Nuclear and fracking are better for the environment, yet leftists oppose them anyways. Why? Is it because they don't require subsidizing to be effective, unlike solar?
Why do leftists oppose nuclear?
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I agree with you on nuclear but fracking is terrible for the environment.
well i'm not a leftist but i oppose nuclear energy. it's unnatural to brake atoms (fission). i think there are much better solutions being kept from us. check out what tesla said and also check what he said about theory of relativility
>it's unnatural to break atoms
They break on their own you fucking retard
suck my cock
Aside from mini-earthquakes, not really.
The left hates every aspect of modern civilization because they are failures in it. Anything that works they are against.
That is video is from a NATURALLY OCCURRING methane deposit.
In short, liberals are fucking children.
Its a real tragedy that america isnt covered with beautiful plants like OP's picture
Look at all that smog coming out of the towers, how is that better for the envoirment dipshit
I've actually been shilling nuclear quite a bit lately, I haven't really heard much solid argument against it.
Nuclear power would strengthen western civilization, they want guilt and instability.
Is this bait?
Is this bait? That's steam.
It's steam, retard.
Because the word nuclear just naturally scares them and they're cowards and run shrieking from anything associated with scary things.
They're pretty hard to get rid of after being built.
Because dividing atoms is unnatural and dangerous. One fuck up and thousands will die thanks to huge explosion and radioactive material
This too. Thats water gas but still radioactive.
Liberals, like with anything else, don't know what they are talking about. They eat up anything the (((msm))) feeds them
And checked
Is this even harder bait?
Nuclear and fracking aren't the same, and cannot be judged the same way. Also, I don't think it's true that opposition to nuclear energy is a leftist or liberal idea. I think you're just looking for an argumant
If nuclear energy is so much better, how come they don't make nuclear engines for cars are airplanes?
Well there are some issues with fracking, chiefly that if done wrong or done in the wrong area the chemicals used in the process can end up permanently tainting drinking water supplies. The fracking chemicals are difficult to filter completely out and so it would be extremely difficult to purify a water supply damaged by fracking.
As to nuclear, it's because libtards love emotional propaganda and that's essentially the entirety of the anti-nuclear platform. Nuclear suffers from less accidents, accidents are less severe, modern nuclear reactors are extremely hard to melt down and are built to withstand both military attack and natural disaster, they only generate moderate thermal pollution and no greenhouse gas during operation, produce dramatically more energy than coal or oil fueled powerplants, and have more readily available fuel.
Eh I still think they're worth it when you consider this:
And god bless that low number. It would be in thousands if we didnt take action, chart proves it worked
It's evil
> it's unnatural to brake atoms (fission)
Agreed, the existence of heavy elements that undergo radioactive decay by simply being there is an example of big business raping nature. This is why, as an enlightened being, I also oppose the massive amounts of nuclear fusion that goes on in the sun every day and showers the poor planet with deadly gamma radiation that has been PROVED to cause cancer.
The universe being anything other than an empty space of hydrogen atoms at a temperature of absolute zero is a perversion of nature caused by the 1%, just to they can make money.
Thanks for fucking the universe up, rethuglikkkans.
Because they're too heavy for cars and too scary for planes.
Fracking is only good when done EXTREMELY responsibly, and energy companies have constantly proven that they are willing to cut corners and save pennies every time.
Libtards don't understand how safe nuclear is provided responsible safety measures during construction. Fukushima was a fluke because it wasn't thought that tsunamis of that size could be produced by that fault. They fucked up on their due diligence and the entire community is safer for it now.
Quick question: are you against oil & gas wells as a general rule, or just ones where fracing has occurred?
Leftists are mere tools of the fossil fuel industry.
Dig a little deeper and you'll find that it's the coal and oil companies that push to slander nuclear power
Because it is increasingly rendering parts of the Earth uninhabitable, and its environmental benefits and safety have been proven to be lies.
We had a school project back in the day and we had to pick an energy source and argue it's pros and cons. I chose nuclear and did a shit ton of research and found out that not only is it clean and absolutely safe, but it's also far better than ANYTHING we've got. I even found out that there were very few casualties (deaths and injuries) because of accidents and the long term effects were negligible. Despite having the best argument of em all cause i was the only one that bothered doing research and im pretty good at public speaking desu and having everyone in class saying that i won, gook-o-teach awarded the nigg team as winners because "muh accidents" caused by shitty soviet infrastructure, incompetent personnel, inadequate maintenance and most of all OLD LOW TECH FACILITIES. fml
Sauce to any of your claims, particularly the lies about it being environmentally friendly?
They don't understand it, therefore they fear it and they vote with their feelings instead of facts and reason.
They probably helped, but the biggest problem is that the first and only thing mouthbreathing normies associate with nuclear energy is a mushroom cloud. It really is no surprise that the rabidly anti-nuclear people are also rabidly pro-gun control.
Fucking retard, what is spontaneous fission?
Shut the fuck up, pineapple Netherlands
Radioactivity is a government conspiracy.
t. Tesla
>muh environment
Leftists don't want any new form of energy to replace fossil fuels, they'd rather we return to the stone age. They believe human civilization is a disease of the planet.
Leftists get their identity and gratification from being in opposition to the big baddie in charge. They enjoy the struggle of pushing some bullshit tech that doesn't work so thy can constantly virtue signal and have moral indignation. If there was a functional, efficient means of energy generation in place that would be just one less cause to give their lives meaning
It's actually incredibly safe. Pressurized water reactors are inherently stable by design.
What if we archive that
>nytimes com/2017/04/21/world/asia/japan-fukushima-nuclear-disaster-children.html
Some Americans tried to in the 50s when nuclear energy was new and inspiring, and large, powerful fuel- intensive cars were in vogue.making a compact and safe rector prved to bee a prblrm, thouh Look up V. P. Romadin and the Ford Seatttle-ite XXI. the French also tried to make one.
It create jobs for for actually highly educated people.
A left world can't have this, they need to live in a place where a 14 year old drop out can pretend to get EVERY job available, from politic to cooking.
>three mile island
There was a tunnel collapse in a nuclear power plant in Connecticut last month although thankfully nothing disastrous happened.
Fukushima happened three years ago and yet even now radiation levels are the highest they've ever been.[1] TEPCO has lied repeatedly about the scale of the disaster. Pic related.
This also says nothing about the nuclear waste issue, and the fact that this stuff needs to be stored safely for thousands of years--let alone that we seem to have the inability to engineer for even half a century of safety.
Reactors do not explode either when they meltdown.
It is subsidized AS FUCK and there is a slight problem with the radioactive wastes or other problems as earthquakes. Who wants a 200km radious of inhabitable land...
ur mom's pussy is made of atoms and I break that shit every nite
credibly torn to shreds
nice wave height map
nuclear waste is fine sitting in casks
once the gamma emmiters decay (300 years) it is harmless unless ingested (like lead, arsenic, or mercury)
also we can store it underground or burn it up further in fast reactors
Civilization yuo are of advanced now and needing of energy.
Will yuo be picking of beautiful and safe nuclear energy, or filthy and inefficient solar?
One word: decommissioning.
As a pagan environmentalist i find it abhorrent that a species that has only just transitioned from hunter gathering believes itself capable of looking after and geologically projecting its habit forward enough to look after and manage vast quantities of radioactive substances with a half-life of 200,000 years. Within the past 50 years we have had two huge and far reaching nuclear melt downs already and countless close calls, not to mention the coming disaster China is about to have with its unmanageable fleet of nuclear reactors.
This isn't a simple case of heating water to drive a transformer, this has the potential to genetically mutate all mammals and yet we see this infant technology spreading to countries that can't even shit in a toilet.
There are other, easier ways of charging your fookin phone.
There is no way fracking is better for the environment. I don't care what shit-brained, InfoWars knock-off you got that from. And people oppose the presence of nuclear anything because of the destruction it can cause, whether it be Hiroshima-styled or Fukushima-styled.
>Three mile island
ZERO casualties and no adverse effects from radiation.
>How many people died and how many people are likely to develop cancer as a result of the accident at Three Mile Island?
>No one died as a result of the TMI-2 accident. The accident caused concerns about the possibility of radiation-induced health effects, principally cancer, in the area surrounding the plant. Because of those concerns, the Pennsylvania Department of Health maintained for 18 years a registry of more than 30,000 people who lived within five miles of Three Mile Island at the time of the accident. The state's registry was discontinued in June 1997 without any evidence of unusual health trends.
They can. Just not like a nuclear bomb.
>nuclear waste is fine sitting in casks
it's hubris like this that will be the death of the species. also, RT is a fine source honestly particularly for non-US stuff.
yeah just a meltdown, nbd, right?
Britain truly is a 3rd world shithole now
You think it's going to grow legs and come after you?
>subsidized as fuck
literally no
even the price-Anderson act hasn't been used
what the fuck are you on about?
it quite literally is not
fracking is not better you moron,
why dont we just build reactors in Israel then import the power?
this way if they blow up nothing of value is lost.
97% of nuclear waste is low level waste and doesn't have a half life beyond a few years and the other 3% isn't anymore toxic than uranium in its unmined state. Even then, that long lived waste is pretty easily stored and secured.
They don't. They melt. Maybe you're thinking of chemical explosions or a steam explosion?
my friends call me a lefty but im for nuclear energy
the only actual reason not to go nuclear is because of humans themselves but then again, humans are also the reason why governments are failing and we arent in a utopia right now
>97% of nuclear waste is low level waste and doesn't have a half life beyond a few years
Mutually exclusive. Short halflife = very radioactive, but doesn't last long. Long halflife = not particularly radioactive, but lasts a long time.
Where's the number 4 reactor at Chernobyl? Oh yeah, spread all over the countryside.
STFU, Jason. Nuclear kills.
Eat my dick
I got your solution to the energy problem right here
I think that's what he meant, "not like a nuclear bomb": a steam explosion.
>Store and secured
Generally underground and as we know there are no issues with rising and falling water tables, nor once-in-thousand-year flood events happening. Nor poorly managed reactors that are leaking radioactive materials in the Pacific or making a huge track of Asia uninhabitable.
Renewables > Nuclear > Gas > Oil > Coal
You have to be a frothing retard to believe in free energy
Show me these huge uninhabitable tracks of asia
No alt-news
28 Casualties (dead) a few thousand got above safe levels of radiation because of the soviet unions zerg rush to not look weak most of which were first responders and personnel.
Basically a shit show that could have been prevented if not for the Soviet Union being the perfect little utopia it was.
Check the link and also keep in mind this were really old plants with safety not as a main priority.
"free energy" is a meaningless catchall term
>making a huge track of Asia uninhabitable.
Source for this load of shit.
>Short halflife = very radioactive
Don't be stupid, primary coolant is only radioactive for about 30 minutes and there are industrial divers who swim in that.
>Where's the number 4 reactor at Chernobyl
As I said, steam/chemical explosion caused by the coolant systems. Reactors can't go prompt supercritical.
Misinformation. Or like many things in American politics. Not many people take the time to learn all the fact. They just hear one half the story and make up there mind.
Nuclear engineer here, I actually work in mechatronics in mechanical nuclear engineering. But I can shed light on the subject of you want to AMA
Nuclear is the best around. Once we get fusion figured out, then the solar system is ours.
I'll be willing to accept nuclear power plants as safe when law dictates that every engineer and all their direct and indirect kin be forced to walk into the plant if it ever suffers a meltdown. The principal/agent problem is too large.
Lack of education. A lot of advanced physics, even for the best physicists, is hard to explain in terms that are easy enough for lay people to understand (without also sounding like you're deliberately talking down to a lay person), and the inner workings of fission power are no exception.
If something is difficult to explain, and people can visibly see that it is difficult for even experts to explain, people will tend to believe simpler explanations, even when they're wrong. It's easier for them to believe that nuclear plants spew radioactive vapor, than to understand the need for a cooling tower that emits water vapor. It's easier for them to believe that a reactor goes up like a mushroom cloud when it suffers a meltdown than to understand why a big lump of molten metal is dangerous. And all the while you've got anti-nuclear groups like Greenpeace or Enenews running around spreading deliberately false propaganda.
Eh, renewables are nice but they don't really beat a bunch of really hot rocks in a pot of water.
the rabbi already did that
Do any of you nuclear advicates know how much it costs to decommission a couple of nuclear reactors? £117 billion ($158 billion).
Not to mention that gas and coal are far cheaper to start with.
>literally no
You are an ignorant or someone with bad intentions.
Read about Lemóniz. Spanish people are still paying for that mistake.
When things don't go along with the utterly optimistic plan, then you go to the fine print. And the fine print in most cases says that the state takes care of 100% of the inversion losses or other costs.
Also, did you just ignore the post-disaster cost? What is Fukushima, you dumb fuck?
Because of three mile island.
>I'll be willing to accept nuclear power plants as safe when law dictates that every engineer and all their direct and indirect kin be forced to walk into the plant if it ever suffers a meltdown
Well the American nuclear industry is made up mainly of ex-Navy nuclear operators thanks to Rickover, and what you suggested is almost as bad as the consequences of UCMJ.
Um, sweetie, radiation much? Duhhhh!! It's like, dangerous or something! I should know, I voted for Hillary so that makes me educated and upper class on the twitter!
wait, since when are leftys against nuclear?
i thought it was just that people dislike nuclear when it's near them, despite the overall radiation output being lower than a comparable coal plant.
i was unaware of this new position.
Then why is it a relatively new phenomena?
Now im not some tree hugging hippie, but i don't see the problem in spending a little more to get cleaner air and preserve natural beauty. Also that's peanuts for the U.S
The argument had merit with old reactors, newer ones are much safer.
We're also going to run out of gas and coal before we run out of various nuclear fuels, nuclear produces more energy than gas and coal, and is safer than gas and coal.
I'd wager that the lower casualty count, higher energy return, smaller environmental footprint, and capacity to recycle fuels probably outweighs the increased cost of decommission.
>Don't be stupid, primary coolant is only radioactive for about 30 minutes and there are industrial divers who swim in that.
Do you understand what half life is describing? Atoms randomly spit off prodicing radation and a new element (depleting the old element). A substance doing this quickly depletes faster, putting out proportionally more radiation, shortening the time it takes for half of a given amount of it to become depleted...
If you only have a small amount of a substance by concentration, then you will have less radioactivity overall, but that's down to concentration rather than anything to do with halflife to radioactivity.
>As I said, steam/chemical explosion caused by the coolant systems. Reactors can't go prompt supercritical.
You said *reactors* don't explode. They demonstrably can. I already said that they don't go off like a nuke.