Philly changed the pride flag to include blm

This is fucking trash

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Never thought that nigger and spic are considered sexualities now.

>black brown and red
>bloody bbc butsechs

don't care


It looks bad. I have memories of being scolded by elementary school teachers, "There's no brown in a rainbow!"

Guess I'm a nigger white male now.

An unholy alliance of subhumans

so all blacks are gay now?
no more black children?
Did Philly just save the West?

i push my fingers into my eyes

>when liberalism and kikery comes full circle


somthing is rly fucked up with their logic


Fuck you, retard. A lot of us hate niggers. Go on /cuteboys/ and see for yourself.

>niggers are the same tier as faggots and trannies

>be faggot-faggots
>talk about m-muh equality all the time
>get threatened by blacks for no good reason
>instantly change your flag

These people have just zero pride in what they are, doesnt matter for what they stand. Pathetic.

Good. Bout time we included in somethin

>Niggers will eventually destroy the left's coalition because they can't stand someone else getting more attention than them.
I can't wait until they begin to complain about how the left's current obssession with muslims is taking the spotlight off of them, and begin to protest muslim events.

The niggercoup of the gay pride flag is hilarious, looks like someone drug it through a gutter.

>nazis are the same tier as commies and socialists



it'll get awkward if one of them actually asks a black man what they think of gays and trannies

How telling that their colours are placed right on top. The squeaky wheel gets the grease.

The real joke will be the great mass of Africans who start shitting on the flag, as they overwhelmingly detest homosexuals.

I've yet to see a liberal react to this image or any along these lines
does it fry their brain?

based on what now

>Black is now a deviant sexuality

I guess LGBT finally became LGBBT: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Beastiality and Tranny

I used to think this was dumb, that all these mud people allying would end in a colossal intersectional war but they're managing to mix gays trannies and fatties with niggers and muslims

they're gonna take every section and eject whites from it monopolising victimhood entirely just before the 4th reich

Black sexuality is far more important than gook, spic, or honky sexuality.

this can't be real, are there any articles on this? please let this be not real.

Literally muddied


What a time to be alive

No white strip?

oy vey goy be more tolerant

>they're managing to mix gays trannies and fatties with niggers and muslims
They're not, they just aren't paying attention yet. White faggots are already jumping ship because they're tired of being shat on by the other groups and the left's obssession with Islam is costing them lots. Look at France, Le Pen got a quarter of the gay vote but less of the straight vote. The left just hasn't noticed yet how their coalition is crumbling at the edges.

Adding a black stripe and turd stripe was the laziest ugliest design decision they could have possibly dreamed up.

Not that I support this endeavor even a little bit, and I think the LGBT community + BLM is poison, but from a design aesthetic something like this would have been better

It just proves that the Left has no identity outside of NOT being straight, white males.

>If all of the white men in the world converted to Islam today
>the left would be feverishly Christian tomorrow

I've seen a few of these but I'm still confused
is it conveying the message that "gay is okay as long as you're white"? just want to make sure

Ok, you already lumped dykes and trannies in with us. Now we get niggers too? No, I'm drawing the faggy pink line right here. Fuck you, Philadelphia. Get rid of the flag

I'm gonna burn every 1 I come across.

It's called bestiality.

lol, you mad, faggot? Who gives a fuck what they do to the rainbow flag, it's all gay anyway.

Think about this.

For the fag flag to be changed there had to be a proposition submitted to city council. Those council members had to debate about whether or not they should change the flag, which they probably brought in paid experts to give their case. They then had to vote on it. After the yes vote somebody had to be paid to organize the event as to which the flag was raised. At the event they probably brought in a paid speaker to circle jerk all over it.

Think about the man hours and money that was wasted for gay niggers and spics to feel included. The time, money, and resources that could have been used to fix potholes and do something useful. All of that went to one piece of cloth above one building a majority of people in the city couldn't give two shits about.

This is the world we live in. Are you happy faggots?

I'm niggersexual all I do is rape.


>Blacks are now included with fags
...You can't write this shit

It's funny how easy PRIDE gives into BLM, here in Toronto BLM interrupted the Pride parade last year and wouldn't let it resume until the gays signed a list of demands. Well they signed it and now the police are no longer allowed to march in uniform during this years Pride parade. Which is really a slap in the face because the LGBT police association is a huge deal, but the niggers in BLM won't let them march.


niggerfaggot flag

Sure, let's put the black and brown on the center of the flag, meaning they are some kind of entitled deity.

Honestly though, who gives a fuck?

Black is not a color silly niggers

STUDY: Whites Speak to Cops With More Respect Than Black People

All I can THINK is rape. How can whites compete?

fuck niggers

Nigger faggot lives matter.

You just can't make this shit up

In flag tradition, the higher up a flag is the more important it is.

That's why the US flag flies above State flags.

In the new LGBT+Turd flag, the black and brown at the top means they're more important than all the other colors in the flag.

The LGBTurd flag is a big f-u to the entire gay community. It's basically saying

>Yeah, you're a transgender otherkin cum snorkeling drag king, but you see, we're black, and that's more important.

And you're letting this happen.

ayy lmao

But white gays tend to not like black gays. Something about niggers having more diseases and being more violent.

and as a philly native. we have so many fucking potholes im mad shit like this is passed before anything important in this godforsaken city.

not according to milo.

I am transhomo. female asses cant handle the BBC

so they added both the black and the brown?

I thought it was
Black = necrosexual
Brown = poosexual.

So they admit that niggers are automatic faggots and faggots auto-niggers? So that just narrows down the list of subhumans to be gassed.

Well played Philly.

are gay asians included or should be include a lighter shade of yellow

You can always submit a complaint to City hall. They'll waste time and fix that problem.

No, now LGBT are niggers

Milo is an exception.

>Adding black to represent black people on a flag that doesn't use colours to represent people.
They are just living in their own world of retardedness and no one is standing up to their retarded demands for fear of being labelled a bigot.

Philly is just taking a subtle shot at darkies calling them all faggots


It looks like that pride flag needs an enema.

Looks like someone wiped their ass with the rainbow flag.

Heil satan

>black, brown, yellow
>tfw white people don't get to be on the faggot flag

Can someone photoshop the Democrat donkey in the center of this new homo/minority flag? it's fitting.

STOP IT! Surely you are not even gay just a fucking troll, for us gays that visit Sup Forums this is the last thing we want to see

It means liberals are shit at choosing symbols to rally around.

Black guy here
Pls save us

Oh cool, we can post with custom flags again.

so they added a shit stain, hershey highway - seems about right.

good, fuck you faggots.

Save yourself.

>spraypaint dick on pothole
>either have lots of dicks spraypainted all over the place or potholes get filled in

mexican pointy boot dance festivals actually have rad techno music

we should make them keep adding more colors until its just a rainbow of shit

sorry bruce, niggers > fags. Niggers at least don't want to rape or castrate children.

You did this to yourselves.

>Spics have reached 15th century Europe level of shoewear.

It's real. It's fucking real

>giant shit stain on the top part of the flag

welp it makes sense given that faggots all eat shit.


>Niggers at least don't want to rape or castrate children

Execept they do, though?

>castrate children

That's what straight people have been doing for decades.

>I did this


its true tho, blacks have contributed positively to american history and culture.

Gays have just contributed viruses and lower intestinal parasites.

and lets be honest, blacks are discriminated against, and treated poorly by the police. They do have legitimate grievances, and we should be mindful of our unique history together. Sweet boys are just post-modern monsters.

>will do fuck all about all the heroin
>change the gay pride flag like its a huge achievement

They should throw a syringe on the flag while they are at it. This shithole will be more AIDs ridden then South Africa before long.