Hey, Sup Forums, I work for a German political think tank. AMA
Hey, Sup Forums, I work for a German political think tank. AMA
Good for you piece of shit
How do you reached those circles and get to the point of joining?
shouldn't you call it a think panzer
It's not an elitist circle. Get good qualifications, join the party you're interested in and apply.
why are yo trying to ruin Europe ?
>inb4 im not
It's actually called 'Stiftung' in German, e. g. 'foundation'. But 'foundation' is reminiscent of the Cl*nton one, so I've decided to go with think tank-
bad b8
cheers laddy, 'ere 'ave these doublons
As if I had the power.
> inb4 anything but Friedrich Naumann Stiftung
is that all you've fucking got to say on the matter?
Not if you elaborate your question.
Proof with timestamp, or get the fuck out, Merkel-fuccboi.
How much Muslim Brotherhood and Grey Wolves infiltrated German politics?
So you´re basicly one of those guys, who decide which refugees should be deported?
How many more Muslims do you want in Germany
>shouldn't you call it a think panzer
Do you really, trully, unironically believe that migrants will bring good and nothing but good to your society and that once Deutsche bank implodes and you won't be able to give them gibs you won't face civil war?
Are normies (older and younger) in Germany really that cucked that they believe everything MSM tells them even when it couldn't contradict more their everyday reality? Do they even stop for a sec. and think hmmmm something is odd or they just obediently nod with their soon to be chopped off German heads?
They didn't, but the Turkey-financed DITIB has a similar function and is dangerous.
why are they trying to ruin Europe?
Just tell me which one, curious over here.
Interned with the Friedrich Naumann Stiftung before.
can you please give an accurate and fair account of your parent or grandparents' involvement in the holocaust.
What, no. (Poorly qualified) employees of the BAMF do that.
McKinsey advisors were hired to consult the government on refugee matters, if you mean that. I don't work for McKinsey, but a somewhat similar company.
Traitor. To the plank, with you, too.
> Free Democratic Party are traitors to the Republic
You might actually be autistic. Did you get checked for that before?
be gone foul spirit
When are you kicking the americans out so that we can make a Western Europe by and for Germany?
So are you in charge of covering up the video compilations of white kids getting their teeth smashed in the roaches are sharing?
Right Hans...(((democratic)))...do you even know what fucking board you are on?
>tfw ruining europe for 3rd time...
Do you suck refugee cock all day OP?
Why don't you fucking kill yourself?
How about never, you cuck, in the name of all Europeans?
>inb4 muh 4th Reich
I don't believe that humans in general bring good and nothing but good to any society.
The Deutsche Bank won't implode in a similar fashion to, let's say, smaller Italian banks. It's a piece of indispensable infrastructure and will be prepped up before anything happens.
People don't care much about politics in their daily lives. Self-reported life satisfaction in Germany is relatively high (7 outta 10).
>>tfw ruining europe for 3rd time...
The Liberal Democrats are ruining Europe? Because last I checked we weren't even in Parliament for the past four years..
I was asking the kraut you drunk degenerate, go shove your peg leg up your ass.
You and the other spittle-licking bureaucrat scum, cuck!
What are your qualifications?
What did you study?
I pity you ... If you truly interned in politics before, you should know why it's a bad idea to share details about it on the internet.
you fucking know who
also, could you elaborate on this for us please?
>I don't believe that humans in general bring good and nothing but good to any society.
Why are German politicians so evil?
her hair is going to get poo on it
Doesn't make it less degenrate, Hans.
>Europe hates you.
>4th Reich aborted
That'll never happen. We need the US, and they're far more powerful than we are.
Yeah, so the stupid pleb won't interfere with your sinister machinations to destroy Europe.
Thanks, asshole.
What insects? Is this an insider gag?
German political think tank? What a fucking oxymoron. You people have been on the wrong side of politics for over a century.
You people need to stop fucking up the white race by driving importation of niggers into your contenant. Fucking retards
>you should know why it's a bad idea to share details about it on the internet.
... Are you retarded Otto? Please tell me about the details I shared with you all.
Go back to plebbit, newfag.
>Fucking retards
that you're a horrible cunt.
you just went and came right out with it
Is the EU a nazi project or is a far-left project? Or None of those 2?
Wirtschaftsinformatik. It was 70% economics and 30% computer science. It's usually the other way around. I liked it a lot, but I need like 15% on the job.
Don't worry, Joe, Hans will get it right this 4th time. GUARANTEED
>Help us burgerbros!! (again)
Are you hiring?
>also, could you elaborate on this for us please?
>>I don't believe that humans in general bring good and nothing but good to any society.
I'm not a humanist in the sense of the Italian Renaissance, e. g. I don't idealize humans, or their capabilities, or their morals.
How does it feel, to participate in the destruction of your people and getting paid for it, gutmensch?
All politicians are shrewd. Those that aren't, aren't fit for politics with an active electorate.
Pick one goddamnit
My question is: How do you justify what you are doing knowing that history will judge you as a traitor to your people and your own descendants will curse your name? The modern German political generation will be even more reviled than the Nazis were once the world wakes up to what a colossal betrayal has been wreaked upon the German people by their globalist overlords.
>pic related, kys
well its a fucking good job that you are in politics then isn't it!
jesus fucking wept, you people.
its all fun and games on Sup Forums until you actually meet a German.
god help us all
That´s still kinda cool, though
Wishing you luck ;)
No you're a faggot LARPer gtfo
> somebody actually typed ALL this up
Holy fucking shit, I love this board sometimes.
No...you just put all humans on the same level...in spite of proofs of the contrary. "Muh invaders are same as Yuropeans"
>evolution, scientific accomplishments anyone?
>i work for a think tank
>i don't know shit
stop larping you faggot, your responses are retarded
What is one thing you would change about the current direction of German society? What is one thing that you strongly support?
You can be shrewd without being evil. You guys are actively trying to kill the people you are supposed to represent.
I studied BWL fro 2 semesters and had some contact with a few WIlers
Interesting what you can make of your education
Whatever happened to the Einsatzgruppen? Do you guys still do that? Why or why not?
Shame on you if you have been a scientist at some point. Shame on you for falling for the auto appeal to authority fallacy. Shame on you for being an attention whoring faggot. OP, end your ride
Seconded. Most germans are retarded nowadays. Like a kid with a gun....shooting Europe.
Are you guys just like the Soros foundation or the Clinton foundation?
Are you guys really think that refugees will help your country?
There are countless aspects to it. At the start, it was mostly about France and peace, now it's about Germany and business.
You cannot hide behind your sarcasm, that you gutmensch-idiots get BTFO on Sup Forums.
kys, Sören
Got any insight to how fierce the German/EU response to Brexit is going to be?
will Germany ever become right wing again?
need to know because if not I am going to emigrate
Do you know who Dr Petit is?
Do you have the standard liberal fantasy that just before the empathy-incapable nonwhites attack, you will reassure them that you are a liberal, and they'll instanttly realize their mistake, apologize, and then go terrorize some distant working class neighborhood?
Yeah, but only for highly specialized developer jobs and menial jobs. The exciting positions are all taken.
Well...... OBVIOUSLY some groups of people are more trouble then benefit or are you denying facts and statistics.
Honestly, my biggest fetish is watching white males and females of liberal ideology being killed and tortured by their pets: niggers of all kinds.It's so poetic and beautiful sight to behold!
Future will make my fetish very affordable. I'll just have to turn any tv station. I can already do that on youtube and liveleak.
9/10 German encounters on this board genuinely make me Reeeeee.
We have a lot of German tourists where I live at the moment, might have to bash a few in for my sanity
>falling for authority
what's not to understand?
Btw, OP is not from a """think""" """tank""" but a spotter by the Antonius Amadeus (((Stiftung))), the German version of CTR/ShareBlue/JIDF
>Liberal Democrats are Gutmensch
Alright Ronny...
Not really, in the sense that it's "open result" work. The Clinton foundation is a "pay-to-play" scheme, whilst the Soros foundation serves clearly defined political goals, without a research aspect to it.
Do You know anything than shallow platitudes? How is it shilling for the eco-fascist Green Party, Lars-Bengt?
No, they're a burden.
just found a pic of OP on his way to work
>might have to bash a few in for my sanity
Surely you will do that lmao
thats some negro-tier behavior btw proud of you
I'm currently studying politics, should I expect many metaphorical cock suckings in my future professional career?
But no plan to fix it?
Other than export them to poland.
Germany already is sorta right-wing on some economic issues, maybe without realizing it.
I don't believe a far-right party will ever be attractive here.
No joke, germon-cucks in real life are 9/10 that retarded and just orgasm that they destroy Europe at the moment.
>muh german supremacy-complex