This thread is for Discussion of Capitalism, Libertarianism, Paleolibertarianism, Anarcho-Capitalism, Minarchism, Anti-Communism, Right-Wing Populism, and the PHYSICAL REMOVAL of COMMUNIST FAGS from our board of peace. Reminder that this is the Libertarian RIGHT General. Aleppo Johnson-fags, Left-Libertarians, and other Shit-Libs need to fuck off. Voice your complaints to r/libertarian.
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>/lrg/ Chatroom
d i s c o r d : Tucrr4X
>Bump for Life, Liberty, and Private Death Squads
Hey hey! Ho Ho! Garry Johnson has got to go!
How is the freedom movement in your country growing? America needs ethno-nationalism first freedom second.
Ours is growing very strongly and most likely will go into goverment next year.
Who? You mean Gary "Bake cakes for niggers whilst I make the state bigger" Johnson?
Yes, LOLbergs need not apply.
Nationalist movements are growing. not as fast as i'd like but its happening. tbqh American Nationalism is tied to Liberty. were fed up with welfare and therefore niggers too.
Can't wait when we will start physically removing communists, democrats and degenerates.
Can Piratism be officially recognized? I just want to sail the high seas and own my own island.
You mean Garry "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs" Johnson?
As long as it's voluntary and doesn't violate anyone's NAP.
The day of the removal draws closer every day. In the meantime wave your freedom flags, post propaganda and sneks.
Pirates are cool. basically oldschool AnCaps.
Boop boop! Beep beep! Remove the leftists, so to speak.
I see nothing wrong with that, aslong as you respect muh NAP
Where in the world are Ayn Rand's works?
"The Virtue of Selfishness" is mandatory. Add Objectivism to the OP as it lacks any epistemological -isms.
We might be meme-ing ourselves out of the EU soon, then death penalty, more self-defense rights and less gun control. In 2 years we might meme JKM into goverment with his "freedom" party.
We must mount a Snekist resistance against this Kekist domination!
its an old list, we should work on a new one. Haven't gotten a hold of the website owner in a while either.
also pic related.
I'm new to this. How is physical removal libertarian?
It seems exact opposite to me.
Also how is Pinochet considered libertarian besides free markets and private ownership? He was a dictator.
We don't give a fuck what's the goverment essentialy, it can be democratic, fascist, monarchist, as long as it promotes our values it's good.
That's why we hate democracy, it always leads to communism.
Basically Hoppe says what must be done to achieve libertarianism and that is physical removal of communists and democrats.
When the time comes.
It isn't. These retards are just statists, Murray Rothbard would be rolling in his grave if he knew what he set in motion.
Physical removal is harsh discrimination, prefectly valid.
pretty good meme video for a rundown.
Pinochet was not a libertarian, we consider him /ourguy/ because he took libertarian econ lessons from a jew and physically removed marxists. he's benevolent dictator tier.
Pre-emptive self defense against those who wish to tread upon us
Fuck off filthy NAP violating, people murdering faggot.
I'm glad commies mark themselves now, it'll be easier to collective laugh at them.
w-why do you have 9 sneks? Are you in a snek cult?
I'm not a commie, I'm a market anarchist, it's just that unfortunately the anarchist flag defaults to ancom.
Physical removed doesn't mean 'do away with'. It can be via discrimination, exclusion from society (hoppe likens it to excommunication) on up etc. Remember this happens within the context of a covenant - a group of people who have formed a community to live a certain way, so basically you break the community rules, you get booted.
Based his economy on a group of economists who were students of freidman - the Chicago boys. Plus he helicopter education commies
I have more than 9 sneks.
this one looks cooler
What does "market anarchist mean" are you like free trade guy or what?
so? Jeffery Cucker fan?
>market anarchist,
Well so are we - free market anarchists...
Or did you mean (((marxist)))?
Gotta be behind at least 7 sneks, mate
What about this one? for the ancap crypto-monarchists.
>able to promote our values
In any event the thing you are looking for is Meritocracy.
Democracy is fine for the political process only. Democracy does not belong in social issues or economics.
"I object to the idea that the people have the right to vote on everything. The traditional American system was a system based on the idea that majority will prevailed only in public or political affairs. And that it was limited by inalienable individual rights, therefore I do not believe that a majority can vote a man’s life, or property, or freedom away from him. Therefore, I do not believe that if a majority votes on any issue, that this makes the issue right, it doesn’t.”
“There is nothing wrong with the democratic process in politics. By the constitutional powers, as we had it, people elect officials, but the powers of those officials, the powers of government are strictly limited. They will have no right to initiate force or compulsion against any citizen, except a criminal. Those who have initiated force will be punished by force, and that is the only proper function of government. What we would not permit is the government to initiate force against people who have hurt no one, who have not forced anyone. We would not give the government, or the majority, or any minority, the right to take the life or the property of others. That was the original American system.”
“I’m opposed to all forms of control. I am for an absolute laissez-faire, free, unregulated economy. Let me put it briefly. I’m for the separation of state and economics. Just as we had separation of state and church, which led to peaceful co-existence among different religions, after a period of religious wars, so the same applies to economics. If you separate the government from economics, if you do not regulate production and trade, you will have peaceful cooperation, and harmony, and justice among men.”
----Ayn Rand, interview with Mike Wallace
Cool, just know international waters anything goes.
Looks great.
I understand.
That's great expanded mate, but you can't make it out too well in the thumbnail
>more than 9 sneks
Are you going to flood the rare snek market while making a killing? Seems like something a Anarcho-Capitalist should do, .
Any of you listening to:
Not an argument
this man get it, someone give him some grog.
Libertarian wassup
Arr, physically remove those scurvy commies, Jim lad
yeahs its pretty grimey. well i've got plenty more.
I listen to Cantwell almost every morning.
Molymemes less often but i still check in on him.
Can I get the Punk's not red and Ron Paul with text?
pls post those rare Hoppes
>cum uncontrollably
I'm an anarchist in the vein of Benjamin Tucker or Albert Jay-Nock (who Murray Rothbard cited as his biggest influence on him next to Mises). Murray is god for his intentions, but he fucks up on a few points which make him easy to put a negative spin on and ridicule.
Hoppe has merit for getting Rothbard's fuck ups and taking them to their natural conclusion. Don't have anything against him as a person other than his rambling about the gays and blacks. You have to be realistic and understand this is not something which wins hearts and minds in the current world, what he did damaged us a lot.
I'm playing the long investment game. you gotta have a low time preference for the big payoff.
that being said, I don't giving to the people lacking in sneks. I'm a wealth creator.
Nah, these people never cared and never will care for freedom. We have to understand leftists are our natural enemies.
>Tucker and Jay-Nock
Do you even care about intellectual integrity? his is why we're going nowhere, people don't even have the curiosity or the nuance to explore minor variations in their thought.
people want free gibs, not freedom. we must not pander falsehoods to gain support but rather remove totalitarian leftists that protect the gibs-culture.
Q. What is Capitalism, Individualism, Libertarianism, Conservatism, Egosim, and Meritocracy combined?
A. Objectivism
You're in libertarian circles, we've read around. I myself have spent many, many autistic years reading. I have come the the conclusions that I have not for ignorant reasons.
I was speaking about the people that Hoppe "segregated" from our movement.
So do ancaps and libertarians generally get along?
do you mean the conservatives that have inflitrated the libertarian party?
Got to admit I haven't read those guys
yeah, AnCaps are just libertarianism taken to its final destination.
Yea they do. Anarcho-capitalism is just libertarianism taken to its conclusion
Yes, if their rw libs rather than allepo Johnson types. While libertarians are minarchist, we'd rather just sack the govt off...
Is Pat Buchanan right-libertarian?
and ron
A movement more radical than a similiar movement is allies up to the point where the gap in ideas shows up.
Thanks so much.
I doubt anyone here went straight for ancapism without going through libertarianism before. Breaking with the conditioning of the state education goes progressively.
So we see libertarians as us, 10 books ago.
I myself was a libertarian until I came up with potential solutions to a lack of monopoly of violence. I still would like the progress to anarcho capitalism to be through massive decentralization instead of a "les revenants" government disappearance.
paleo-conservative. not exactly but he fits in with this crew.
that's fucking sick, man. nice.
this is a very common one, dont know if you wanted this too.
thanks mate.
Yeah. Laissez-faire Capitalism>AnCap but Anarcho capitalism is close enough to to make little difference. Enough that we can solidly "get along" easily enough.
You guys are the least toxic ideology when it comes to open discussion, so props for that.
Laissez-faire is Anarcho-Capitalism. it is non-intevention. Non-Aggression.
Gay Pride Worldwide
Not all of them are bad people, and the way things are are the minute do you really think we can go anywhere without out at least trying to convert naive lefties? I mean the ones who are non-committal, not the full blown retards.
Does it not worry you that someone who is born into a world where all or most land is privately owned is born in a disenfranchised state, which very much resembles what it's like for a person to be born into a state? Where are you free if everywhere you stand you have to abide by the rules of others, and can only escape this status with the permission of others?
Thanks, based purple quadrant bro, Rand memes are ultra rare
Get out you peace loving kike reeee!
Just kidding, thanks. We are probably the ideology that reads the most.
A lot of them are just retards, sure I try but it's really fucking hard.
Not in my private society degenerate.
I believe the huge amount of ancap flag users today shows that we're doing something right indeed.
To the question you asked the other guy, yes. Becuase it's either that or it's goverment owned.
With hard work and intelligence and providing good serices you can gain actual power and that's good because you're creating wealth.
Do you have any opinion on Jeff Deist's whole "decentralise and let the leftists have their progressive hell holes, so long as we can have our own communities" thing? To the extent of letting California have its own single payer healthcare nonsense.
Does this one count? A little old but whatevs
No, it seems only natural for man to start at zero. Not only does it not bother me, but i don't believe newly born children are left to fend for themselves. They have grandparents, aunts, uncles, parents, siblings, and whole communities that can care for them with their own free will. I don't believe it is just to rob and steal on a massive scale to be the parent of an orphan.
Not only does it not bother me, but i don't believe newly born children are left to fend for themselves.
I agree, in fact that's what we advocate for in /lrg, but California is too big, decentralize further to reduce migration tragedy.
As a Libertarian, I have a question for other libs and especially ancaps
How could an ancap/lib society prevent something like Flint Water Crisis?
Anarcho capitalism concludes every society will have it's own rules. For example I want to live in a society with no degenerates and other races, while other races might want to live with each other exc.
>not an argument
I'd be cool with it if we could have a civil segregation. draw borders and such. It'd be disaterous for both of us to have mainlands with small revolting communities everywhere.
You can have a covenant based on any set of values you want, as long as it's all voluntary. Not at the state level though, at least not in ancapistan