With these new flags, how will people know I'm from Canada?
With these new flags, how will people know I'm from Canada?
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They won't
How will they know I'm a proud German?
How will they know I live in France?
Don't worry, everyone knows where I'm from.
How will they know I am from Eastern Europe?
By the shit quality of your posts.
These are so lame
oh trust me... they'll know
I fly my real flag loud and proud, cocksuckers.
People will know by the psychic print left in your posts.
jeez. fucking cringe
God i wish my country wasn't 52% white and fought all of Israels wars. I also wish i had my foreskin still!
Who am i?
Undercover leaf reporting in
this is the end for all you flag roleplayers
the great cleansing has begun
Canadian posts always reek of dried cumstains. It's an odd phenomenon.
Pass acounts have cuck detector app
you're clearly canadaian
Isn't it obvious?
You're sporting the rainbow.
It's kind of obvious.
I am just going to assume every retarded post I see is made by a fucking leaf.
you still talk like a fag
Try 72.4%, feggit
I am glad to see Asian moot is getting the game on!
>mfw no one will know I'm Canadian now
>majority of babies born are non-white
What matters isn't the present, but the future
lol wut
I think everyone missed the joke here, it was pretty good though.
Nevermind me just checking my flag.
I think you need to understand that Sup Forums takes anything and everything seriously so yes of course they missed it
Haha holy shit that image triggers manlets.
Because only nations ashamed of themselves will use these flags
Then it's just a process of elimination using context clues from your posts
Clover hasn't updated so I can't see any of the new flags.
So... You?
Best time to be a leaf, eh?
It's aboot time
I am a little perturbed that my 6.5er is considered inadequate but what are you gonna do.
Heh. They'll never know.
Finally people won't think I'm Swedish because my flag was Sweden
Nobody cares where you are from, posts should be based on merit and content not superficial bullshit.
I see no difference.
Burger fuck off,
>check flag
>yep, it's Canada
your post makes me sad.
they will know these burgers!
Rolling for flaggies
>new flags
fuck off newfag
A flag won't fix your leaf tear posts - we will know
> nigger, muh dick
Because Canadians have the LGBT flag by default.
The Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida?
You'll say the most cucked-up things. It's a dead giveaway.
What it do
lmao dumb nazis will never know I'm canadian
they can't
People will see the low quality inherent in your posts and easily put two and two together
This. I will never directly reply to some faggot using a non flag from now on. The operators of Sup Forums are stupid, they made a bantz section for a reason, now all these faggots are trying to be so fanni.
>needing pussy
lol, losers
I can smell it.
Canada is post-national.
Dont worry OP you picked the perfect proxie flag
This will make the burgers who use proxies to pose as leafs sad.
The leaf meme will never die. We will always know about leafposting.
well played
LGBT huh? Then you won't mind a little Ben Fischbein gay pr0n ey'? XD
>Day of the rake leaf, it's coming.