Population Rate

How do we get more white babies? Also why are the mods so anti white? Does this trigger pol?

One child policy on non-whites. Tax Breaks and Child Benefits for whites who have at least finished secondary school, more if you have a degree.

Look up Hitler's economic incentive for increasing the German birth rate. Enact that policy, make it only applicable to whites, and provide economic deterrents for non-whites to reproduce.

Question for you both, would you support the removing of both minimum wage and the welfare state? Or one over the other?

All white men should make donations to sperm banks. That way old lesbians will have white children.

>That way old lesbians will have white children.
So they can raise cucks?

Remove welfare state, minimum wage is fine where it is mostly its people constantly bitching about increasing it and thinking it supposed to be livable

>removing minimum wage
>removing welfare state
To an extent. Make it the last port of call for somebody. I think it should be more centred around providing people opportunity to work and increase their standard of living rather than just increase their standard of living without working e.g. direct people towards a job rather than allow them to live off the dole. The welfare state should also be utilised to further a political agenda such as this (increasing white birth rate). It shouldn't be "the dole" in which people who don't work and don't try to work get anything; no money should be distributed.

>and thinking it supposed to be livable
Do have a point however don't you think letting the market figure that out is the best way forward?

Children rebel. Either way they will be white. Better than them getting retarded jiggaboo sperm. To lazy to link article

Quality matters jus' as much, if nah more, than quantity, matey. We should nah put sprogs under higher risk o' becomin' trannies 'cause o' queer moms.

But when you turn this into a /s/ like thread just to post some white pussy, kiss this stupid shit goodbye.

Here's an idea faggot OP. Go out and get laid instead of talking about theory and the hypothetical



you get more white babies when feminism goes away and women actually respect men and marriage again.

There should be a mandatory global 2 child cap on anyone with a sub-115 IQ tbqh.

Daily reminder that Eco-Fascism is the only worthwhile fascism.

You take your white dick and put it in a white girls pussy and wiggle it around until you make cumsies inside her.
It isn't fucking rocket science.

Lesbians make the worst parents.

tfw no pirate flag

Yes but ending both at the same time would cause a lot of disruption. End the welfare state first then have everyone scramble to find jobs or starve to death. Then end the minimum wage and let things sort them out. The market given the opportunity would prefer to pay people nothing. People would have to refuse to work in order to drive up prices for their effort. Lettting people get jobs at the minimum before removing it let's people know there work has some value so they can negotiate above 3$ a week.

That's true. I dated a girl in college who was raised by her dyke mom and she ended up being a worthless snowflake. Luckily for her she was hot so she ended up doing ok for herself.

We'll ideally they wouldn't be allowed to have children and homosexuals would be executed.

It's all relative.

You don't need more white babies just as long as there are less non-white babies.

Trying to expand our way out of debt and degradation is what got us here in the first place.

I don't believe they ever did but they should fear being on there own.
I like this idea
Collective bargaining is a good idea in that context however you raise a valid point for having limits on how far down it goes

Instead of ending welfare I would settle for working age, able bodied welfare users, doing mandatory community service in place of a job...

>Instead of ending welfare I would settle for working age, able bodied welfare users, doing mandatory community service in place of a job...
We have this in the UK kind of, if you don't go to the job that they setup for you then your get money stopped. However this undermines the local free labour market thus putting people on welfare.

If someone gets pregnant while they are on social assistance they get zero money.

Paying people welfare to do community service isn't a horrible idea, but why not just give them jobs at the parks department or some other sort of shit. Also ending welfare would fix the problem as minorities would stop poppies out babies when the government stop paying for them. They do it because they know they get money for it.

End welfare state, end minimum wage (freedom of contract), end affirmative action and anti-discrimination laws (freedom of association), separate credential-granting from education (all degrees legally required for any purpose, including government employment and membership in a profession, must be granted based on examination alone and not consumption of educational services), require that all taxes be spent back into the communities they were collected from.

In other words, stop interfering with white men becoming suitable husbands for self-respecting white women. Stop handicapping them and making sure that every economic opportunity will primarily serve other groups. Nearly every woman would rather have a husband who can support her in comfort without her having a career, and once she's in such a position, will choose to have children.

well it is better than having 3 generations of welfare being the only income.

A wonderful point. Stop paying the poor to have children, destroy Hollywood so the anti white propaganda stops

Stop the health care scams and credit bubbles so people can actually afford to live.

Mass brown immigration doesnt help either.

>In other words, stop interfering with white men
Best answer yet thank you

The. Enter situation is welfare not existing and those generations not existing

If you have enough power to enforce that law, just kill all the non-whites and let whites live all over the world.
7 billion down to ~1 billion. White happen to give move of a shit about the environment than anyone too.

1. Stop posting on Sup Forums
2. Go make white babies with white women

That is it. Solved. You have your answer. Now go do it. Oh wait you won't, because all of you pathetic betas just hide behind blaming women because literally no one wants you. How fucking ugly and socially autistic do you have to be to not even have a girlfriend? Bro, even I have a girlfriend. What the fuck.

>they know they get money for it.
Indeed you get the result you payfor

Same applies as above

>well it is better than having 3 generations of welfare being the only income.
I have seen this in real life its f*king sad man

>1. Stop posting on Sup Forums
>2. Go make white babies with white women
Have one child working on getting a better job so I can afford another

That would be ideal

>7 billion down to ~1 billion. White happen to give move of a shit about the environment than anyone too

Yeah I have noticed this also, perhaps this is simply because white people think ahead long term more?

I would rather those generations not exist... Welfare creates stupidity and stupidity is hereditary.

The highest IQ races are those that select for IQ.

>The highest IQ races are those that select for IQ.
I see we have a K over R user here, that would also be my preference.

Yes that's right and it would be better if we stopped buying more of them with monthly checks for their piece of shit babies

I would think empathy and attunement to aesthetics also guides us towards preserving the environment.
You certainly don't see the Chinese or Sub-Saharans rushing to save the forests or endangered species.
Then again, it could all be a recent thing, Europeans have pushed quite a few species to extinction and had some pretty nasty polluted cities before we got our act together.




I dont expect many geniuses coming from trailer trash or black people. I expect them to come more from jews and japanese. Even though many people on the internet dont like jews, persecution has led to many of lower hanging branches being trimmed, making it so that they have a higher IQ in general.

Europeans had that period where our more intelligent individuals were going into the clergy so they were taken out of the gene pool. It was a horrible idea for Catholics to make it so that priests couldn't breed.

15 kids per white couple. Impregnate the girl the day after she poops out a baby

Maybe stop posting the interracial bullshit, for a start