When the diversity gets real


>Shocking video shows the moment that a 28-year-old woman shoved a 12-year-old girl to the ground when the woman's boyfriend tried to chat the minor up.
>The incident happened outside a convenience store in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania on May 28.
>Surveillance footage from the store shows the girl, identified as Presley Keeney, standing outside waiting for her dad to finish paying for some drinks.
>The couple are also waiting outside the door and soon leave with two other friends.
>However, something causes the man to turn around and head back towards the entrance of the door.
>The woman, identified as 28-year-old Marlenea Uravage, turns to follow him, changes her mind, and then finally is seen running back in his direction.
>Meanwhile, the man is seen approaching Presley and asking her a question.
>She says that he asked her 'Could I have a piece of that?' - and she thought he was talking about the Slim Jim she was eating. Thinking he was hungry, she reached into her bag to give him another Slim Jim that she bought.

Other urls found in this thread:


>can I have a piece of that
>I mean the slim jim lol
everyone knows what that nigger meant

Webm that shit nigger.

omg this is good stuff

>slim jim

> fat white girl attacks 12 year old that her chimp boyfriend hit on

This is fucking meme level now

>leaving your daughter alone when there are shitskins everywhere

I haven't stopped laughing at this since I found the article like 15 mins ago

Jesus white women, get it together.

proof americans have daughter cuck bbc fetish

>white girl
shitskin spic attacks a 12 year old cause she thinks she's stealing her boyfriend

The victim has a great ass

she;s 12 senpai

If she's old enough to bleed...

That might explain why

you left your pizza related map somewhere john. pls go


Interracial coupling was a mistake, The Romans realised this...

Niggers and coalburners, like shit and piss.

this too. jesus christ this world is so awful. the young girl had lust in her eyes. the father is for fault. hopefully that dirty whore who pushed the young girl gets lynched

Imagine being this retarded.
Imagine having an IQ as low as any of the people in this video.
I'd fucking kill myself.

This is a white nigger.

That's the quality of white women the typical nigger gets. If not for the fact that they are still capable of giving birth, I'd say the niggers can have them.

Sterilisation seems a reasonable middle ground, don't you think?

If you're IQ was that low you're only chances at killing yourself is in a silly accident.

Fair point.
I probably wouldn't even have the good sense to even consider it...

She's good enough to breed

You can tell she's not into it. The way she drops her hands, pauses, and jams them into her bag show this. Pretty clear body language there.

So this foul cunt suspects her pet chimp of being a paedophile/child rapist and takes it out on his potential victim/ Jesus!

Don't respond to cuckposting Americans

what is up with daily mail?
always several articles on the nigger loving whores kardahians and more articles with mudsharks and their darkies

>paedophile/child rapist
The girl is pubescent.

It shouldn't have to be that way, but at the same time the father was unaware of his surroundings.
I'm rather split between helicopter parenting or old timey pseudo neglectful parenting for my kid.

Of course.

>can i have a piece of dat ass?
no wonder that woman mad

This is just diversity that we should celebrate

I don't think it's helicopter parenting to keep an eye on your children when in the jungle.

It's a tabloid masquerading as a Serious Newspaper.

If you have a daughter, its already too late.

What your point? Two dangerous pieces of shit are still on the lose. At least they can be identified now. If I saw them I'd put them down on the spot. These 2 creatures are a massive threat to any child.

I have a 5 year old and a 3 year old daughter and I've already arranged husbands for both of them.

Fair enough. Is it time for deforestation?

one thing, they do carry a lot of news from the US that doesn't appear on our news sites

Judging by the way the dad dresses, all people involved look like trash.

t. King Cuck

have you seen how pedophiles are treated in urban communities?

they almost always blame the little girl for attracting the guy in the first place.

Around coal burner
Never take a breather

>What your point?
It's important to be accurate in our hatred.

thanks for the input ahmed

Enjoy watching your daughters ride the black cock carousel.

i've heard that if you inhale coalburner air you will get BLACKLUNG.

Shitskins living in our societies, libs see no issue here

I think the idea is that it's a global trade. You raise sons to ravage other dude's daughters and in turn you let your daughters get ravaged by other dude's sons.

>he thinks arranging some marriage in their childhood is going to prevent them from turning into sluts later in life


I don't care. Not much shit here affects me. Tell you this tho, if I was the child's Dad, the pedo monkey and its slut would be in the morgue.

Granted Wilkes-Barres has the least niggers of any US city, but it still has SOME niggers, and they're well known for repeatedly robbing/getting i to altercations at certain convenience marts.

Still surprising to see a local place pop up on Sup Forums though.

>Authorities plan to charge Marlenea with harassment, but she has yet to turn herself into police
if she had tweeted some bullshit about refugees she'd be in shackles right now.
but its nice to know I can physically attack 12 year old girls in britain and get charged with "harassment".

Hail Lucifer, bringer of light.

I would without hesitation shoot whoever wrote this kike reasoning in the belly, and post a video of him screaming for his mommy in a pool of his own blood and stomach acids to liveleak.

If you can read that post without wanting to drag a knife across the faggot's throat, you aren't white.

No, but in combination with their conservative upbringing and not being exposed to federal "education" and getting married around 14-16 and starting a family they will be too busy working and raising white children to become degenerates.

>cut down tree
>make rope
>make gallow
>leverage rope over another trees branch
>hang nigger in own jungle

Life in burgerland. But yeah, the leafs are the problem
>rolling eyes and making masturbation motion

>dont have kids goyim

Take that flag off your id rabbi

For all of you thinking the olive skinned spic who pushed the 12 year old is white, kill yourself

They went sky diving together


Looks like a coalburning white bitch to me.

You can have kids, just make sure they're not women.

I don't understand, what did he mean ?



You are undergoing ethnic change twice the rate of the US, and about 8 points higher than Sweden. Shut up.

shut yo ass up cracka

What the fuck is a 12 year old doing prostituting herself??

If you're IQ was that low, how would you know?


lmfao, everyone involved right down to the 12 year old kid are whats wrong with this country. Niggers were a mistake

>right down to the 12 year old kid

Did the dad beat the shit out of the woman?

What if he was broke or drunk and was really asking for a slim jim. Like hey you got an extra piece of gum? You ask for wierd shit when youre trying to quit smoking.

>she reached into her bag to give him another Slim Jim that she bought.

What a nice young lady

I hope Marlenea gets the chair t b h

obviously a white hispanic

"lets have sex"

By using a phone to post.

I blame the father. He should have taught his daughter to walk away in these situations (a black man approaches you)

>not grooming her for the first 10 years, then fucking her for the next 10 years

Where would you be without your mother?

>tfw When you forgot to put your leftovers in the fridge

People say "can I get a piece of that" meaning, can I get a piece of that ass. He was asking if he could put his cock inside a 12 year old on the smooth.

Fun fact: women get jealous faster and crazier than men do.

archive that goddamn link

So pure.

now im scared


hard to believe someone would walk up to a 12 year old at a gas station while your girlfriend is a few yards away and mean it like that

but niggers do lots of things that are hard to believe

No, no, it's not hard to believe at all.

Ok... That's gross

maybe i need to leave the house more

kys Pajeetyrone

I was thinking the same

no way that anyone could think that girl looks close to 18. We need to dox that disgusting animal.

>that image
>all those absolute red flags
degenerates like her belong on a cross

lol at the fat white coal burner who pushes the innocent future coal burner.

Why the fuck did the little girl give him a slim jim and why the fuck did the nigger even ask for some of it? what the fuck?