How's the job hunt going, Sup Forums?
How's the job hunt going, Sup Forums?
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Looking for online work. Got tired of looking IRL.
Part timer getting a degree in engineering am I not a wagecuck Sup Forums?
What tier is working from home for a good salary?
In my country you get jobs IRL trough applying online %D
God tier
here in the USA:
>apply online
>upload your resume online
>proceed to again manually input your info and experience
>upper management
>god tier
turned into upper management a couple of months back, boy do i love doing three times the work for 5% more pay, the last day off i had was back around last year sometime i think
If farming counts as self employed im god tier but it feels like cheating.
The universities are rotten with commies id rather tend to my humble patch.
>Upper management
shit job desu. Bieng responsible of worthless shits isnt fun. The only satisfying part is when I get to fire them
>Jamal, in my office right now
>No need to sit. sign here. Don't come back tomorrow
Thinking about drawing porn for a living. Is that Sup Forums-approved?
Thats too much, your culture of formal employment backfires
>t. Child labour is accepted as normal in 90% of argentina
Lmao this literally always happ
Do people who upload porn get monies according to the views?
Like, the users.
Its fucking depressing to be a regular commentor on a porn site. I mean, thats maximum cucking
>your culture of formal employment backfires
true my negro
>a $100,000 piece of paper makes you more qualified than the next chump
>diploma in office administration
>BA in psychology
>graduated from university two years ago
>been full NEET ever since
>no work experience
>absolutely no references
>resume gap keeps widening and widening
game over lads, only one way out
i wish i was dead tier is how it's going.
Let me dorrect you kid, as you are apparently full of shit and have no idea about life:
Best: Steady Job 9to5
Ok: Student
Bad: Part Time Job
Very Bad: Freelancer, Self Employed
Dont you little shits ever think a position of power or money will simply handed to you. There are hidden laws in life that weak lazy fags dont get there.
Whats the state of farming now?
I heard the feds wanted to take over some utah mormom ranch or something.
>also evil feds attacking raw milk
Of course it counts! Then again you're clearly not in yorkshire so good luck with that m8
>takes my post at face value
oh muhammad
Why aren't trades on here?
No jobs.
Gave up on jobs, joined the winning team. These guys dont have HR cockblocking you.
>No job
>Survive off of government gibsmedats
>Literally a nigger
>Somehow proud of this
Might as well kill yourself then.
Plumber/gas fitter do i count as a wage cuck?
EMR. Job is pretty decent. You're either asleep, filling out paper work or wondering how someone has lived long enough with his "home grown" maggots eating his legs.
Looking to get into a Bootcamp and learn programming. Can that shit land me in a job? I'm rrally fed with the fact of being a neet and doing nothing for a living. Are bootcamps in Canada actually good compared to U.S ones ?
did child labor make children men or make children dead?
Right now I'm working secure cash in a bank entering my final year of college. On course for a 1.2. 1.1. If I really go for it. The ban knave said once I've graduated with at least a 1.2 they'll pay for me to do a banking management course with an assured job at the end. Life is good.
Bad. I'm 22 and have 3 semesters left towards my BS in IT. I still havent gotten an internship or co-op but am working on getting a cert this summer to make my resume more JUICY.
I am quite determined to be employable and stop living this NET existence in two years.
I'm in school and doing better than I have been, I'm actually making progress and getting good grades. I also have a full time job that pays alright. I'm just doing it because in the slight hope I'll meet a high class girl to marry even though I've pretty much accepted I'm not meant to be with anyone.
> I keep having dreams of a girl I dated for 3 months and I dream that I went through with Yolo proposing. These are the only happy thoughts i have.
Working remote sucks
>no one to talk to
>no one to motivate you
>never leave the house
>no office bantz
>communication barriers
I much prefer my 10-6 office job and 10 minute commute, but not everyone feels this way
i've got all my savings in memecoins
>see you on the moon
You are in a bad position if you graduate without a year of internships when you graduate. It help desk will be all you get offered if you dont find one. Use the school job board to find internships, thats what i did
>10 minute commute
This user found the key. I own a house that's a 3 minute drive from my workplace. I ride my bike most days.
What if your full time job is something you enjoy doing?
I build shit outta wood.
If you aren't self employed, you probably aren't even white.
You draw porn of autists fantasy's. I knew a guy with Asperger's that would buy like $60+ of those mlp human characters every month from a single DA artist.
My school's career services is truly awful but I've heard the job fairs are pretty good so the next time one rolls through I'll put on my one set of business clothes and check it out. The thing is I live in a big liberal city which means a lot of the tech jobs are shitty start ups and big fruity corporations like google or facebook when I'm looking to get myself on the sysadmin and net security side of things.
Thank you for the advice, bud.
God-tier. I put water on hot stuff and go into burning buildings.
It's pretty fun.
I know that feel, I just moved to a new city to work remotely.. Why the fuck did my company make me move to another state to work remotely?!
>cant just quit your job
>failure not an option
>work day never ends
Oh yeah i totally want to work way harder and take on all the risks and stress of being self employeed instead of working a high pay salary job that i can leave whenever i want without any baggage. Most self employeed people make less than me and work much hardet
My first internship has a pajeet subcontracting unpaid interns and i convinced him to pay me 8 an hour under the table and one day he fired me without notice. It doesnt matter how shit it is, you just need something on your resume and it is still better than retail
>>cant just quit your job
I can shut down my businesses at any time I want, or sell them, or just give them to one of my kids.
>>failure not an option
Failure for a wageslave means losing his job, failure for me means pissing off and possibly losing a client. Not good, but not equivalent to a wageslave losing his only source of income.
>>work day never ends
Work day rarely starts.
Self employed kingship isn't for everyone, just those with brains.
i'm going to uni in a few months
is chemical engineering Sup Forums approved?
I'm a fulltime wagecuck and I want to kill myself every day.
Plz help
when the time comes take some globalists with you friend
Look into drone pilot. You'll be ahead of the game when the jobs really start to take off (no pun intended).
software engineer
I HATE my company and I work from home, which I also HATE
Been on the job market for 2 months, probably 15 interviews. Most of the jobs I've interviewed for are senior level, and I'm debateably mid leve to senior level. So I've gotten in the door like 15 times but haven't been able to break through yet.
I tell myself it's gonna happen soon though...
just lie
Shit teir but probs just lost job
Not bad. Just got made into a permanent employee after being a temp for 6 months. Playing with shitty electronics all day is 10 times better than dealing with shitty customers.
How ever I deal with diversity every day and even have fucking company mandated literal diversity days. Thinking about reporting one of my dune coon co workers to the fbi because upper management refuses to fire him despite him being utterly fucking useless.
>tfw my company hq is in Germany
>tfw it's not even surprising that/pol/ is right again
Building engineering, making some what decent money 17$ doing nothing all day. However it's not enough to live on.
I'm on unemployment
literally getting paid to shitpost
I recently got a job and its nice for once think about something else than how miserable loser iam
Was working at a warehouse but got fired because I had to call out because I've been getting insane insomnia where I won't sleep for 48 hours at a time. I don't know what's going on, it just started happening this year and it's been driving me insane. I take Remeron, Seroquel, and Trazodone and they don't really help. Feels pretty bad, it won't fucking go away.
I just chill at home, take care of my herd, go to church and sleep.
I got an offer through my network to a different company. I wasn't looking for jobs, but this sort of fell into my lap. It'd be an extra 12k per year, and a bit of a step up, but not significantly, and I'd only get 3 weeks worth of vacation time in a year, and right now I get 5 weeks. Feels conflicting, guys. As it is right now, my wife only gets 2 weeks vacation, so I get to burn the other 3 weeks on my own however I want, which is quite nice.
What do you fellas think? Leave my comfy job with good benefits for one with more money and mediocre benefits?
>Work 3 years as a server
>Neet 6/7 months
>work 3 years as a server
>Neet 6/7 months
I'm running out of money again and no one is hiring me
God tier. Bored out of my skull. Getting ready to hand over and leave, but it's like getting out of the mafia.
If you're moving from 48k to 60k, yes
If you're moving from 150k to 162k, no
if someone is just throwing you a random job offer for a 12k raise, you can probably take your time applying and find a 25-30k raise