Videogames are dystopian as fuck when you think about it, is this what 1984 envisioned?
Videogames are dystopian as fuck when you think about it, is this what 1984 envisioned?
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yes, stop having fun already >:(
More like Brave New World -tier.
crusader kings taught me many valuable lessons
why is this so weird for people to realize: vidya is just another wing of the propaganda machine. Sup Forums needs to realize this about video games
jeebus do you actually expect anyone to read that?
i agree vidya is dystopian, it is confirmation of Buddha's insight into reality of Dukkha
"Free your mind and your ass will follow" - Saint George Clinton
get fit instead!
Also at some point you'll start to realise the (((free market))) exists purely to find out people's interests and hobbies before they're (((taken over))), (((monopolized))) and used for (((other))) purposes.
no because i only play like 3 or 4 hours a week
Strategy games redpill your mind.
ive seen this a few times never bothered to read it, but until i did, i felt like this was coming. this isnt new to me but something i felt that was changing the course of our history,
The catalyst for my quitting video games at the beginning of college (15 years ago) was this horrible realization that none of my accomplishments within a video game were real. When I beat a level in Mario I'm unlocking a new level that was preprogrammed in the cartridge. It's a closed system. I want real accomplishments, in the real, chaotic, creative world.
eh. Knew common core was bullshit. Not sure about Gamer Gate connection. Nevertheless, thank you.
Wow you just missed the ball on "achievements"
Seriously tho, the fact that you need a trophy is sad. Whatever is real to you, I guess
i think it depends on the game your playing, role play games like second life, playing them unironically
Checks out
I like the games where little girls take off their clothes.
I cant go to Sup Forums anymore because any pointing out of this is met with "go back to your shitty board how have SJW's ever effected you :^)"
Even after E3 they refuse to talk about it, its disgusting the board is just full of Useful Idiots
1984 would ban videogames unless they encouraged you to work
Do you not recognize your own need for achievements?
I don't normally say tl;dr but wow
video games can convey any message any shadow government wants to project onto its populace. You want good video games? get a better shadow government.
now they are, before they were just mindless fun.
Don't shit talk muh vidya
Damn it, I wasn't on Sup Forums for a few days, how can I get a nazi flag?
It only seems ridiculously long because of the Reddit spacing.
If you dont have the patience to sit down and read it in one sitting you have the attention span of a goldfish
Politics belong on Sup Forums. Why don't you make a thread here instead of Sup Forums?
Pay better attention when you post?
>I agree vidya is dystopian, it is confirmation of Buddha's insight into reality of Dukkha
How so?
Video games have become a method of control along with movies and music. It is now officially Sup Forums.
My bad!
Sup Forums has shitty politics
mostly I don't have the patience to read it because I know it's just going to be some Anon5 tinfoil hat conspiracy cockshit
stop making this thread
I feel weird for being 32 and not having played videogames since Zelda A Link To The Past on Super Nintento like 20 years ago or something when I was a child. Everybody my age seems to be playing videogames. But then again I have also read very few books and watched very few movies, travelled almost nothing as an adult and met very few people. I've done extremely little.
Not at all. They're fascinating. I won't pretend that the industry isn't saturated with a bunch of brainless fucking suits who think they deserve to make a dime by abusing famous names and shaking hands in a socially acceptable manner, but you have a lot of stuff that's truly wonderful to experience.
If you don't get it, that's fine, but holy fucking shit people need to get away from this philistine idea that "IF IT'S NEW AND NON-PHYSICAL, THERE'S NO MEANING IN IT!" Most people want to go home and fuck around after work. Why the fuck shouldn't they? Yeah, they can and should still worry about shit like social lives, study, and keeping fit, but fuck's sake it's shit like video games that brings a bit of variety to it all.
How do you figure?
Woah woah there sonny, videogames are great. They offer a neutral battleground for testing you against people worldwide with the mechanics of gambling without the crippling debts.
Just because you hate vidya don't assume the whole board does
Common core is the education program in the US. They want to link educational games with common core.
TV/movies are also dystopian, but thats because we live in a dystopia. If we lived in a society that wasn't controlled by a bunch of lunatic gloablists, videogames and TV would be used for good.
>playing single player games
Not if you do it right
Pic related.
I'm on the verge of caving in and living a degenerate life of weed smoking and vidya for this reason exactly.
Wow so deep, you dumb Canadian dipshit faggot get off this board
That's gonna get old real quick, let me tell you. Don't do it, you'll just waste time and eventually come to the horrible inconvenient truth that you're no longer "having fun"
Read a bit further and it's basically this
>rich elite wants to implement common core so the plebs have worse education than the private expensive schools
>they need to to prove with studies, experiments, etc. that common core is good to politicians and the public
>common core uses a lot educational games
>most old people in power and the public thinks gamers are basement dwelling neets thus games aren't something to be used in education
>yes people are that stupid
>rich elite needs convince people that gamers aren't neets
>change the definition of games from entertainment to 'art'
>'art' is important and should be included in education program
>liberal elite will use common core to control the youth
Degeneracy is basically the mind craving dopamine. After a while you always want more dopamine but you can't literally smoke more weed and play more good games forever. Stuff gets boring very quickly. You'll end up depressed even though you have all the games and weed in the world 24/7 because they don't fullfill your dopamine quota's.
nigga you need a tl;dr version for this shit i aint reading a tolkien saga on Sup Forums for memes or "redpills" jesus fuck.
Worth the read honestly. Lot's of spacing so it seems big but you can slow read it in 15-20 minutes.
in 1984 the party didnt give a fuck about the general populance. They gave them porn and liquor to keep them in check
Now its vidya and tv too
No? That's Brave New World.
>nazi flag
>doesn't know the difference
>video games are classified as art bc of MIND CONTROL
Holy shit, how much of an autistic luddite do you have to be to come to this conclusion?
Yes, video games can be art, just like every other medium that involves creativity. They can also be complete useless trash, or propaganda, just like film and literature.
Really made me think
If you haven't caught on yet the modern world is literally Brave New World m8, we didn't get the 1984 end
test flag wtf
> Sup Forumsfag is a commie
Immersive feelies.
No you fucking idiots. We're the proletariat in 1984.
fuck off nazi drumpf supporters
They went more with BNW than 1984, pic related
Proles = non government employees
BNW deals with how they manage the proles - the soma, feelies, repetitive sayings, etc