Muslims = Takiya
Jews = Hasbara
This is their propaganda for the goyim youth.
Muslims = Takiya
Jews = Hasbara
This is their propaganda for the goyim youth.
Other urls found in this thread:
These kikes are getting without their ideas.
Le Israel female soldiers meme is just top kek.
I like Israel now, we're do i sign up?
>tfw no jewish gf
>mfw average jewish girl
Don't remind me please. My number 1 fetish is big Khazar titties. I see no harm in shagging Jewesses and I'm as NatSoc as one gets.
Don't make me goys
Good goyim, don't forget those 6 bazillion
Muzzie > Kike
Why I'm not surprised?
Better to be a femuzzie fucker than a kike shill
You are cherrypicking as well.
Youre cherry picking you dumb fucking pol.
>liking something I don't like means he's a shill
Ok, Macaron
JIDF please go
new flags are ghey as fuck now people can hide where they're from and we can't mock them for being faggots >:(
Watch out. It's mostly poos & kikes hiding
I'm not JIDF, Francois.
Fuck off with this dirty sad monkey, Ahmed.
We know what she looks like without make-up and lighting.
No offense but she's still kyute on your pic
Also why do we never see her smile?
She's a robot sometimes
>this buttblasted frenchie
I really want to fuck the brown one on the left. They'd be able to recruit me if they could hook me up. Hurray zionism! It's good
thats actually becuase she's in her 30's now
who is the black qt?
i think you mean no top tier hollywood gf who happens to be jewish
otherwise israel would be hottie capital #1
You should have seen "her" in her teens then. Wew this board really has stepped up its degeneracy. You'll all burn in hell for it. Take your semitic garbage somewhere else please.
that's going to end badly
>tfw when no niggerjew husky voiced slut to have my abortions
a black hebrew
We can put it that way, if you like it more
that's a benis
Is this legal?
i do like it more
>JIDF is back with a vengeance
I'm afraid
I'm not JIDF!
Only subhumans know what these words even mean. No idea what the photo is supposed to be about, anyway.
there are no black people in Israel? Israel even built a racist wall and has refused every single applicant from Africa and syria.
FUcking nazis!
This ->
>old custom flags including the Hakenkreuz returns
>our age old nemesis the JIDF suddenly reappears as well
It's almost like they planned it....
They'll take advantage. They have tons of accounts on Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, and other sites. They've been here on Sup Forums for a while too, especially since Trump/The_Donald's support of "le epic based Israel" was declared.
Holy shit, I want to die for Israel!
why arent we creating an online database of jews where they live and where they work to at least keep track of them since they are always taking over companies like CNN and firing anyone who isnt a jew.
Hayek is a spic thou
Is it... For real? Lmao they're crazy.
Is The_Donald pro-Israel?
Lebanon blood
I joined it. Just post comments about how Israel must become diverse and Israeli women have to marry Palestinians in order to cure racism or some shit. Don't go full GTKRWN or you will surely get banned
Of course, that's an older pic from around early 2010s /new/ but The Donald is pure idolatry and kiss Trump's feet for evry decision and when he obviously fucks up they claim "hurr 5D chess!!"
She's a Leb
The nose has been exposed.
I'm going to be honest I only went once on the_donald. I thought it was a less redpilled version of Sup Forums
kek I laughed at the Tupac conspiracy part
They were inspired kek
I just found out..
It's basically just people saying "oh fuk muslims they harm gays! we love jews based israel/trump he can do no wrong! etc"
At most they acknowledge Soros, but won't acknowledge that he's a Jew.
what a ridiculous clip
>noone gives a fuck about your land patch
Hear what is hasbara (PIC)
yes goy you want to defend Israel
you don't want lies about us, do you goy?
lets boogie goy!
>It's basically just people saying "oh fuk muslims they harm gays! we love jews based israel/trump he can do no wrong! etc"
Yeah the classic 'muh muzzie' excuse without addressing the (((root of the problem)))
Sup Forums never ceases to amaze me in its rank stupidity.
Israel is definetely not innocent in this affair.
Damn, two flied in one smack
Good job JIDF. Make the Goyim race mix as well as defend Israel.
Y'all destroyed the comment section