Now that the dust has settled which pill is in the right?


Other urls found in this thread:


>No Nietzsche

Just kill yourself m8

The pill that makes you aware that the american black is basically a murder monkey who should be avoided at all cost.

Only other image with books I could find was this for green. Not sure if any others exist.

Nietzsche is 8th-grade-tier wisdom. There is nothing intelligent about the delusion that there is meaning in meaninglessness.

I wish all of the "I know a bunch of esoteric shit, so I'm intelligent!" /x/ crowd would fuck off. Actually, I wish they would've fucked off 6 years ago.

>Not choosing rust pill

Kill yourself nigger faggot

This is the only redpill.

green pill is the only pill

It saddens me that the green pill has absolutely no support, and the only it has is from dirty open border racemixers

Yeah we're all pretty stretched apart. I know personally maybe four or five other greenpills personally. I do podcasts and try to push the green pill after the red pill. Any ideas? Vegetarianism isn;t exactly hip

Iron pill every time

I'd choose a mix of Red Pill & Iron Pill. Either of those would yield a good person.


Which pill is this lads?

Complete chart for those interested

jesus can we get a better resolution?

I can't read this but it looks hilarious

Better resolution needed, zooming in just makes it worse.

Combination of Iron Pill and Green Pill imo but without fully buying into either one and accepting that reality is too complex to be neatly encapsulated by any one human ideology.

No black pill? And making the nazi nationalist look bad is just dumb.

But Nazi nationalists are literally dumb edgelords...

whichever one has harry potter in it is the one i am

take a little from each, mixing all colors.... white pill

>NazBol meme resolution

Th' pirate pill be th' only good pill.

I don't see enough economic books in the green pill

Hello JIDF.

i tried to read HPB the secret doctrine but the language is strange so i read a few the secret doctrine study guides/commentaries. cleared things up. i love Theosophy, i'm trying to compile evidence of reincarnation to make a video presentation about it :)

The Heritage Pill

Read what your forefathers have been reading for over 2,000 years. Only then can you begin to understand what all those who came before you ever fought for.

give us a list bongalango

Such as?

>2000 years

Obviously the Bible, stupids. Maybe some Greek philosophy as well.

Homer, Herodotus, Livy, Aristotle, Plutarch, Ovid, Cicero, Thucydides, Aeschylus, etc.

Literally just look at the Greco-Romano creations and read them. They're the foundation of the entire concept of The West, and you can't read the other major works without understanding from what they derived their inspirations. You don't have to become a classicist, but at least become aware of what these great men left us long after they were gone.

I was going to say 2,500 years, but I didn't because I know someone would think they're funny and say "lol ovid (the image posted is metamorphoses) isn't that old."

Saying that, the Bible (King James for English speakers) is important at a cultural level.

Where is the glorious pill and the Varg pill?

Iron pill + NatSoc red pill.

Is the greenpill a joke? I dont get it

Good advice here.





A mixture of everything.



(you). I bet you think Soren was a faggot too.



I think there's one for brown pill but I don't think I have it. I just remember it had lots of Hegel and Rouseau.

>not one single history book from antiquity outside of mein kampf

redpill wins.




What's the deal with Americans and worshipping the Self-Help-Book jew?

"Motivational" content is for the insecure.

>not taking the green pill

Iron, Brown, and Green pills.


posting red pilled music

The European taste for sugar cane
Tobacco in thick
Precious leafy fronds
Amenities not found in colder climates
Are sought

Above the steaming jungle
Lies snowy heights of honor
Foundations of empire are laid
On sweating backs of nigger slaves

To alien invaders flesh was made
An offering for economic gain
Lives traded for tusks of ivory
Are sought

Above the steaming jungle
Lies snowy heights of honor
Foundations of empire are laid
On sweating backs of nigger slaves

I've gotten to the point where I'm not longer really vested in politics, I just like laughing at people who take this shit too serious. Which pill is that?


It's not a pill. It's called growing up

Aside from the obvious one....

What would the recommended reading for BLACK PILL?

what are those books?

"the great books of western civilisation" is a start

Have you taken the brown pill yet mateys...

Schopenhauer and Nietzsche would be the core

Conspiracy against the Human Race could be a good one. I'm a terrible reader but it covers a lot and gives an okay amount of info on things that is easy to digest. After that you can go into more specific detail on the things it says.

da fuq did i just read

>tfw too dumb to take the brown pill