>this was the original aryan brotherhood
what went wrong?
This was the original aryan brotherhood
>technology eventually turned newer generations into beta nerds
They look like fags.
The look total bros. would hang out with/10
The shaved head look
the leader is a jew
He was just one of the lead hitmen.
steven crowder
Which gay porn is this?
Clearly they lost the mustaches
The Aryan Brotherhood is a degenerate gang of murderers and rapists and drug dealers. They deal drugs in white communities and prostitute white women. Their swastika tattoos exist for shock value only. They do not care about the interests of white people. Neo-Nazis are a product of Jewery.
They stopped being literal faggots and now are just faggots instead?
>these were the original hells angels
what went wrong?
They were never national socialists. They were just an edgy prison gang of degenerates, fags, and dope heads. Gas them
>Neo-Nazis are a product of Jewery.
Not so fast, fag. Neonazis are a very typical organization of low IQ white men.
>Their swastika tattoos exist for shock value only
ie they aren't real Nazis or Neo-Nazis
>Neo-Nazis are a product of Jewery
Completely irrelevant because of the first statement
You sound more like a Jew desu senpai baka. Though you are right, they aren't Nazis or Neo-Nazis and use swastikas, not so much for shock value but, because they're considered a "white" symbol.
You should also be aware the AB was started by Irishmen (or did you think the shamrock tattoos were just for a laugh?) entirely as protection for whites from niggers (not so much Spics). If you don't know these basic facts you shouldn't mouth off like you know what you're talking about. Judging from the Jew-rage in this thread you appear to be in similar company though.
This. And opiates.
They all look full on homo
Please don't use homophobic language. I know non ancom communists are mentally challenged (again, no offense) but we have to be inclusive of homosexuals
Obviously the problem is that they ditched those bitchin' mustaches.
White people.
Oh I'm not a communist. I just love triggering tiny faggots like yourself. I couldn't pick Canada, so I picked the next best thing.
Race mixing and they said nigger too much
Niggers used to gang rape whites in prison. Back in the day prison population was 70-80% niggers and they would trow a white man in cell with 7 niggers just to get gang rape for more than 10 hours straigth and even sold their ass to other prisoners for a pack of smokes, thats why the AB was created, so that whites wouldnt get gang raped by niggers.
So you're not a true communist?
I'm not a communist at all. I just picked the flag for max butt triggering.
Who cares, they are all sub human and deserve to die with the rest of the niggers in society
Butt sex
This. Gas the """"Aryan"""" nation niggers.