Post all your REDPILLS here.
Continuation of
Post all your REDPILLS here.
Continuation of
Other urls found in this thread:
Oh look, an (((ancap.))) Fuck off JIDF.
KB threads(Even just the OP's are important):
Have no more redpills that weren't already posted in the last thread, so I'll bump with some nigger webms till I get bored
NOFAP is a ploy used by women to make men more submissive.
horny dudes will do anything to please a bitch.
So multicultural and diverse ;_;
When it comes to women, don't listen to what to what they say, but watch what they do.
YEAH! BITCH! Is her faul to be puked your shitty breast milk
white guy detected
interesting, in the previous thread, data showed that the less sexual partners you have, the happier you are.
Fucking niggers make my blood boil
iq is not importan-
you would almost never see white people doing this shit
Ignorance is bliss.
Imagine living in a country with over 40 million of them...
but i think the whole point, the endgoal, is to get to the point where you control your dick, and your dick doesnt control you.
There's an user that comes here and posts these links and I save them
Adolf Hitler Was Not a Jew
Christianity is Not Jewish
Dangers of Homosexuality
Dangers of Pornography
Donald Trump Information
Evidence of White Genocide
Holocaust Revisionism
The Jews
The Works of David Irving
Very good stuff, thank you
i want to become a cop. arresting and pepper spraying niggers and getting paid for it.
Getting paid to beat and kill niggers is truly the life...
All the Chinese red pills from the previous thread
long live the anglos!
Holy fuck, well nothing of value was lost but still.
Massive red pills thread about the true nature of Asian women.
I guarantee that whatever preconceptions you have of Asian women will be destroyed.
The thread is archived, so download the webm's quickly before the thread is gone.
This is very obviously Nazi propaganda. This is not really how boards work, but instead a way of developing and pushing your confirmation bias. It tricks you by somewhat accurately describing the state of affairs in most boards, and then assigns false motives, or illogical strategies. If there is active opposition in anonymous boards, and they take advantage of the game characteristics so described, the actual effect is not to divide and conquer, but to push rational and strong opposition into anathema. This is how the political center keeps getting moved. Hitler is such a detested person, that all people work to distance from him. Any who get too close are ignored and driven from the conversation. Nazism/White Supremacy is a honey pot. The line of reasoning required to support those views is the same that supports all identity politics. By taking them up, you justify the actions of the radical left, empower degeneracy as righteous rebellion, and weaken the foundation on anybody this side of center. The right wing erodes, and you are to blame for taking the easy way out.
Always bump a redpill thread
inb4 deleted
It confirms what shills have been doing to this board lately.
Rabbis doing rabbi stuff, now they even get to use their beloved Swastika, kek
Ashkenazi confirmed original Nazi
Nice !!
What kike in charge of a media firm has actually taken an IQ test?
oh that's weird
>IQ=sum intellect
Ben shapiro is a great speaker, and his IQ is estimated at 151 but he worships the market, even at the cost of national soveriegnty, married a moor, is an unironic orthodox kike and thinks trump is an authoritarian
Does that sound like a smart human?
Typical man vs woman standoff. Nothing to see here.
I can't watch that one anymore. I'd cut his head of with a butter knife.
damn. i was really hoping he'd hit one.
He should have stamped on him when he was down or at least smashed his head into the floor
Satan is the good guy and he has blonde hair and blue eyes. All white people descend from Him. He is an alien, not a "fallen angel," He hates kikes. All three major religions have lied about Him because HE created humanity. The Abrahamic religions all hate white people and Him because they know He is the true God, and we are his chosen and His children (He has said this Himself.) Jesus isn't real, nor is Muhammad.
The little girl sitting on the couch watching it all is what really gets me
Please do not insist .. we know you a sh-shill
Really fucking hate niggers, glad this familly defended themselves.
I love this one. Good ole' boy clobberin some nog.
Can foreigners apply to be police officers in the USA? I want to kill niggers.
IQ points are not morality points neither are they /ourguy/ points
You can have a disagreement with some one and both be right because you're both looking out for your own interests
That's what this chart also shows though?
That's fucking hot. But yeah, chinks are not that different from nigs.
Archive this shit
commence BLM protests, dindu nuffins, riots, etc
Context? Also why didn't he stand up for himself?
We got spic cops back in California all the time, so I assume so. They might've been born there though
Why aren't these kids fighting back? Fear of being called a racist?