
It's owned by Palestine.
And I don't think it's the first holiest place for them
they are treating them in syria
Abrahamic trinity
Who is the worst sand niggers daesh or zionist?
They're both the same
Deus vult
America and Israel created ISIS and funds the terror group through a Saudi back channel.
Also post moar redpills
we combine forces and become the 4th Reich
>giving the kikes too much credit
Hes not wrong, and (((they))) love free credit
The dislike bar makes me happy.
mostly mudslimes desu
Comments > Dislike bar
every time, the jew simply has no argument
they do it every time, you are wasting your time, kike posters should be ignored
refer to hitlers quote on arguing with jews
>"It's just a prank bro."
Yeah, I've seen enough of Andrew Klavan to know he was serious. He provided a full argument for it.
>refer to hitlers quote on arguing with jews
Top kek
Zionist oppressors. You will pay for your comes against the Palestinian people!
Thanks for the tip.
You're welcome
JIDF please go
>threatens china
>threatens eastern powers
>somehow sucking jewish dick
It's pretty simple: ISIS won't get near Israel because they can't. Jews with big ass guns guard their border and don't have cucks in their government telling them they have to let in dangerous immigrants.
Nigga pls...
Let the "muh they r scared" meme die already
Then why do they attack England?
>But they're not aware that France got nukes? Okay
Yet we don't really use them. We just sent a few forces.
>Yes because they absolutely have been killing goatfuckers in the West recently.
Hundreds of thousands of sandniggers dying, for a few hundred Europeans.
>Yeah you would absolutely treat everybody because you're such a good country! Except palestinian childs that you rape, torture etc...
Definitely t. Ahmed.
the secret service gives no fuck about civilians if it means shekels in regional dominance
dEfiNEteLy tEE AhMEd
Maghreboi is that you?
Looks like I hit a nerve
Don't bite the hand that feeds you
It depends. Would you like me to be "maghreboi"?
That bitch "titi" that's her fucking name, is disgusting. She is there just because she is black. she knows it, we all know it. it's sad.
shes the prettiest black we have, i kid you not. she looks like utter shit.
Moron, they know you are to cucked to fight back!