Well, the board is fucked then.


yarrr! ripe for a plunderin'

You know they used to have custom flags back in the day right? And the board still went to shit.

Back to what it was actually



Calm down boys, the UN has it under control.

>Sup Forums became /larp/

board ruined lads...

I'd like to know why there isn't a Jew flag when every other religion is there

But the US isn't paying for anything anymore. What are they going to do with out money?

Now if one changes a flag does it change in other posts?

flags r a (((trap)))

Peace out man

Yeah no fuck off new faggit.


Nice, can't fag out on a flag and then change it mid thread.

What do you mean no Jew flag? I am posting under one.


Forget pirate posting Now THIS is larp racing

You newfag a seriously need to stop. Nobody did this. It's how it used to be back in the day. Fucking faggit niggers. You're all mad because theres a "LE EBIL NAZI FLAG!!!"

Deal with it

mmmmmmmmmm a breath of fresh air...relief

what is even going on?

I am albanian and have been playing retard with a serbian proxy flag in Balkan threads for YEARS.

This is clearly just another way for (((them))) to track down our political affiliations when they make their final move.


>he doesn't know
actual flags were shitting Sup Forums up

I bet you post memes everytime you see german/swedish/indian posters to, you fgt

im prety happy to be quite honest

i would of quit sooner than later if not for it were this change

i might could actually tolerate this board now that i wont get chastittied every time i make a post

no more "a fucking leaf" for me hahah

feels good being free

Quite the opposite actually


I regret my post actually, if there is anyone who deserves being memed on its canadians