Information Missle. DC v Marvel, Right vs Left

DC and Marvel are symbols of the ongoing battle of the Right (DC) and the Left (Marvel).

The Globalists aim is to probe/influence the public's political leanings.

Marvel(The Left) wants more diversity and is about humanity rapid progression towards Trans-Humanism and ascension to the stars.

DC(The Right) is about traditionalism & the power of humanity. This is why superheroes in DC universe seem more human while the human's in Marvel seem to be seduced and "made better" by otherworldly powers.

This is also why the critics tend to favor one studio over the other.

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Fugg off shill there is only one Franky

Future topics I plan on covering:

1) "Spine Beetle's", Project Leviathan

2) Why Globalism Will Always Fail

3) Truman Show

4) Kubrick's Assassination

5) Why the WWE is the Last Remaining Bulwark Against SJW Culture

6) WW3 Scenario's

7) Where is Richard Simmons

Not a shill. And the "Frank" narrative failed.

>using superhero cartoon fiction stories as an analogy for real life political events
Kill yourself manchild

The shills really hate being exposed.

5) Why the WWE is the Last Remaining Bulwark Against SJW Culture

Lol are you serious?

A poo in loo is champ specifically to pander to Indians.
She-boon female champ.
Jewess other female champ.
Face of the company specifically panders only to women and gays, straight white males hate him.

The company itself hates straight white male fans.

Not to mention the company is PC as fuck.

Recent influence of Stephanie McMahon and SJW types. There are signs pointing to a return to the pre-PC attitude era days now that Trump is in power.

>making capeshit political

Fuck off

>There are signs pointing to a return to the pre-PC attitude era days now that Trump is in power.

Jinder, the Sheboon and the Jew all happened in the last few months. They are pointing signs of the company going full SJW, not the opposite.

WWE is effectively outsourcing its fanbase. It's full globalist.

Hydra(Marvel) and Soros

Batman(DC) and Trump

Joker (DC) and Obama


oh god it's Frank

Once it fails and viewership drops off, it will stop the SJW pandering.

Unless the globalists try to kill Vince McMahon like they did with Benoit/Guerrero I don't see the WWE going "full sjw"

Im excited for the Kubrick one. Always found that fascinating.

that's a lovely turn of phrase

Also pic related.

Totally can see Steve Austin wearing that in the 90s..........not.


>And the "Frank" narrative failed.

Yes, that's why people keep posting pics of your bitchtits in mom's back room every time you start a thread, Frank.

They're shit movies. Nothing more.

Not me. You shills doxxed a random fanboy and are attempting to ruin his life because this information bothers you.

The shills keep having to go back to "Frank" narrative. Next they will resort to calling me A5.

DC created Wonderwoman.

Yes Superman and Batman are good, but you can't forget that overall they are in for the cash.

You guys are persistent. Even if your shilling is failing miserably, at least you are entertaining.
I can't wait for the Update Grenade and the Teaching EMD.

7/10 would sage again.

Do some research about Hollywood's role in Social Engineering.

Wonderwoman is already causing the Left to eat itself because there was a clear lack of SJW influence on the film.

Gal Gadot is an Israeli Nationalist, something the Globalist's loses their mind over.

Not a shill. You seem upset about this information getting out.