they're all above 25 years of age, they're anti-feminist and advocate for a traditionnal lifestyle, yet they still haven't any child and are single for some...
What does it mean to be an alt-right girl
Maybe they have gender issues considering they're trying to get in on a male dominated movement.
They need to fuck off.
they always have to let everyone know via youtube
they are a type of female chameleon. They don't give a shit as long as they get attention.
People who call themselves alt-right are just a bunch of larping shitheads
They are people who noticed there is a huge army of online boys that have never talked to women in real life and that they could make a better than decent living off manipulating them and repeating headlines with a slightly right wing tint.
Do any of these girls have a feminine penis? Not interested otherwise
>be leftist whore
>ride the cock carousel until hitting the wall
>suddenly realize that there is better pussy on the market and my value is down
>"now I'm ready to settle down with a nice traditionalist guy! Tehee!"
>act conservative to attract idiots
Never trust women lads. Never.
This is the only girl that sounds genuine, but she's 16 I think
Those are Hapa females, fuck off LGBTnigger
They're attention whores who are clinging to a new movement to profit off of the attention of thirsty male orbiters. It always happens and the movement gradually becomes worse off for it.
If they shave, they're not traditionalists. Always pay attention to that and you can spot fake bandwagon-hoppers easily.
Well, part of me thinks you sound like a "nice guy" but I've seen how bad a woman has completely destroyed your country so maybe you have a point.
proper reply to that is "fuck off and never talk to me again"
if you really want to leave your genes - sperm bank or surrogacy.
both are cheaper then a bitch and both don't ruin your life
This is correct. They're vaguely right wing and repeat popular talking points which are just at the border of edgy. They get a large following of beta-male orbiters and make a living off of them.
Tbh, there are a very small number of women youtubers who are truly right wing. Sinead is probably the most sincere.
They want $$$
Have you seen how many dickheads have donated to pic related? He's making hundreds of thousands of dollars annually. Alt-righters are dicklet virgins who willingly hand over their money to anyone who regurgitates the daily stormer
Probably the most accurate description I've seen of these e-celebs.
To be fair, you can say the same for most men on Sup Forums.
There's one that has six children.
I was, but I don't give a damn anymore. Women are a waste of time nowadays.
>If they shave
Were you sincere about anything at 16? It's cringey to hear this woman talk about anything besides how mean her parents are or high school drama.
Same thing applies for males. But you wont cry about that will you?
what about men? I am not traditionalist for shit.Fuck male sacrifice I live for myself.
Tara has a husband and is moving to the US to have babies with him.
I can spot these shills threads a mile away. It could not be more obvious you pathetic faggots are trying to divide people along gender lines.
>oy gevalt, Tara McCarthy is advocating for ethnonationalism and redpilling people about race realism, SHUT IT DOWN!
MGTOW is retarded. Just don't marry a western whore, meet an international student asian or eastern euro in college/grad school and date then marry her.
They could have boyfriends, yet hide it because orbiters would be upset.
They are jewish infiltrators.
>mix your race with a gook woman
Good little goyim.
when you move back to the west they change.
brain disease of feminism gets to them. and with this court system you cant do shit if she will start to do so.
otherwise I will not live in a shithole so MGTOW it is. Get a surrogate kid from my sperm and GG WP
fathers make a better parent anyways
A lot of the "alt lite" males do the same thing desu: "Beardson", "Weev", "BakedAlaska", etc. They're just degenerates who repeat non-controversial talking points.
Average age for men nowdays to get a child is 32+. I don't see any wrong in that, just get 2 or 3 kids before 40 and you'll done your duty.
That was directed to OP who was saying women on the alt-right were not having children. I just pointed out most men in here don't really have children either.
also you can choose a surrogate with good genes so yea.
>blue eyes
Will cost me approx : 1mil but totally worth it. cheaper then bringing a bitch home
I watch two vids from the girl in the middle, the brit. She isn't fucking around with the baby making talk. She's basically demanding that men find women this week and start breeding.
She's well within her right to promote that message, but fuck lady... if we start having babies now, who will actually do all the "fixing" of the society? Men need to get shit done first, then once that is done we make babies.
>repeating headlines with a slightly right wing tint.
Tara McCarthy is full-blown ethnonationalist and race realist and even tried to address the JQ before she got shut down. It's obvious you've never even watched their content, you just came up with that retarded opinion out of nowhere.
>Tara has a husband and is moving to the US to have babies with him.
Yeah she's been saying that since 2014. Don't tell me you fell for her bullshit. These women want to have the appearance of "traditional", but none of the burdens of family life or children.
This thread's moving so fast, no one will notice how tight my pussy is.
I mean, history will repeat itself.In a fee generations we will se 10 man familys again.
>no girl can truly be a national socialist goy, they merely want ATTENTION
>they're all above 25 years of age
There's the whole story.
The Wall is fast approaching, they're jumping on the I'm-different-too bandwagon trying to score a square-jaw, six-pack wallet.
ooh yea that is true as well,but that is because of the court systems.
you can get fucked over by a bitch any day of the week. a simple false accusation can ruin your life.
she takes your shit and your kids
no wonder men dont marry and have kids
Millie is the only one with a kid
Sweden has it right.
Only if you're talking about asians born in asia.
Asian-americans are absolute a no-go.
...holy shit this can't be real
(((throws a bag of attention))) got what you want ? gtfo
Yeah, that's why I said international asian student.
It means they are into whatever their current boyfriend is into
You have been watching her since 2014? I don't believe you for a second. Regardless, immigrating to the US is not easy.
>leaving out the queen
it most probably is considering the females nowdays
This is a slide thread down by CTR/Shareblue
New info missle up
Thanks for the (you) daddy.
What's the story behind this again?
dude when they get there you can consider it a fucking done deal can't even go a fucking mile near them.
international students usually get infected first
yeah ok friend
Because, and I keep saying this to deaf ears, Varg is always right.
You fags just need to take the reality pill.
Tara McCarthy has some hilarious tier face but her lips are thicc and gorgeous and she has a delicate animu voice like a tiny head teacher telling the white race to get its act together, if youre reading this Tara ilu
Women should not be into politics.
Don't believe it? I have more pics like this from a thread last night.
I would kill a bitch if she said this to me
HOLY SHIT this shit is the reason I go MGTOW.
also male sacrifice and shit but that is a different topic
Grills like to be in the center of (male) attention. The ''alt right'' is full of males and no females. Now, it's full of males and attention whores. You sick fucks feed it. Women rarely have input worth listening to. What you're seeing on yt is just regurgitation.
these pigs are doing it for shekels, morons. they have bbc written all over them.
Varg is a fucking retard sometimes. Ignoring the fact that Tara McCarthy has a husband and is going to have babies with him when she goes to the US, let us do some math:
>Tara McCarthy does a lot of videos about ethnonationalism, traditionalism and tells women they should start looking for a husband as soon as possible, as she has been doing. She manages to convince 20 white women of starting to have a family. That's 3x20= 60 white children
>Tara McCarthy has 3 kids immediately: That's 3 white children
60 > 3
Her channel used to be more conspiracy focused. She was planning to move to America and build a cabin somewhere. One of her vids featured drawings of floor plans. Eventually, she deleted her vids and became alt lite.
the new males who come to the movement can literally only be beta orbiters at this point, if they cared about AR they'd already be here, the ones flocking to watch Reality Calls and Rage After Storm are just looking for an internet waifu to send money to
Who is the one on the right?
I dont search enough. When i find a good one. Be ready. We're having babies till death do us part
Tara is the only alt-right woman here
>Eventually, she deleted her vids and became alt lite.
What are you talking about? She is not alt-lite at all.
What about Lana from Red Ice Radio ? That chick is in her early 30's, wants white people to have many babies but she has none with her swedish husband (the owner of the radio).
The Alt-right doesn't exist
Sure she is. All of her vids are just slightly below Lauren Southern tier.
Women should not be in politics period.
Lana is 40+, user.
Ok? So what? How exactly does the fact that she is not the ultimate role model outweigh all the work they're doing by promoting ethnonationalist/race realist ideas? This purity testing reeks of shills and/or retardation.
She is a full-blown ethnonationalist and race realist. Either you don't watch her videos or are intentionally lying and a shill.
I'd refuse to convict if I was on the jury for her murder.
Roasties who realized they wanted families and not niggers after all.
you're right. beta orbiters exist in every social clique, in any social group -- if there are men and women together, you will get beta orbiters just like flies to a piece of shit. Why should the ''alt right'' movement be any different? Should it be different? Who was the first? Who'll be the last? Is it just a sign of this movement going mainstream?
Lana used to have a band called Thirty Days Notice. She wrote songs literally that literally go, "It's not about race, creed, or color, it's about the universal brotherhood." She's probably just an opportunist
>not understanding how manipulative western women are now.
Some do, sadly they're few and far between.
how come she doesn't have any children, what the fuck
Because every person on Sup Forums has been redpilled since birth, obviously.
Just more purity testing. Do you have a clipboard where you've written all the possible ways you can try to destroy the credibility of right-wing figures?
It's the male space evolution.
1)Male space is created centering around topic/hobbie/ect.
2)Mediocre females notice easy male attention
3)Other females notice and bandwagon
4)Females attract more normies into the group that are concerned with pussy rather than topic/hobbie/ect.
5)Females & normies water down group
6)Male space is kill
>they're all above 25 years of age, they're anti-feminist and advocate for a traditionnal lifestyle, yet they still haven't any child and are single for some...
theyre on the same boat as us, robbed and left alone to drift in this nihilistic cesspit until we die. Disgruntled young adult who try to piece back our broken culture and civilisation so they can experience at least a fraction of what unity, family and tradition feels like. It's sad really, a little bit like a drug addict who abuse drug to experience the warmth he never got
Tara is getting married and will have children although it's a little late. Probably because she just got ''Redpilled'' just a while ago and woke up, old and lost, just like the men of the '' alt-right ''.
Reminder, she's now a commie. She's a great example of the age old "women only hold the political opinions of their partners/the guy they like".
This. See panel 4.
Difference is that a white nation isn't a hobby you fucking moron. You can have a hobby without women. You can't have a white nation without white women participating in it willingly.
I don't like people who do the "Do as I say, not as I do" shit, kinda reminds me of jews.
But I do not only blame alt-right women, alt-right men too have those double standards.