Mark Wiens recently got a lot of heat for calling out "the jews" during what is being referred to as a racist tirade in his latest video -- y'all think he might be....dare I say... /ourguy/?
Mark Wiens recently got a lot of heat for calling out "the jews" during what is being referred to as a racist tirade in...
What the fuck is wrong with this fuckers eyes?
what the fuck
Is Wiens a Jewish name?
I think you're Mark Wiens
No. It sounds German or Dutch.
While this guy is a bizarre autist, anyone with the balls to call out kikes in public deserves respect
i love this guy so fucking much, especially now that he is one of us
What the fuck are you on about?
I have never seen anything like this in any of his videos including the latest one.
Post proofs.
>whats the difference
Why are you lying?
German is German and Dutch is Dutch. There's some overlap in some names. Similarly there is some overlap in Jewish and German names. But you knew that of course.
Holy shit
Never trust a hapa. They hate themselves and their parents. WMAF and other iterations of race-mixing cause resentment that gets passed down to the child.
He probably hates jews for "anti-asian male" propaganda or something. Just because he hates Jews does not make him an ally of the white race.
Sauce or sage fgt.
Sage, I don't see anything on his channel
his shirt says eat more cum?
uhhhh whaaaaaa
top 10 most punchable faces on youtube
sledgehammerable face?
this isnt stormfront, so no.
When did he call out the jews?
>it's a /ck/ shitpost thread
He is probably the least racist man on Earth