I don't care what you alt-right fuckers say, this man was a hero.
I don't care what you alt-right fuckers say, this man was a hero
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Mine too, which is why i was so instinctually against this politically correct social justice cancer that's slowly but surely ushering in everything he fought against once more.
The public character he played was maybe a good guy and said some woke things but the real person - not so much.
What happens if you hatefully kill your enemies that hate you? do they win?
So was Malcolm X. This is why (((they))) had them assassinated.
No, but say for instance, you're on a pirate ship and you kill the captain you don't automatically become the captain. You're just that asshole who killed the captain.
Yeah, he was a hero.
A hero that loved his people, and everyone else too.
A hero that wanted his people to live with grace and dignity, strong families and educated children.
A hero killed by fellow blacks because he was an "Uncle Tom". They then celebrate his memory by being so detestable that African nations have LITERALLY THREATENED WAR if we sent the blacks to Africa.
Let that sink in.
This is our hero from that time period.
Stop shilling for the next 15 minutes and look him up.
why bother posting here
>killed by fellow blacks
He a was a nigger too
Tbh I have to give niggerman creds. He called out Islam for what it truly was, an evil fucking cult
MLK was a serial plagiarist.
identifying effects of Jews, Niggers, Spics, Faggots and Muslims, is not about hate; only that I love my race.
> inb4 "muh individualism"
Wrong. Deportation enforcement and ICE can drive out the darkness just fine.
Martin Luther Kangz n Sheeit Jr. was ok. Although I'm pretty sure that when he was alive niggers weren't nearly as bad.
MLK would hate BLM and other shit like it because it doesn't promote Blacks to do better in society, plus being a christian he would hate current black culture.
Malcom X was turning into the same thing as MLK but was gunned down by the MB in order to use his earlier life to destroy Black culture
There is nothing right at all about thst statement. In all the history of the world, pacifism has only ever lead to one good outcome with Ghandi and that's because the British had a strict code of honor and wouldn't just murder the Indians wholesale. In just about any situation it is far better to harm those that hate you before they harm you.
He cheated on his wife and made United States into a third world hellhole, Because of laws and cultural now are afraid of the "racist" word. To hell with Chimp King Jr.
>1 post by this ID
Eat the b8
Eat the b8
Eat the b8
Eat the b8
Dr. King was a respectable man indeed.
If MLK had lived longer, his Marxism would have shown more and more. His reason for being in Memphis was for a sanitation workers' strike
No, THIS man was a hero. he wanted blacks to fucking leave and establish their own nation because he understood we're fucking different. FUCK MLK, MALCOM X IS THE TRUE CIVIL RIGHTS HERO!
>I don't care what you alt-right fuckers say, this man was a hero.
his job was to convince black people to get abortions, he was great at his job
>So was Malcolm X. This is why (((they))) had them assassinated.
they assassinated Malcolm X because they were concerned more black people would start reading books
You ought to tweet that to all your fucking leftist idiot friends.
Damn, he's bad at analogies, how will we recover?
MLK didn't do shit except make every nigger councilor in major cities name a street after him. nogs obviously flocked to these areas, and proceeded to fuck things up for themselves.
One of my favorite quotes, and he practiced it. He was nowhere near the level of toxicity that we see with BLM today.
I love GLR. Read "Hate: George Lincoln Rockwell and the American Nazi Party" if you get the chance. Despite the title, it is the most unbiased book about him
He's a Commie. Now get back to watching the Black bull fuck your wife cuck. They're stupid and violent. They're nothing like Europeans.
Yet im sure 99% black people dont even know anything about him
Hell apart from the initials MLK i doubt they know his name
ask the United states after we overthrew the Taliban in Afgan
So was it love when the Romans wanted revenge against Hannibal and they went and slaughtered every man woman and child in Carthage before burning everything else to the ground?
You cannot call yourself redpilled if you have not listened to Commander Rockwell
He was a whore-mongering, woman-beating, plagiarising, communist monkey.
>that flag
>that post
holy fucking Reddit
Nation of Islam hates Jews as much as Nazis do.
One day, I hope he will be vindicated.
>white cuck can no longer ad hominem saying A FUCKING LEAF
He was a whore monger who deserved to get shot.
Einstein vs. Mike King would be a most titanic battle of recidivist plagiary.
We aren't disagreeing with you here. But I don't think MLKjr ever flipped out and blocked roads and stopped people from getting an education.
BLM is reversing all the hard work that Hero put in.
He's rolling in his grave right now
Exactly, if he wasn't killed none of this would have happened
Not a shred of physical evidence anywhere that he cheated on his wife. Doctored FBI trickery.
No booze or whores or literature for Mike King to steal.
He died a hero. All the other ones lived long enough to see themselves become the villain.
Looking at his compadres.
Have you seen Detroit?
Those nigger crackheads sure look like the work of a hero right?
De-segregation was the worst thing to happen to western civilization. Fuck this shortsighted nigger.
That's quite rich. He loved getting liquored up and either fucking or beating whores.
MLK Jr cheated in school on his thesis. Look it up. A typical nigger. He stole the whole thing, completely plagarized.
Great point. The great society polluted their minds even more.
You're missing something but I can't put my finger on it
literally the whitest black man alive, he despised everything that black culture stands for today. fucking shame
He died because he became an out of control electron ready to fuck up the (((media narrative))).
MLK hated nigger culture tho and just wanted Blacks to act like normal functioning human beans
I agree. It isn't about hate, it's about the love we have for our own white people that will drive out the darkies.
He was a total fucking huckster son of a huckster dad...both with fake names.
Everyone remember one thing... LBJ was one of the worst things to happen to this country, ever!
There wasn't even a media narrative at that time, just deep state.
No faggot deep state was JEH playing tapes of Mike King for his congressional friends and mailing them to Mike King's wife.