Assuming you want to, how would you even do this?

Assuming you want to, how would you even do this?

Just die already Yakub scum.


U crackas dumb af. Stop using the n word, stop appropriating black culture and history, and recognize ur own white privilege. Smh man.

Get rid of IQ tests.

>Get rid of IQ tests.

By killing yourself I would imagine. If nonwhites want my "privileges" they can pry them from my cold dead hands.

those systems do not exist

we benefit from circumstance

>having privileges in your own country os bad

I wouldnt complain about being a second-class citizen if I were in China, Israel, India, Lebanon, etc

That's to be expected.

>dismantle civilization

I lold

wouldnt it be easiest to send them back to africa?

lets all do that so she can live free of white oppression.

well according to niggers America was built on their backs, so do we dismantle niggers?

Ok, niggers, we can dismantle the system for you. Hope you can live without all the free "gimmes" you're used to getting otherwise.

>benefit from
I don't benefit from anything?

So basically get rid of all government and the Constitution then bring in "lawless" libertarianism and anarchy where the most powerful groups will enslave people because there is no longer an "oppressive" system to tell them not to? I'm not sure if they think things through.

Have positions and employment be based on a meritocracy. Obviously there are clear disparities among each individual in opportunities but that is an issue of SE-Class, not ethnicity. I'm all for making education easier to approach/finance for the legitimately disenfranchised/poor. But since I exclude race as a qualifier I'm literally Hitler.

It's literally impossible to do such a thing. He might as well ask white people to build him a bridge over the pacific ocean.

Systems of oppression are inexorably linked to wealth and the wealth controls the political apparatus. Race has almost nothing to do with it other than the powerful using race to divide the poor against each other.

Until the typical poor white dude realizes he has more in common with a welfare queen than he does with a person like Bill Gates/Warren Buffet, shit isn't going to change. This is true for the blacks too, if they cannot see the things they share with poor white people, and continue to cling to their skin color as an excuse for their problems, shit will simply not improve for them.

>You don't need to apologize for your ancestors
>You just need to hand over your countries to us and let us nog around the streets with impunity

It was a lot of hard work to assemble those systems and I have distinct privilege because of it. Why would I give up what my glorious ancestors have bestowed upon me? Why would I forsake their hard work and foresight?

essentially "i know you made it fair and peaceful than it ever has been in the history of mankind for people that weren't even of your kin but now you need to fuck off and die"

But will Africans stop using elements of Western and other cultures? You know like alphabets and civilised society lol

DeMarcus gets a full ride to whatever university DeMarcus wants if he good enough at hand egg feetsball or LeBron Ball.

Even without athletic talent, colleges need niggers for diversity quotas. A whole myriad of scholarships and grants await DeMarcus if only he would fill out the paperwork correctly.

I had to go serve on the frontlines of a couple of wars to get the same opportunities.

Noggin is joggin.

why would I? does that make sense?

Would you ask niggers throwing a basketball around to give up their positions on the team for a white man to fuck shit up?

So it's the niggers who are privileged? And in quite a literal way, not the way white people are "privileged" because because other cultures don't copy our haircuts.

>gib us all your money

Are all niggers such commies?

>get rid of government that ended slavery and gave blacks the right to vote


They can't build their own institutions.
Because they're failures.
If there are "white institutions" I want to know about them.
So I can contribute.

>how would you even do this

You can't.

The SJW left can't even articulate what an end point would be. They have to express only vague words on what they actually want because there's no end to the demands in practice.

You already have literal race based quotas designed to hamper white people and benefit black people over nothing but race. People call this good and anti-racist. It makes no sense whatsoever, but it's not enough either.

So their solution? Go back and remove the quotas because it didn't work? NO! Add more quotas and other benefits too! Make sure to force ghetto kids into good schools. But wait that didn't work, white people just fled! So force poor people into rich neighbourhoods by housing quotas! But that didn't work either. Clearly racism is to blame. Surely pouring more money into the suburbs would help? No? Well it just wasn't enough money.

On and on it goes.

Send negro animals back to Africa, to be ruled under their fellow kin as they choose. Any negro or human (white or asian) who sinserily believe that such things exist should support the 'liberation' of Negros from white nations and power systems. Any of them who reject this proposal are not sincere in desiring to be 'free' of such 'oppression' they experience in white nations

>Dismantle the systems of oppression
>White people maintain and benefit from

>Hey my fellow black brothers. You can go to any school you want in the entire country, any college, and any job! Just need to work hard and stay out of trouble while staying up to date with your education!
>Now who's ready to crack open some books, study hard, work hard, and get up early tomorrow to give 110 percent at their job!
>"Nah fuck you white boy, it's deem whites holdin us back n shit.It's dem criminal records and all "Jamal, you can't beat up your co-workers" and "Jamal, you can't smuggle and deal drugs in the office" Let's rob a liquor store! No way this can ever backfire"
>Get arrested and sent to prison