Thoughts on pan-Germanism? The EU is retarded since it requires 20+ languages to be spoken while having Romanians agree with Spain despite being over 2000 kilometers away while having a completely different culture. Most people in Germanic countries speak German or understand German since we share the same language branch. I think a shared Germanic identity could be useful
Thoughts on pan-Germanism...
English is a Germanic language.
Go to Austria and tell them they'd be part of greater Germany and see how they feel about it. Same with Switzerland.
You didn't really think this through, did you?
Greater Germany? How so? Its Germany, not Deutschland
>Genuinely wanting to be in a political union with Germany
I'd love it, but only with high member state autonomy, but a strong and single border guard. Also no Merkel.
It would work much better than the EU, for sure.
Flemish Belgium could join Holland and we could get white farmers back from South Africa.
Is that not objectively correct? I've always heard that.
No, we have our own culture and wish to be independant.
I don't want some German telling me what to do
It's more like pan-shitskinism
Why do you even come up with those retarded ideas?
Europe is balkanized and its economy will sink, nothing matters beyond that
it 100% is a Germanic language. specifically west Germanic and comes from lowland dialects that dutch also derives from. Frisian is the closest to English. English comes from Anglo-saxon. anglos come from angeln Germany and Saxons come from right next to angeln and Netherlands. English are Germans.
English is a meme created by the Glorious Revolution.
Strength through unity, pride in differences? Its and alternative to the EU
Drink one night, be hangover.
Smole weed, literally errdayy.
Alcohol aint degenerate if you drink like a man, only pussies and weed ayy lmao fags think otherwise, weed is for bums, lazy, slightly retarded people. That coldstream gin stronk as fuuuug
>100% Germanic
>75% of its vocabulary is non-Germanic
Iceland doesn't have the same philosophy as you continentals.
Because the cultural similarities are staggering and the language barrier is not that much of a problem? It would get some 150million people in a union with the greatest economy and education on the earth and would propel them towards new heights?
not anymore since were full of niggers and mudslims.i dont want to other germanic countries culturally enrich
It's gay
Supranationalism is pretty gay
The Glorious Revolution stated that Anglo Saxons ethnically cleansed the Britons, the survivors were pushed to Wales and migrated into France.
The reality is; the highest congregation of ethnic English actually live in Yorkshire, this as the ethnic English went there after the Norman invasion, William the conqueror pursued the English in the north after several failed revolts, which were meant to be in conjunction with Viking invasions, William ethnically cleansed the English in the north, it is remembered as the Great Harrowing of the North.
sigh, OP must be quite new.
You could kick them out? They are not naturalized and your laws are different from most countries on that subject. In Britain they become citizens if they are born there they have to be naturalized in Germany
It's basically cucking your whole country
Any questions?
I've been advocating for this for literally a decade now.
Flag see attached.
>pan germanism
>includes scandinavia and the dutch
Fuck off frenchfrie.
Remove yellow and add white.
Are you retarded?
Of course it's Germanic, but it has drifted away from other Germanic languages and borrowed a shit ton of vocabulary from French.
Scandinavia would probably join this, except Norway and Iceland.
not bad
Are you?
germanic != german
like we can..after ww2 my country fall in hands of the jews once more
Troll is troll.
More pagan
I only have two rules in my book;
No germans
No swedes
Don't add danes to it, Lars.
That's bullshit German political/philosophical concept of nation, was always one of blood in which all members are collectivly defended (Trutzbund). But where ever it's possible you recognize regions/people in certain regions to be different enough to have their own way, whenever it's possible.
it's understandable, you want to get cucked by a superior nation. but you should give up so easy, denmark is actually kind of based and has a proud history
Make the red blue and black red
Scandinavia union is also a possibility. Everything but the EU
>Most people in Germanic countries speak German or understand German since we share the same language branch.
also German is a disgusting dying language. A complete and utter joke just as the German nation.
>I think a shared Germanic identity could be useful
for what? Refugee exchange planing? We already have a Scandinavian and Nordic identify and that is more than enough. No need to get involved with filthy continental tyskersvin.
We trade with those south niggers just fine without having to deal with all their pathetic drama and ridicules politics.
Fuck off with this
If you want a union just make another Kalmarunion
Leave those mountain jews out
Pic related is the most multi cultural I would ever go
I respect that idea, but Iceland wouldn't need that, we're an island nation, no reason to worry about what you worry about. I just want the EU gone because it's forcing us to take in "refugees" from mostly Europe.
>Everything but the EU
THAT I do agree with. We just have to do change sweden abit. I always liked that painting.
Germanic Federation sounds great for me. Thinking about for years.
To some extent I would also include Slovenia, Finland, Hungary, Croatia and Baltics as honorary Germanics but a germanic core would probably be better.
>faggot flags
Dannebrog eller doeden
Only Northern Germans are ethnically Germanic. Southern Germans (e.g. Bavarians) and Austrians, have more in common with Western Slavs, than they do with say, Norwegians
yess please
>Finland, Hungary,and Baltics
no slav shit pls
Germany and Sweden are powder kegs. What difference does it make when those countries will be in trouble in the future?
That's why we should turn to the 44th Finno-Eesti shitpost brigade and maybe even accept Norge to be independent.
No one wants to be part of a shithole country like Germany.
Poland is best ally
Austrian Germans were manitpulated into it to a large extend, there are still more than 30 percent who know the truth. For Switzerland it's more complicated, but still they are included in the German founding myth and their denial is partly, because they want to oppose the obvious cultural and ecconomic hegemony by explictly being against the political one just for the sake of it.
English speakers don't get that Germanic is the blood and not German but hey.
Enjoy getting steamrolled by EU bureaucrats but yeah dying for Dannebrog is the only way to die
Denmark would never join that. We literally only joined the EU because the UK did.
We have fought wars against those subhumans to the south more than once to keep our independence.
>pic related is the only acceptable union
Just putting that here
get your filthy black hands off my coast
Das right, Washington D.C. is rightful swedish clay!
Plus this one
It belongs to us
Don't you remember Karl XII
>doesn't include the ANGLO-SAXONS into the mix
i remember fighting with turks seconds before opportunist swedes invaded
>dying for Dannebrog is the only way to die
when why even suggest another flag?
>Enjoy getting steamrolled by EU bureaucrats
those limp wristed shit pushers are all bark and no bite. Just see how we managed to keep our opts-outs against the EU lovers wished. They are without spine and lack vigor.
rhineland rightful french clay
feels pretty good.
I will help you fight the swede.
I like this idea better. I would fully support something like the EU's free travel shit for Nordic countries. We'd just close our borders, and bam, we'd have the ideal ethno-state.
Fuck off.
The last Germanic who trusted the eternal anglo ended up shooting himself.
Hopefully you are right. But getting all of Germanic blood into a union with a red-white flag is much better than the cesspool we call the EU. Scandinavian union then? Nordic union?
he is properly some "reserve" new German.
indeed. Its the only union I could live with.
i mean, yeah, him wanting to be under german boot willingly is pretty ironic considering your history, almost like polish nazilovers
I understand your reasoning, but still you also have the Usa as hegemon now. The problems with the EU are obvious, however rather momentarly. In the 21 Century being an island will certainly not give you any real protection. We will see, what the future will look like. At the moment Iceland being as isolationist as possible is the best you can do and hope for.
No you won't björn
You is of greatest ally
And jewyork
Gib it back America
Prussia was one of the most renown militiaristic nation in world history
Silesia, especially Upper Silesia was an industrial powerhouse
now they are just typical slavic shitholes
The reason Denmark exist is because we build a giant ass wall to keep Germans out. Worked somewhat fine.
>Scandinavian union
a given if we left the EU
>Nordic union
>But getting all of Germanic blood into a union
since when did any real Dane ever give two shits about the Germans? We sell them shit and they sell us shit. That is the extent of our relationship with them. Have 3 wars with those idiots not confirmed that?
Really what is your fascination with that continental mongrel group "Germans"? Are you from the south of Jutland?
sure dude, attack me more, thats what you germans do best no
I'm not sure Sweden and Germany have a lot in common. Most Germans I've met don't seem to think so. And Germany is like a super popular place for people from all over the world, they look up to it etc. Sweden is just viewed as boring. Basically Sweden is like a hermit and Germany is like a whore.
the acual reason was because you escaped the authority of the Archbishop of Hamburg-Bremen in the early middle ages, going your own way instead of becoming a part of the Holy Roman Empire
nice meme kid...
and the wall was just for fun, im sure
Worse. CPH. I have to live with all the liberal faggots. No fascination its just that white people are dying out and the small countries cant compete on the global scene. Nordic union would be preferred (Denmark alone is the ultimate albeit unrealistic goal) but a Germanic union would put us at the forefront of the world. Just asking for thoughts and inputs.
>please germanics never unite and pursue your intrests collectively.
That's what most other powers always wanted to prevent us from doing. Don't get me wrong i'm all for regions deciding their fate on their own, but not too the point were they are constantly played of against each other.
We're never gonna join the EU, we need our waters. I have faith in my people.
well, Gustav Adolf could have become Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire if thing would have went better
Great Northern War was your last big chance to remain a great power
Germany is more than half of the population of that entire area. Entering this "union" would simply be ceding your territory to Germany. What's the point of that? I would be okay with a free movement/trade zone with Norway, Finland, Denmark, and the Netherlands though. Dutch is also much closer to the Nordic languages than German is.
Yeah nej. You really should not speak of things you know so little about.
ignore him. He is literally pulling shit out of his ass.
Sweden doesn't exist anymore, you are part of the EU now, even your politicians say Swedish culture isn't real.
Would love to see this happen but it wont.
But maybe with austria
what are you talking about, who made you invade denmark?
global jewish cabal?
yea one more unification in my lifetime would be great
no one expected in 1989 for a very long time, so maybe it could happen again
France and UK would get very mad though once again