Why does Sup Forums hate my country so much? Did you fall for the russian shilling?
Why does Sup Forums hate my country so much? Did you fall for the russian shilling?
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Some say they are the european niggers, but most people dislike them because they want to suck the EU cock.
Личнo я пpocтo cмoтpeл Шapия и мнe впoлнe хвaтилo.
Because you are Jew cock suckers
They played you like a damn fiddle
What Poland? Its alright.
cause you are throwing off one empire for another you refuse to have your own identity
Your country is nothing but an artificial state produced by a bunch of idiotic christians who though it would be a great idea to leave while the soviet union was collapsing not looking at any future consequences that might occur due to that independence
Because ukrainiggers are Africa-tier
Hated for your country deals primarily with the struggle against the Western power structure which is set on destroying its own peoples.
Your country was a slave state of the Russians before, but, they were not flooding your country with muzzies, not having LGBT shit in all directions and not teaching anal-sex to preschoolers like our oligarchs are.
So this power structure in the west so many on pol hate with their entire being -- you guys supported -- to get away from the Russians.
We all know the horrible things the Soviets did to you guys. Yes it was unspeakable and savage.
We don't live 75 years ago. We live today. While Russia has many many many problems (of which Russian anons will talk about at length) -- at least they weren't destroying their own culture, customs and peoples.
So not only did you guys side with a power structure we generally despise, but you kicked out a partner who actively fights AGAINST the power structure we so hate.
Because you are turborussians.
Russians on steroids.
And have no redeeming qualities whatsoever.
Also, your "Jesus was Ukrainian and Ukrainians wrote constitution of US" history is "WE WUZ KANGZ"-tier.
You are literally niggers of Europe.
you threw away your history and traditions and half your country for the promise of a few shekels that you never even got
Now you have the same corrupt democracy but with fag parades
I like Ukraine, I think you guys did the right thing standing up to Russia. And it was brave, too. A lot of countries are too cowardly to stand up to their oppressors--look at Hong Kong, for example.
user, what do you think about nations that stand up to the good ol' US of A?
Your country doesn't exist.
You're just Russians in denial.
> 1921-1922
>What is Civil War.
>What is WW2
>Jewish butcher Lenin.
>Son of nobility.
>In Russian Empire
Because I don't want to add 50 million new welfare niggers to the EU budget
Russian shills
Sup Forums hates you because your flagposters were absolute morons in the past, and even rangebanned at some point. As simple as that.
>"we need to play on that guilt"
oy vey shut it down
Jewish or braindead goyim shills
Never seen one on Sup Forums
Depends on the situation. Can you give me a specific example you want me to comment on?
Your country is fine by me. I think your women are hot. I want to pump my cum in their pussy and make white babies
I don't care either way desu
says fucking cuck whose country has a load of migrants
you guys are spineless and you can't defend your own land viz Crimea
Also, photo is dated 1921. But cockholes, like always, stole it and use as poster photo for hohlocaust.
After all, where cockhole has went, jew has nothing to steal.
India not border with Russia, pajeet
they don't know what life is like near Russia and they think Russia is based AF
t. Buttblasted polak shitposting gore with fake volyn pics
Original photo.
Gallicia wasn't even part of the USSR. Holodmor killed Russians and Ukro-Russians, the most affected regions were Kharkiv Dniepropetrovsk and Kiev
Holodomor pls
And yes, hohnigger, you are in no position to talk here. After all, it's your niggers who are working in shit conditions in both poland and russia, not vice versa.
I like you guys. Fellow whites in my book.
>Russians were not flooding your country with muzzies
>at least they weren't destroying their own culture, customs and peoples.
But that's literally what is happening in Russia under Putin. He cares about the Russian Federation as a political entity, not the Russian people. That's why Ch*chens and Turkics are shitting up the whole country.
Ukraine is weak. It is feeble.
Come back to us bby
>did you fall for the russian shilling
>russian shilling
Projecting much? You'll fit right in with the EU.
>Why does Sup Forums hate my country so much? Did you fall for the russian shilling?
every time you have a chance to become something more than just borderland ruled by corruption warlords or oligarchs you deliberately go out of your way to fuck with Poland - the only country in the region that has national intrests even remotely similar to yours
and every time you get fucked yourself as a result but this never stops you from doing it all over again next time you get the chance
You are niggers who suck EU cock by your own will. You are literally whores. You are miserable poor fuckers.
What did he mean by this?
>Only country to be less well off after the break-up of the USSR
>>Why do you think little of us guiz?
Sure, what about the Russians taking a good chunk out of Ukraine.
Do you support the US getting all pissed off?
He was a mutt with jewish roots by mother line.
80% of first USSR government were kikes, it's a fact.
Hell is for ever!
And this is coming from a man whose country literally oppress all weak countries and enslave them for the name of """""""""""""democracy"""""""""""
fucking muslim shut the fuck up and fuck off
>rangebanned at some point
I joined Sup Forums only a year ago. What happened?
>posting under EU flag
Stop being such a cuck.
Maybe you suck my kebab you puppy?
It's not my fault that they are so butthurt.
Ukrainams are dumb goyim
lol kebab wants to be removed don't worry bab i will do it
>It's not my fault that they are so butthurt.
Your leaders or Poland
I have little info on your leadership
and as far as I can tell currently you are the one antagonizing Poland - which is stupid thing to do in your situacion
Who control Ukrainanisn news????
You traded Kremlin/Ruso-Jeudo oligarchs for CIA/US-Jeudo oligarchs.
We don't hate you, just kinda pathetic how your country was devastated for decades by Ruskie plants only to throw off their shackles for IMF shekels.
You need to get a true NS party elected and expose the Jew influence in your nation and lynch the south America level bureaucrats.
Torturing Jewish children is a good thing to humanity