ITT we wait for the Cosby verdict
Cosby verdict
Who gives a fuck about this nigger
I hope he is innocent so the feminists and the blacks can have a twitter war. Actually that might happen regardless of the outcome.
he a good boy
OJ was the only nigger worth watching
> 6 minutes
> defense rests
Either they are supremely confident in the weakness of the case against him, or they are shitting themselves because they have nothing.
I'm gay
Which Bill raped more bitches - Clinton or Cosby?
Not watching and don't give a fuck. That being said, the nigger will walk right out do to there is not nearly enough evidence.
are they deciding it today?
They decide whenever they decide. They began deliberating yesterday, and are deliberating again today.
I unironically believe the nigger dindu nuffin. Just politically driven horseshit.
i dunno user, there seems to be 35+ women who say he date raped them. one or two random crazy bitches, i can understand. girls accuse celebs of shit all the time so they can take them for a ride and settle out of court for some fast cash. but that many accusers, it's hard to just think it's coinsidence.
I could tell by the flag.
The more a jury comes back asking for clarification on something, the more likely it will result in a not guilty verdict.
From what I heard, Cosby owns a lot of land that Big Oil wants to build some pipeline over and he was fighting them. Hence, they dredge up a lot of washed-up cokewhores from the 70s and 80s to claim the Coz raped them when all he did was share cocaine with them in exchange for BLACKing them.
So, do you think the old nigger raped them, or are coal burning, gold diggers out for money?
Anyone have a stream of the verdict? I want to see his smile when he gets to go home and rape a chick
All 3.
But they kept coming back after they got raped so they just cared about money and getting famous. Typical fucking women
I hope he gets off
Greedy cunts jumping on the bandwagon hoping for a big payday. Women are never to be trusted, especially when money is involved
inb4 not guilty
Cosby is super rich and the accusations are sketchy as hell.
As far as feminists are concerned he's already guilty.
Bill "Pudding my pop in your slot wether you like it or not" Cosby didndu nuffin
Made my first meme today!
Last I heard, the most damning "evidence" was him admitting that he did involve drugs in his sexual activities, but he said it was still consensual. That was about two years ago.
Has anything worse than that come out since then? If not, then I'll have to continue siding with the coon in this case.
The fact that not one of these 40+ women have come up with a shred of evidence leads me to believe this is just another kike-funded movement aimed at slandering a well-respected conservative celebrity.
I'm pretty sure most niggers see Cosby as an Uncle Tom, so I doubt you'll see any of them standing up for him.
>i dunno user, there seems to be 35+ women who say he date raped them.
35+ women who refused to make police reports or take him to court right after it happened when they may have had more evidence because they were afraid and didn't want all the bad attention... Until they all decided to get together and pose for a FUCKING MAGAZINE COVER decades after the fact.
is that Sigourney Weaver?
Was date rape even rape back then?
Andrea Constand
one of the "victims"
She battled ferocious space aliens but she can't push away an old comedian? I call B.S.