Whats the point of banning burqa in public places? Let the sandniggers wear it how does it bother you?
Whats the point of banning burqa in public places? Let the sandniggers wear it how does it bother you?
Trump doesn't care about it. Unfortunately Europeans probably do. m.youtube.com
I really do not mind Islam at all - as long those people stay in their country. Banning the burqua does not change the person's mind or belief.
We do.
It's even a good thing. It highlights how alien kebabs are.
I am against an actual ban is because it will just embolden libkeks and muzzies, so I think it is a bad idea, it would make the situation way worse because liberals will push it as a human rights issue and dumb normies would then support burkas and hijabs
Because burqa is Taliban and is also banned in Muslim countries. Burqa isn't Islamic.
t. Muslim
I wasn't for the ban.
But we banned it to stick it to the Muslims.
Them ninjas are scary looking bro.
if you ban the burka, you ban muslim families. (which is the real point)
They won't be on the beach without their burkas, which is a huge win for your real citizens.
Where was it banned recently?
Somewhere in your country actually.
there is no point because they're allowed to not follow islamic laws if it means spreading islamic laws. the only thing that can slow it down is banning the quran and destroying all mosques/islamic centers for promoting hate speech, hate crimes, and a non-democratic state
Lol it has been banned long ago bro
>if you ban the burka, you ban muslim families.
Are you actually dumb?
Their young men are the group that would actually do the harm though.
I want them to remember where they are and what their traditions are worth when they're in OUR land.
It looks pretty stupid for one. Also it makes it more difficult to identify people, sense, you know muslims are prone to killing people and all. Women wear bombs all the time in the middle east. Don't need that shit here.
>They want democracy. We can't have it anymore.
What did he mean by this?
Norway banning in public schools.
>t. Muslim
I happened to see the flag before you made it official, thanks anyway.
>hiding your face like a criminal nigger should be legal
Burqa allows bombers to carry bombs undetected and allows for wanted male terror suspects to pose as woman.
This is the reason why Syria started to put woman at checkpoints, as they can tell when a "woman" is walking like a man.
we need to oppress them into obeying our laws and cultural norms.
if they can't handle it or don't want to, then great - fuck off back to one of the many sandnigger countries
So long as I'm not allowed to wear a ski mask in public, no-one else should be allowed to wear a mask that conceals their identity either.
Good. Girls shouldn't even wear any islamic veil before like 18yo anyways. Mostly the burka.
You're welcome Meheeco
A Muslim saw this.
This is Europe!
Culture of sandniggers not allowed!
We don't care. It's just another ploy to support degeneracy - no joke. Government officials hope muslim women will 'integrate' if they behave like sluts.
I don't want my terrorists to be anonymous.
The sandniggers will very soon begin insisting and harassing other women who don't conform. Sandniggers are mostly incapable of realizing that other cultures exist and believe that their culture must dominate others. it's like allowing a bully to have his corner where he can throw a temper tantrum every time somebody doesn't dress like the uppity backwards stupid faggot that sandniggers are.
Also, anything that increases the tension between Muslims and non-Muslims is good.
captcha: kebabs derby
I think it should be banned for anyone under 18. Any job paid for by public money should ban the hijab as well.
>pigskin who never talked to a sandnigger
maybe we don't want muslim families here. ever cross your mind?
instead of deporting the sand monkeys back to the syrian jihad grinder the retards in the west think about banning a piece of cloth
It's a symbolic gesture.
communists don't understand that something can be more than just the sum of it's parts, and that's why they failed
Your country's culture doesn't even exist. Your entire country is filled with cucks who paint cuck paintings next to their national landmarks. fuck off and kill yourself, faggot.
I don't mind the burqa, but I mind the people wearing it
Because the dumb fucking savages will be marching around trying to make every woman they see wear one. Eliminate the burka, eliminate the problem.
>based black man
the argument
hungary is a great country -- all your people are welcomed to usa. there is not one hun i met who wasn't a nice and tough manly man.
>"t. muslim"
>"your country's culture"
which culture lmao? Islamistan's? or do you consider french culture as mine?
I don't care about banning the burqa, I care about banning what's underneath of it
It makes them leave
Cant go need to fight the invaders.
Because we can't ID them when they commit crimes.
No group of people needs to dressing up like the Tuscan raiders off of star wars because you know, robbers and murderer's wear stuff like that.
Multivariative measure. On one hand it pleases the right. On the other hand it fuels the narrative of "west is islamophobic".
Zero Dark Thirty wasn't totally off base with that shit, I guess. One of the better scenes in that movie.
you can see them from the distance
There is no point, it's retarded to ban, the men are the problem not the women. Whitey needs to steal Muslim women away from their men like Globalism stole white women. Pervert their values. Target the women if you want to subvert the culture.
...and you don't win a woman by making her feel like your limiting her. She has to WANT to limit herself for you, so they'll see burka bans as oppressive.
So we can see the sexy ones, and we know to stay away from the ugly birds. Can't fuckin tell with those fucking carpetson their heads
>Whitey needs to steal Muslim women away from their men like Globalism stole white women.
Knowing the fact that most of the Muslim women in the West are Arabian. It's not likely to happen.
Burkas are ugly in general anyway.
What the point is?
1. It has nothing to do with european values or culture
2. The ones actually wearing burqas are extremists that would gladly vote for sharia law in europe if they got the chance.
3. Muslims seeing other muslims using burqas on their women and the more extreme version of Islam, makes other muslims slowly but surely do the same. It bolsters the more extreme views.
Just look at Pakistan and most of the middle east. Burqa was barely used by anyone except some mountain niggers a few decades ago. But it has now spread like crazy in majority muslim countries.
Point 1 is enough for me, but I guess retards with obvious self esteem issues of some sort has to get more convinced.
Their skin has nothing to do with european values either.
It would be fine if that religion weren't the same ones that wear bombs as clothes and would hide them under a personal tent.
Because terrorist use it to walk fully loaded in the street.
The burka isn't part of Islam, it's part of some goat fucker fanatical cult that used to only be a mere million of people until the 00's and all mudslimes going full fanatic and needing to up their game to show in public how muslims they were.
Islam has no place is Western Civilization. Not even the smallest portion of it should be accommodated or accepted in our public places.
Too late
In the UK, I get told to remove my hood when going into supermarkets, shopping centres, or college. The answer is always the same: we need to see your face for 'security'. Women in burkhas or hijabs are not told to remove their face or head coverings visiting the same places.
The rules should apply to everyone, or no one.
This is why it bothers me.
I don't believe in any religion that forces women to disguise who they are with a virtual mask and full-body covering for any reason. I don't even like Nuns, but at least you can see their faces and nuns are responsible for themselves while female Muslims are subjugated property that have been brainwashed into submission and servitude. They have no rights. Feminism should attack this medieval bullshit at every turn, but they get behind it, which shows what useless and corrupt lying pieces of filth they are.
Fuck Muslims.
I don't want muslim families, In fact I just don't want muslims. I don't really care about the burka because it is a European tradition as well, that only died out about one century ago. Don't dehumanize these innocent muslims, just keep them happy in their home countries.
>The burka isn't part of Islam
top jej
but it bothers them, and makes it clear they're not welcome
So, who's this erection sensation
Kys it doesn't come from any islamic prescription & was popular in afghanistan bc of the taliban
ok sure, buddy. whatever you say, mahmood. please end your life soon, and when you do, please take lots of parisians with you.
Muslims end up banning it themselves once they get jihadis using them to move around undetected.
>The burka isn't part of Islam
Yeah, it's not. But it's a part of the islamic culture now, which means it's a part of Islam.
It doesn't matter what the Quran say, muslims will still make up the perfect version of the Quran in their eyes.
Now you're thinking of responding with something retarded. So I'll spare you the trouble with a simple question.
Since it's not a part of Islam, do you think MUSLIMS would vote to ban it in let's say.. Pakistan? Iraq? Iran? France? Sweden? UK?
Of course not, because the burqa is NOW A PART OF THEIR FUCKING CULTURE.
nevermind your political drivel, who is this slut and post more
If we take it off them, how will we know the mongrel muzzies from the native whites?
Being this edgy, burber...
You absolute dumbass burka was banned in a lot of Muslim countries including Morocco.
Burka mainly exists nowadays because of the Taliban
No idea sadly, saved it from int back in the day.
only 0,1% of the muslim women wear burqas here so I dont care
it pisses them off
We don't care. Get out.
maybe you faggots should try adding a little more "edge" into your lives. maybe you'd be in a different place right now.
They need to know their beliefs aren't wanted here.
You're disgusting.
Talk to a reformed leftist and they will admit that they say all of this shit about Muslims being a good thing here and etc for purely social reasons. No one actually believes this shit, except the most delusional of Jewish reporters.
And you're triggered
Facial recognition software. What did you think it was for?
Just to fuck with them basically. There a small hungarian town where a far right fag is the mayor, he basically banned muslims from the town just because he doesnt like them.
No, disgusted and full of contempt is not triggered. Triggered is when you want to shut down an argument. You consider it a useful comeback because you view the ironic usage of it as a buzzword. You don't understand it, or us, and you don't fucking belong in the west.
It would be better for everyone if you left the west.
>implying a burqa isn't a perfect way to conceal a suicide vest.
They have used it on multiple occasions. Absolute filth.
You can conceal it under a jacket too.
The fact that you try to prove by x or y that you're not triggered actually proves that you're triggered.
Nah I was born here & I'm good here ;)
The burqa discourages cultural integration which is extremely important when you have immigrants coming from cultures that contain values incompatible with our own.
Uhhh...revenge? Just for shits and giggles...let's see that ass arababy whoo-hoo! Let me show you were the jews split the red ocean wink wink...
Fuck no. Kill them all.