Arguments would be measured by their merit now and these kikes would not be able to turn threads into their playground.
This is the END of kikes on Sup Forums.
Let's celebrate and also share your opinion you beautiful faggots!
Arguments would be measured by their merit now and these kikes would not be able to turn threads into their playground.
This is the END of kikes on Sup Forums.
Let's celebrate and also share your opinion you beautiful faggots!
This is true. These flags will actually lead to fewer ad hominem attacks and more actual discourse. The collective IQ of the board will probably go up by about 10 points because of this. Gook moot is best moot.
Nope. It will not. Perhaps if plebit, Facebook and tumblr didn't saturate this board (Sup Forums1.0), I MIGHT agree with your gay post. But alas, this won't be the case.
I think I'll be banning even harder how.
Enjoy nu/pol/3.0 the faggiest fucking place on Sup Forums
Agreed. As my flag denotes I am a Republican. I was red-pilled by this current election, but it's is terrible to see you all LARPing as Nazis. You guys making these sick jokes have convinced me that I simply can't call myself a Trump supporter anymore. I didn't believe the media about his supporters being racist bigots until now and I just can't be on the same side as people with your beliefs.
Even pretending to be a Nazi is despicable. Good riddance, Sup Forums.
There's literally nothing wrong with fidget spinners
Hating fidget spinners is more pleb than unashamedly spinning one.
"Wow look at me I'm a critic of consumerist culture and the vapid distractions of modernity that plague humans. This makes me so much more of a smart and informed consumer than them."
Good for you faggot, you're of unique or intelligent for pointing this out. I'm sure the majority of fidget spinner users (myself included) are self-aware of this fact. What does it matter anyway that they are more mindless in their consumption anyway? While your decisions in consumption and recreation might be more cognitive and yet you consume too and it makes little difference, the same chinks and Jews have your money. Your positioning of yourself as an informed consumer is only an attempt to place yourself higher in a social hierarchy of late-capitalism while belittling the peers in your community, quite oftenly people of your race. Quite sad actually.
"Look at me Zog I'm so much more self-conscious than the other goyim, I'm not a sheep like the rest of them"
This isn't even a new phenomena by the way, people have been obsessed with simple novelties for as long as we have existed.
If you're a democrat that uses Sup Forums please leave. Sup Forums is a wholesome Christian/ Judeo political critique/ conservative board with luciferian tendencies. Every shitpost you make to counter are ideologies and beliefs is an effort all done in vain.
If you are a member of the "alt-right" and watch more then 1(1) e celeb each week, you have to go back.
this desu
It also opens th' poopdeck t' shitpostin', lad.
>tree hugger posing as a faggot
We are back to the awesome old days now. Kek
Watching these goons explode is fun.
Yes goyim, we are leaving Sup Forums forever now
Good. It's about time, White Europeans only. Play with your niggers in Israel.
Yeah but seriously we should stop with the nazi flags.
They just ruin the reputation of Sup Forums. if we really want all sides of arguments, we should be as welcoming as possible, right go-I mean-guys?
I've got a bad feeling about the flags tho, a lot of shilling leafs,pajeets etc are gonna be able to hide now without paying for proxies. If anything it's possible (((they))) could be behind the new flags as a way of minimizing the cost of paying the shill army.
Fuck off Amerishart.
fuck you faggot, no one cares about you
There's no fucking way you aren't a trolling leaf.
We need more nazis
first time l have to agree with an amerilard, this place has been flooded with 9gag/reddit/fb kids who think that it's le meymey website xd
Nice try leaf
OP is JIDF for sure but also this:
I'm glad of this. Proper discussion. No derailment.
israel should be rangebanned
>Sup Forums goes back to an older flag mechanism
>somehow this is nu
>no derailment
>no rails
>implying this is not the plot of seafaring privateers
fuck off jack sparrow. you will not be spared on the day of the navy
>newfags outing themselves
Next, get rid of thread IDs to make it like classic Sup Forums, where every post stands on its own.
>can't into irony
Cuckservative, begone.
This is just the beginning you filthy goy
Hahahaha JEWS BTFO
We always appreciated a good post no matter the country.
This just encourages more shitposting and role playing off topic shit
There's threads pretending to be pirates ffs
>Final solution to the jewish question when?
>Final solution to the newfag question when?
>Final solution to the candian question when?
The mods have the power but they do nothing. solution to the moderator question when?
i for one am proud of the country i am from, and have no shame, i even wish to show you what nation i hail from, for it is the proudest one in the world.
A fucking leaf!!!
Let the flags be. Only faggots change them anyway. A Sup Forumsist identify by national flag.
Kids play with IAM flags
it will be easier to spot the obvious trolls
guy with democrat flag posting inter racial porn... definitely not trolling!
the user base was much smaller on Sup Forums a couple years ago. It's now one of the fastest boards, and Sup Forums itself has seen increased traffic. You are new as fuck. I've also noticed a large amount of "ironic" shitposting related to the flags. It's cancer. Not quite as bad as the attempted assassination with nocaptcha, but it's close simply because of the volume of newfags
>hehehe guys look i have a swastika as my flag!! :D
you won't be missed fella
I can tell you are a fucking leaf
didn't old pol randomize your flag?
A clear lack of death runes on this board.
Fuck, NOW how am I supposed to block all leaf OP threads?
Fuck off godfag
I like it a lot. The place feels more vibrant.
Looks pretty sick with the tomorrow style, spikes and shit. Pic related.
I've yet to see a single snowflake flag make a post of any merit.
I like the new-old flags. I think they will help to deepen the dialogue.
I guess I'm a zombie now.
False now we have shitskins that won't be called out for being shitskins
Not bad
a final solution
hitler did nothing wrong
Please don't let me be a commie or a fag.
Finally no one can make fun of me because of my cucked germany
found the leaf
an attempt
pfft bunch of unpatriotic cunts, of course, I can understand how you would all be ashamed of your countries. pretty much impossible for me to be ashamed of perfect Australia though. gg pleb scrubs git 100 rekt for all eteranaly
My first thought.
You are a retard faggot. Sup Forums had never had flags until it did when it was randomized then you were able to select it after some time. Flags need to be geographic location by default. It helps with identifing faggots trolling
>ghost kike
My eyes have literal tears from all these laughs the buttraped aspies are gifting me with.
What kind of TRUE HUWHITE MURICAN ain't racist? Off yourself on cam.
Fuckin' ell, mate. Test
fucking statist
As a limp-wristed democrat and hates drumph beyond all reason, I feel inclined to call you a racist despite having no evidence to back up my attention seeking claim.
I just busted out laughing at that image and had to awkwardly refuse to explain why to people. Kike jokes should be socially acceptable.
I am jidf no bully plz
>This is the END of kikes on Sup Forums.
i already notice an improvement in the quality. And its only the first day where people will play out with the flags and shitpost more than when its gonna be the norm
post screams leaf
No you are the man standing by his country's flag like a true nationalist.
Just posting this to see what flag I get.
best flag
Yeah, I can see this being the work of (((them)))
A fucking leaf.
Where da white Jew women at??
>when your ideology exists because jews weren't making enough money
why would you post with your actual flag
all day we've been faced with plebbitors trying to find a more convincing excuse for why they think they need geoflags, some are saying "OMG NOW FUCKING LEAFS AND POO IN LOOS ARE POSTING AS IF THEY WERE WHITE" and some are saying this is a mission from the jews to globalize the board by impeding the flow of posters' national origin.
these fucking newscum are so desperate for their "flag bantz" that they are coming up with conspiracies for why the flags have changed. people of such low intellect and mettle are either going to stop posting or adapt to the new environs and realize the error of their previous ways.
this is the best change that has happened to Sup Forums in the last year and the only better thing would be if they could take away the option for geographic flags.
Not surprised to see a faggot defend fidget spinners
flags are completely gone now lol
>there are replies to this post that actually take it seriously
Sup Forums is and always will be completely fucking retarded. These flags will fix nothing
>pirate threads deleted
>Nazbol threads stay up
As always, mods = fags.
Is this the end of 'poo in loo' and 'pay debts' jokes?
You're next, dūbs-tard.
Why did that cuck moot take the flags away again?